Lewis Foreman - Business Series. Full

Business Series. Full
Название: Business Series. Full
Жанр: Поиск работы / карьера
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2018
О чем книга "Business Series. Full"

Изучаете английский? Используете английский или будете применять его в работе? Хотите освежить свой словарный запас или просто прочитать что-нибудь интересное? Тогда эта книга для Вас! 5 частей и 50 коротких рассказов о работе и самых распространенных ситуациях. Разные герои и сюжеты. Только на английском! Читай, изучай, получай удовольствие!

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This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in casual situations and small talks while looking for a job, working at the office or dealing with other business issues.

The following episodes are combined in order to provide you an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just reading stories of different people about their working experience.

Enjoy and learn!


Looking for a job

Arranging an interview


Getting acquainted

The first deal



New project

Performance review

New partner

Episode ONE

Looking for a job

Amandah is searching for a job. She graduated from a university three months ago. And now she is looking forward to working somewhere nice.

She has placed her CV on the Internet. At the moment she is surfing for some offers on the specialized sites devoted to jobs. Amandah wants to have a full-time job and earn a lot of money. She thinks of making a career and taking a senior position in future.

She feels confident and excited. She will definitely get a job!

Episode TWO

Arranging an interview

This morning Amandah got a call from a company that had noticed her resume.

Amandah talked to an HR manager. She answered some questions and they agreed to have a meeting next week. They made an appointment on Tuesday. Amandah will have to arrive at 9am.

The office is located not far from her home. Amandah wrote down all necessary information.

She would like to work at this company and hopes to pass the interview.

Episode THREE


It is Amanda's interview today. She is a little bit nervous. She's got everything ready in advance. Amandah is riding on a bus.

The office of the company is located on the tenth floor of a large business centre. Amandah comes to a reception desk. The receptionist takes her to a meeting room.

The interview starts on time. The interviewer asks a lot of questions. They are about her education, experience, skills and personal activities. Amandah does her best.

Episode FOUR

Getting acquainted

Amandah has got the job.

Today is her first working day. She feels happy. She has a meeting with her new boss. He is going to introduce her with other employees. Amandah is going to work at a sales department.

There are thirty people there. The supervisor introduces her to other workmates. Amandah is greeted warmly.

She is at her working place now. She is really excited. She is going to forward a letter to her new colleagues.

She will text some greeting words. She likes it here.

Episode FIVE

The first deal

Amandah has finally settled in. She is feeling her feet now. She faces different situations daily.

Today she is in for a deal. It's her first one at this company. Amandah has taken an order from a new customer. She has answered all his questions.

The client places an order. Amandah is writing down all the details. She is all ears.

She would like to do her best. The deal isn't going to be very hard.

Amandah prepares an invoice and forwards it to the customer.

Episode SIX


Well. Amandah is facing a little trouble. She doesn't know what to do. Something in her deal has gone wrong. And now she has to overcome these difficulties. The customer has got some new requirements. Amandah doesn't really know the specifics.

She goes to her chief. He'll definitely help her out. The boss recommends her to hold a meeting and negotiate with this buyer.

He explains her all details and now Amandah feels really confident. She makes an appointment with the customer.

Episode SEVEN


Some time has passed. Amandah has got the hang of everything.

She clinches deals every day. She has been the employee of the month for half year.

Her bosses are really proud of her. They decide to create a new department and put her in charge.

Amandah doesn't expect that at all. Today she takes part in a gathering. She is promoted.

Her supervisor congratulates her. And at the moment they are discussing about details of the position.

Episode EIGHT

New project

So, Amandah is dealing with new tasks now. She is a big cheese at the company.

Yesterday she had a meeting with her co-workers. They were discussing about some urgent work.

Amandah would like to launch a new project. She described the key moments.

Besides, she allocated tasks among the employees. She also assigned two people for the top positions in the project.

Amandah hopes it' ll work out.

Episode NINE

Performance review

Some time has passed again. Amandah has asked her team to prepare for a performance review. It is going to be on Thursday.

Amandah is planning to find out the figures on the project that she launched several months ago.

She is going to compare them with the ones she expected.

After that Amandah will make some analysis. It will help to understand what they have achieved and what else they can do.

Episode TEN

New partner

Amandah has got a call recently. It was three days ago.

A man phoned her with an interesting offer. So now she is thinking over it.

The man suggested to organize some joint event. It will definitely help to attract new prospects.

Amandah is calculating the figures at the moment.

She has to cope with that perfectly.

The event is going to happen next month.


New job



New marketing executive





New horizons


Episode ONE

New job

John is thinking of changing a place of work. He has been working at the same company for 3 years. At the moment he has reached all here. He can't make a career anymore.

John has placed a CV on the Internet. He is seeking for a position of a marketing executive. He has got enough experience and relevant skills for that.

This week he has got several calls. However, the offers are not good enough. John will be waiting for a better proposal. He is sure he'll get the best one.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента. Полный текст доступен на www.litres.ru

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