Kanishk Tiwari, Anjali Chhetri - BEYOND MORTAL

Жанры: Стихи и поэзия | Зарубежные любовные романы | Зарубежная поэзия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "BEYOND MORTAL"

All that matters in the mortal world is only love, time and death. Only this is predetermined and it is irreversible.

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The Eternal Trinity.In our mortal lives, three elements intertwine with deep significance: love, time, and death. These forces shape our joys and sorrows, weaving together the fabric of our existence. Among them, love shines brightest, rising above traditions and material possessions, urging us to connect deeply with one another. At its core, love is about sacrifice a readiness to give ourselves completely to another person and build bonds that can withstand the test of time. It guides us through life’s challenges, reminding us that, even in the face of death, we can create beautiful moments that resonate long after they are gone. In this collection, we explore why love is central to the human experience, holding a cherished place in our hearts that can weather uncertainty and loss. The poems and reflections within illuminate the many shades of love, inviting you to reflect on your own relationships and the way love transcends the material world. As you turn these pages, remember that it is the connections we build and the love we share that truly shape our lives, leaving profound marks on our souls. Here, you will encounter the echoes of the human experience: the beauty intertwined with pain, the joy mingled with sorrow, and the fleeting nature of life. Discover why love remains the only force worthy of our ultimate sacrifice. Join me on this journey into the heart of love, where the shadows of time and death fade into the background, allowing love to take center stage.


In the wake of her beauty, I lost my better judgement.

The smile I let penetrate my inner sanctum.

My solace thrown into confusion

As I threw caution to the wind.

A storm of never ending thoughts,

A whirlpool of emotion.

At the epicenter of my chaos

You'll find an orchestra called love.

Cast roses at her feet for she’s a Queen.

The birds saw her and wished that they could sing.

Beauty beyond borders,

For no one could reproach her.

Her smile carried a glow

That gave strength to the trees and flowers,

Her words bore a tune,

Soothing to a heavy heart.

The warmth of her embrace

Could melt away resentment.

Her demeanor carried grace,

And in her presence joy was ever present.


Lavished by the love of nature,

For she had a loving nature.

A true wonder of creation,

A blessing on the earth.

But like a shooting Star,

She was, only for a moment.

And like the morning-dew,

Eventually she faded.


Don't worship the sun, for she envies you,

Naked and alone in dark, cold mire.

Don't bow to trees, for they ache

To walk the clay and escape unholy fire.

Don't wish to be birds who have no roofs

Over their heads and search until they die.

Don't seek to be my bride,

Because my treasure never leaves my house

Don't ask for truth human,

When you love living a lie.


Second chance.

She was a moon,

A guiden light in my night,

I saw her happiness from a far,

Its hard to forget all the things that we used to do,

My mind always tell that she was not for you,

But my heart didn't accept that,

Because the signs that you gave to me....

You are the closest one,

Who knows my past,

Believes in my stars,

You are the one,

who truly sees in me,

But I try to see in you,

A long route with some struggles ,

So,I fix it

Last I end up in a dead end corner,

A disaster I have ever made in my life,

The first chance I make it worst,

Will you give me a second chance?

What feeling inside of me.

Your presence, makes me fall more into you.

In your eyes, I find the stars,

a universe both near and far.

Your love is enough to light up my darkest night.

When the silent moment comes,

where there are few words to spoke,

I found myself wrapped in thoughts of you.

Through every storm, and every trial,

When I'm with you, my love, I have no fear,

For in your arms, the world is clear.

For it is in you, I find my guilding light,

My morning sunshine,

my starry night sky.


I once had a beautiful desire,

Who knew I would leave it,

One day and give it a rest?

A rest so long,It never come back,

Maybe it's because of the courage I lack.

I used to dream of fullfil my desire,

I thought I could do it until all my hopes were gone.

They said,

"You can't survive with just this",

"it can't give you a wonderful day that you thought",

Oh dear,if only you understood how

I adored the sky and the land so dearly.

Full of nature and a fill with colours,

Was the Dreamland I try to live in,

The papers torn , colours thrown away.

I never thought I'd cherish it,

But I did somehow.


