Владислав Казанцев - Dangerous wars

Dangerous wars
Название: Dangerous wars
Жанры: Научная фантастика | Боевая фантастика | Книги о путешествиях
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "Dangerous wars"

The young and brave commander Tomaka embarks on his planned journey into deep space. His crew and he seeks to get rich with a huge fortune by extracting very minerals or expensive animals. The further one reads, the more the book captures. Visit the intriguing and entertaining world of the planet Malanga first together with the heroes: Vela, Timba, Pythons, Trimon, on the spaceship "Flying Ferix"…

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Emptiness and eternity, the depth of matter, the body without gender, the particles of the feminine and masculine principle.

You, the first parent of everything, mother and father in one person, in your womb, there are galaxies, stars, comets and everything that exists. Wandering wanderers, white and red, black and blue, giants and dwarfs, icy and molten, with various inhabitants.

The universe exists and when the universe disappears, fades and a new infinite darkness appears, the mysterious cosmos will be reborn.

Life can be found in its various corners, where the rule of the universal double division applies, that is, light and dark, top and bottom. Initially, one constellation was divided into two and so on, which led to the separation of the types of existence. Distances are constantly increasing, this has become a major problem for adventurers and explorers. The truth is solvable…

Sometimes it happens, great difficulties, like to create, defense structures "Security systems of migration space services". They are part of a polyline, interrupting the ability of flying vessels to make a safe, spatial and temporal jump.

But there is always hope for the good, and we will see this when a full-fledged, cosmic paradise reigns. Relations will improve between the galactic inhabitants, their laws and business. And no one will be afraid of the natives or any robbers in the sky.

The journey establishes contacts, the connection of beings, helps these intelligent and spiritual forms, as well as people. It is created as a result of calculations of the trajectories and movements of celestial bodies. At any point in space and time, it can break or break. And you will get, not to the planned point of the cosmodrome, but where there is some thousand-year war and you are clearly not expected to visit. The desire to experience the best or to see someone else's nature prevails over the self-preservation of the mind. Stripes with cruelty or love, you do not know exactly what will overtake you. Everywhere, there are changes waiting for you, in your destiny.

There are, for example, places where people live with the usual working standards. And there is the kingdom of kings, where people go, not to work, but to rest every day, and this is work for them. The tasks are performed by prisoners taken as slaves from other worlds.

Any plane, not only has coordinates on the map, but also heroes and villains, their irreparable troubles and experienced joys.

And now, in the galaxy where the Catamaster islands fly, on the surface of the Ribonne, at the parking station "Eleuron", there is a loading ship with the interesting name "Flying Ferix". In a few hours, after a long repair, he will have to go on a journey. Its owner does not care whether it is cloven-hoofed, large and fleshy animals, the lentaurs, whose meat serves as medicinal food. Birds, with bright feathers, pintons, precious jewelry, any rich house, extracted from some abandoned sphere or just fossils from the star wanderer. It is important that you can get hold of, on this, interstellar currency, with the name of pental. They are minted, cannot be forged or altered. Pentali, smelted under special supervision, in the Charton Mountains, which are located on the gray, and somewhere from the lava maroon, volcanic star, Mitosis. Where, no unauthorized access. The finished products are sent to the "Intergalactic Center Bank", where they enter into worldwide circulation.

"L. G. G. T.-0X0X", is a model, on-board designation, of a flying truck consisting of metal boxes and blocks, compartments and cabins. Cargo and expedition, with the ability to move through time and space, at close and long distances. Controlled by a central computer system. Developed, good scheme, life support. The technical name, in Ribonne, is "Planetary Board". On it, outside, there are light weapons and laser guns, with a short range, that is, it can fire at Raibonne, from the orbit of space. This carrier was developed and released by the carrier company "Roller and Transport Company", which belonged to a multi-billionaire, the owner of a large number of pentals, Cromeli Roller. Its production, has long been producing and servicing both civilian and military vessels. Every day, at least two spaceships depart from its factory built in the orbit of Raibonne, which is an excellent indicator.

The equipment in question was purchased by the Halliford family of money businessmen. In connection with the tragic events, it was inherited by the only remaining relative, Tomake. A young man, inexperienced in business matters and on the path of life, a young man. He is only twenty years old, which prevents him from leading a full adult life. On the Ribonne, the age of majority begins after thirty, when you can get married, drink a strong, intoxicating lyre, or breathe in the drug datura, a petal of pr.

His appearance was not much different from the faces of his peers, tall and thin, with light hair, pale skin, dark eyes, straight nose, slightly thin lips, fashionable unshaven. Tomaka, was the fourteenth capitalist in his line, but the first of them, a space explorer.

His parents, as stated in the medical certificate, were killed because of the inspector checking the cargo that Tomaki's father, Tita, and his mother, Trishna, were carrying. They were transporting food, flowers of the heron, which is quite harmless and has in itself, organic matter, very necessary for the health of people in the galaxy, on the islands of Catamastra.

Common heron, an edible organic plant, but it is sometimes confused with its sister belodonna. Their visible difference is only in a small, white spot located in the bud, and so they can not be distinguished without special tools and tools.

Its sister is belodonna, a poisonous, inedible and inorganic shrub, whose stamens, spraying their pollen, enter the body through the pores and immediately kill it. No one has come up with vaccines to get rid of this disease, so it immediately spreads them and the living begins to die irrevocably, that is, everything dies, including the planet itself.

And, in the galaxy, on the islands of Catamastra, at the "Control check points", for such a plant, the death penalty is provided, as for an attempt at terror. Next, the isolation of the suspicious cargo, with its further destruction. Therefore, they pay a lot of money for the delivery of edible herons, which is associated with a certain risk to life, the possibility of accidentally mixing up these almost identical bushes and making trouble for themselves.

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Если вы устали плыть по течению и хотите изменить жизнь – начните прямо сейчас! Автор книги, известный психолог Константин Довлатов разработал уникальную методику, которая преобразит вашу жизнь, – «Духовную интеграционику».Методика запускает скрытые ресурсы и способности, благодаря которым вы начинаете принимать правильные решения, привлекать нужных людей, ваше самочувствие улучшается, все складывается удачно, как бы само собой. Изменения происхо