Tanya Verver - Endless Poker

Endless Poker
Название: Endless Poker
Жанр: Стихи и поэзия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Endless Poker"

Tanya Verver is a contemporary poet with international recognition and publications in international online magazines. Tanya's poetry can be described as laconic, sensual, melancholic, highly intellectual, and full of riddles and paradoxes. Tanya works primarily in a small poetic form and extremely masterfully balances between the subtle description of the emotions of the lyrical hero (annoyance, light sadness, despair, hope) and the intense fitting of her intimate poetic world into various environments (temporal, spatial, contextual) and metaworlds (the components of the traditional versification are whimsically reworked and are not equal to their counterparts from the traditional poetry). Of course, the roots of the poetic language of Verver lie in the European poetry of the XX century (subtle references to Auden and Aragon), but it is difficult to call her the heir, guardian, or denier of traditional poetry. Her ancestral connection with traditional poetry, is more complex and ambiguous, as is her connection with non-traditional poetry. In her rhyme among others you can sense a subtly sensitive connection to Keats. In her practice, Tanya overcomes the dichotomy of traditional and non-traditional poetry, makes it imaginary, and shows us a stunning example of a unique poetic position. This elusive positioning allows Tanya to use both tradition and the avant-garde as bags with sets of poetic instruments necessary for her, but in such a way that they do not have power over her. Tanya's poetic speech, with obvious compositional restraint, is incredibly rich; she uses the widest range of linguistic possibilities, and her metaphors are completely unpredictable.

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© Verver T.

© Cover page and photos by Tanya Verver


Contemporary poetry is a very strange thing. On the one hand, poetry is the oldest of the arts, kinds of literature, and types of verbal creativity. On the other hand, poetry is a social phenomenon that is constantly and incessantly busy reinventing its foundations. In this endless change lies the kinship between contemporary poetry and contemporary art. These two phenomena seem to be fighting for a place in the hierarchy of arts, but in fact they are engaged in about the same thing: the production of freedom and the production of new meanings of the word freedom. The most interesting contemporary poets create incredible works, invent and reinvent the concept of freedom, and have clearly formulated concepts of their poetic practice.

Tanya Verver is a contemporary poet with international recognition and publications in international online magazines. Tanya’s poetry can be described as laconic, sensual, melancholic, highly intellectual, and full of riddles and paradoxes. Tanya works primarily in a small poetic form and extremely masterfully balances between the subtle description of the emotions of the lyrical hero (annoyance, light sadness, despair, hope) and the intense fitting of her intimate poetic world into various environments (temporal, spatial, contextual) and metaworlds (the components of the traditional versification are whimsically reworked and are not equal to their counterparts from the traditional poetry). Of course, the roots of the poetic language of Verver lie in the European poetry of the XX century (subtle references to Auden and Aragon), but it is difficult to call her the heir, guardian, or denier of traditional poetry. Her ancestral connection with traditional poetry, is more complex and ambiguous, as is her connection with non-traditional poetry. In her rhyme among others you can sense a subtly sensitive connection to Keats. In her practice, Tanya overcomes the dichotomy of traditional and non-traditional poetry, makes it imaginary, and shows us a stunning example of a unique poetic position. This elusive positioning allows Tanya to use both tradition and the avantgarde as bags with sets of poetic instruments necessary for her, but in such a way that they do not have power over her. Tanya’s poetic speech, with obvious compositional restraint, is incredibly rich; she uses the widest range of linguistic possibilities, and her metaphors are completely unpredictable.

The most illustrative example of Tanya Verver’s poetry is the poem “Endless Poker”. This poem, despite its apparent simplicity and external asceticism, is arranged in an extremely complex way. It works at the level of direct meaning, sound recording, and alliteration; at the level of immersion in the European literary tradition; and at the level of visual art. It is in this poem that Verver’s method is clearly outlined. This is a method of collecting the world from heterogeneous parts, intonations, and the irrevocable past. The image of endless poker opens before us a wide plateau of experiencing the futility of human existence – the futility of repairing fundamentally irreparable things, overcoming the despair similar to the one described in “The CrackUp” by F. Scott Fitzgerald and finding freedom under complex restraints. This is an incredibly subtle and catchy poem that describes in detail the image of freedom to recognise one’s own scenic character. This is a bold statement and the masterful work of a professional poet.

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В этой книге собраны стихи с автобиографическими комментариями, рецепты и шуточные присказки четы поэтов. Рецепты публикуются впервые, а стихотворения супругов, посвященные друг другу, связаны с их любовью. Также в сборник включены яркие семейные фотографии. Стихи расположены в хронологическом порядке. Составление книги закончено в мае 2018 года.Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Жизнь может и дальше, сколько угодно, отбирать у меня все – здоровье, семью и деньги, но не стихи.Стихи – это моя вечная душа, ее у меня не отобрать никому и никогда.
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Домик, в котором я родилась, там, у реки, казался маленьким, заспанным, уставшим от векового существования. Наверное, я попала в него чисто случайно, по какой-то ошибке вселенной, и где-то на земле есть иной мир, идеально подходящий именно для меня… Я искала знаки, я ждала слово. И однажды это слово прозвучало: «Греция».
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