Transformed by you.

I was a shadow, lost and grey,

Until your love lit up the way.

A flame that flickered, warm and bright,

Guiding me through life's darkest night.

Your soul is the canvas of my heart,

A masterpiece, a work of art.

In your eyes, my tears find solace,

With you, my love, I'm whole.

Time stands still when we entwine,

Our hearts beat as one divine.

In your arms, I find my home,

Forever with you, I am never alone.

In your gaze, my soul finds rest,

With you, my heart beats at its best.

Through life's storms, we'll weather strong,

Together, our love will shine like a song.

In the depths of your love, I drown,

A sea of passion, where I'm found.

Your touch ignites an endless flame,

In your love, I'm forever changed.

Your love is the air I breathe, The sun to my sky,

the sea to my breeze.

With every moment, our love grows,

Infinite and boundless, it overflows.

Your touch ignited a burning fire,

Melting fears, and soothing desire.

My heart, once frozen, now beats free,

In rhythm with yours, wild and carefree.

Love's gentle hands, reshaped my soul,

Molding me into a work of art whole.

Your kindness polished my rough edges,

Revealing beauty, in life's pledge.

With every kiss, my doubts fade away,

As your embrace chases the darkness of day.

In your eyes, my future's clear,

A path unwinding, without a fear.

Your love has transformed me from within,

A butterfly emerging, born to win.

No longer the same, I'm reborn anew,

A masterpiece, crafted by love, for you

Across the Miles.

In distant lands, we reside,

Two hearts beating, side by side.

Though apart, our love remains,

A constant flame, through life's pains.

In dreams, I see your lovely face,

And wake with tears, in empty space.

My soul longs for your gentle touch,

To bridge the gap, and end this clutch.

Time zones fade, as love shines bright,

Our bond grows stronger, through each night.

In every star, I see your light,

Guiding me through life's darkest plight.

Through letters, calls, and whispers low,

Our love transcends the distance's woe.

In every moment, I adore,

The love we share, forever more.

Echoes of Eternity.

In depths of your eyes, my soul resides,

A refuge from life's turbulent tides.

С этой книгой читают
Автор книги – мудрая и много пережившая женщина. Здесь вы встретите стихи и песни о большой любви, о женской радости и печалях, о семейных проблемах. Некоторые стихи передают переживания мужчин. Позитивом наполнят вашу душу прекрасные слова о природе, о смысле жизни, о воспитании детей.
В этой книге в стихах изложен духовный путь человека. Любовь – вот, что движет человечество к вечности и спасению. Все, что мы делаем в этой жизни, все должны делать для Бога. Любить человека, вдохновлять его, доверять ему, чтобы он нашел в себе силы, творческую радость себя осуществлять. Автором представлены также собственные рисунки и живопись.Спасибо Народной артистке РФ, певице Валерии за дружбу и поддержку. В честь ее 50-летия посвящаю ей св
«Древо мёртвых» – первый полноценный сборник стихотворений поэта Даниила Шаменкова, включающий в себя восемьдесят пять его лучших произведений, написанных в 2015–2017 гг. В сборник вошла любовная, философская и пейзажная лирика под его авторством. Все работы расположены в хронологическом порядке, чтобы можно было проследить за изменениями в стиле автора и в его взглядах на жизнь. Ведь все, о чем он пишет, происходило с ним на самом деле и пропита
Книга написана в свободном поэтическом стиле, лёгком для восприятия, допущена малость иронии. Содержание соответствует трудам русских историков, но на точность не претендует. Публиковал в Интернете, отзывы были хорошие. Продолжение книги следует.
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Славы и почёта, люди хорошие! Держите вы в руках книгу со сказами про семью, любовь и верность. Эти три слова, к счастью ведущие, всегда рука об руку ходят. Мудрецы это знают. И хоть «каждая семья счастлива одинаково, а несчастлива по-своему», всё же есть рецепты, как любовь сохранить. И в этой книжице языком былинным, поэтическим, затейливым можно о такой любви прочитать. С первых букв древние мотивы погрузят читателя добросердечного в атмосферу
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