Veronica Larsson - 40 poses for an unforgettable sex. Secrets of the best sex poses

40 poses for an unforgettable sex. Secrets of the best sex poses
Название: 40 poses for an unforgettable sex. Secrets of the best sex poses
Жанры: Эротические романы | Руководства | Прикладная литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "40 poses for an unforgettable sex. Secrets of the best sex poses"

The best poses are those in which you are comfortable and in which at least one of the partners receives an orgasm. There are a few of the most common poses that are the best, as they fit almost everyone and they have worldwide recognition. Why search for diversity? So if you want to extend your sex life with your loved one, move from ordinary standard (let’s say the best) poses to something unusual, unusual, new and better.

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© Veronica Larsson, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4490-1780-2

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

The best poses are those in which you are comfortable and in which at least one of the partners receives an orgasm. There are a few of the most common poses that are the best, as they fit almost everyone and they have worldwide recognition.

Why search for diversity? Yes, because monotonous, monotonous sex bored the same way as the most delicious soup after 2 weeks of daily eating. So if you want to extend your sex life with your loved one, move from ordinary standard (let’s say the best) poses to something unusual, unusual, new and better.

Pose 1. Greetings from Pisa

The name of this pose has something to do with the name of the famous Italian city. The position of the man who, being clasped by the attracting female legs, leans forward slightly, played a role in determining the name, thus recalling the Italian architectural monument – the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

For many centuries, one of the most famous towers in the world, one that is in the small Italian town of Pisa, falls. Millions of tourists from all over the world flock to this place every year to admire the spectacle of the world’s slowest fall. By the way, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is often compared with the male sexual organ, phallus. One of the most recent examples of this is the highly acclaimed MTV commercial, in which the tower, at the sight of a girl passing by, instantly straightens, symbolizing the phallus in a state of erection.

The pose «Hello from Pisa» has much in common with the previous pose. It seems to be its continuation. Only a woman performs a more active role here. As in the previous time, the woman lies across the bed. But this time, her legs are not only parted and elevated, but also clasp the man standing in front of her. Although it is not necessary for a woman to lie on the bed. With the same success it can be a desk, and a chest of drawers standing in the corridor, or maybe some other piece of furniture that is comfortable for making love in such a position. The environment in sex is not the most important thing, but it often determines the atmosphere that prevails during sexual intercourse between lovers, and adds new, stronger sensations that the partners feel even physically. Therefore, the choice of a place on which you make love, depends entirely on your fantasies, and on those feelings that you want to receive.

A man, standing in front of a woman lying across a bed, enters her phallus into her vagina. Embracing the partner with his feet, the woman tilts his body slightly in his direction, and then the lovers begin to make frictions.

At the moment of orgasm, the speed of movement increases. The woman during each friction lifts her hips, as if trying to get up. A man helps her in this, holding her hands behind her buttocks.

Posture 2. Knee-bent

Many couples in love chose this position for their amorous pleasures when a man and a woman are on their knees. Only the man is on the floor, and the woman is on the bed. Naturally, in this position the height of the bed should be small – otherwise a man’s phallus may simply not reach the partner’s vagina – well, the height of the man, respectively – high.

Standing with the knees on the edge of the bed, the woman should spread her legs very wide. First, it compensates for the difference in height, and secondly, it will allow more easily penetrate the penis into the vagina. The man is kneeling on the floor behind the woman. Being in a similar position, the partner’s body is located between the female legs.

Before going directly to the sexual act, the partners play a small prelude, during which the man excites the woman who is in the starting position. The partner, laying his head on the edge of the bed face up, so that she is between the legs of a woman, caresses her tongue with her crotch. The hands of the man in this position lie on the hips of the partner.

Kunilingus, as well as anilingus, are the ideal preludes for this pose. In addition to the above option, the way in which the partner sits on the floor on the buttocks or squatting (as it will be more convenient) is also good, and stimulates the woman’s vagina or anus, facing her buttocks.

If your house does not have low beds, and the partner does not have the growth of a basketball superstar, and it turns out to be below the bed level, and he can not get to the vagina, then do it differently. Let the partner, with her legs wide apart, kneel on the edge of the table, and the partner, go into it from behind, kneeling on a pre-arranged chair.

In this case, partners need to achieve maximum sustainability. The height at which the partners are located is large enough, and overly active frictions, during sexual intercourse in this position are undesirable, then more gentle and slow movements are more acceptable. That’s why the kneeling position is recommended as the first or intermediate for making love.

Poster 3. Gift

The next pose, «Gift», is a modification of the previous one, 62 poses. Based on the name, we can assume that in this position one of the partners makes a gift to another. And indeed, the pleasure of a woman, obtained from making love in this way is not comparable to anything, and a man choosing this position for pleasure, as if making his partner a gift.

A partner who «receives a gift» will feel herself at the highest point of bliss if a prelude is added to the most sexual act, in which a man with his caresses will give the woman even more pleasure. Since this position very much resembles «kneeling», then the prelude for it will strongly resemble the one that was already in 62 pose.

And before you start a sexual act, a man excites his partner with the help of oral caresses. When the woman is ready for the very intercourse, the partner again rises to her knees and inserts her phallus into her vagina. This time the man leans forward, as if merging his chest with the back of the partner. The woman’s hands rest on the bed. The man at the same time holds his partner in the waist with one hand, and the second – stimulates her clitoris.

The lips of the man remain free. Meanwhile, this powerful sexual weapon also needs to be used. Therefore, kisses of the neck, shoulder and back of the woman will be the perfect complement to the position, the very name of which implies an extraordinary pleasure, given to a man by his partner.

As in the previous position, partners can replace the bed on a table and chair. In this position, as well as in the previous movement, the partners should be leisurely and gentle. The pose is recommended for the beginning of sexual intercourse.

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