Valentin Kolesnikov - Eva

Название: Eva
Жанры: Современные любовные романы | Любовное фэнтези | Книги о войне
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Eva"

In this modern story, which is rooted in hoary antiquity, it tells about the passionate love of a hero and a girl, in which, bound by passionate love, they swore allegiance to each other, performing the oath ritual of their immortal Love …

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Eva. Book 1

A modern story of two hearts in love, in which they performed an oath ritual of fidelity to each

other, violating one of the Biblical commandments. The characters in the story are fictitious,

coincidences are random. The contents of the book are compiled and maintained in the first

person of the hero, the text is printed in a revised and supplemented version by the author of a

previously printed fragment of the text in the short story “The Oath”, the book “Princess.

Novels". Author's note.

Dedicated to

“On a clear, still day near the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, where the domain of the

Garden of Eden once stretched, through the transparent covers of the waves you can

sometimes see a sea flower, a wondrous creation of nature: lacy leaves and a network of veins,

purple, brown, pink, violet and golden tones, velvety fabric, the freshness of a living filigree

jewel; but all this fades as soon as the curious takes the plant out of the sea and throws it on

the sand. In the same way, the bright sun of publicity would offend your holy modesty.

Therefore, in dedicating my work to you, | hesitate to mention your name; but thanks to this

default, your lovely hands can bless my work, your bright forehead can bend thoughtfully over

its pages, your eyes full of motherly love can smile at him – because you will remain in that

depth where your beautiful life blossomed, just as how a pearl of marine flora lurks on a

smooth and bright sandy bottom, hidden by an azure wave and accessible only to a friendly,

modest look. | would like to place at your feet a work worthy of your spiritual charm, but if | did

not succeed, | will hope to console myself with your innate tendency to patronize tenderness,

nourished by kindness and love. Author".


The story begins at the end of 2022 with a summons that came to Baran Valentin Yuryevich, 55

years old, engineer captain of the Air Force reserve, to come with things to the military

registration and enlistment office of the Obolonsky district of Kiev. According to the

mobilization order, the captain with a group of territorial defense servicemen is leaving for a

military unit at the Bila Tserkva military airfield not far from Kyiv. Upon arrival at the duty

station at this very time, the airfield is captured by Russian paratroopers, and those who arrived

with Valentin surrender. Each of them has a conversation. Due to the work of a sniper, during

the surrender of the territorial defense detachment, a liaison agent was killed, who was

supposed to deliver important information to the command of the paratroopers. The lieutenant

colonel offers Valentin cooperation with intelligence, and Valentin Baran becomes an agent.

Returning to Kyiv, with the money he received from the lieutenant colonel, Valentin buys from

the military commissar a deferment from mobilization for 2023. Soon, a messenger from Russia

arrives at Valentin and passes on an encryption code and access to communication with a

covert agent. What was Valentine's surprise that it was a girl of heavenly beauty with a

romantic name Eva, who develops a romantic virtual romance with the head of the CIA unit, a

colonel named Bill, who is in charge of Western arms supplies to Ukraine. Valentin and Eva, real

name Irina Andreevna Sumskaya, have an indescribable feeling of love, which makes its own

adjustments to their future fate, realizing that they are no longer destined to live without each

other. Romantic and mythical events are unfolding around their love, going back to the deep

antiquity of their relationship developing over the centuries…

Chapter 1

For me, this story began with an ordinary subpoena found in a mailbox, which said that Captain

Baran Valentin Yuryevich, who lives on the street of the heroes of Azov (former Marshal

Malinovsky Street 25, apt. 273, Kiev), must within forty eight hours to arrive at the Obolonsk

draft office with things for military service, as a military reserve. It was a beautiful August

evening. | had just returned home from work at Auchan Supermarket, where | worked as a

security guard at this beautiful French food mall, when | caught sight of a subpoena in a pile of

utility bills. | will not say that she frightened me to death or caused any uncomfortable

sensations, at that time nothing kept me at home, since | was divorced from my wife and led a

bachelor lifestyle. | had no friends, since all those with whom | was friends remained on the

side of my wife, and | no longer had any desire to make new ones, while the memories of my

former family life were still fresh. | turned the subpoena between my fingers and thought that

the execution on my account had delivered a fair verdict in mobilizing me. | began to look at the

printed text on a yellowed form from the storerooms of the Soviet-era military registration and

enlistment offices. Judging by this agenda, it was not difficult to guess that the Ministry of War

was saving money even on draft forms. The next day, quickly collecting the necessary uniforms

of a security guard and right with things, he appeared at the employer's office. | handed over

the form and received the calculation at the appointed time arrived at the military registration

and enlistment office. Having waited in line, he entered the office of the military commissar and

silently thrusting the summons to the major began to wait for what he would say. The military

commissar turned the form of the summons in his hands, checked it with the list lying on the

table, silently made a mark in front of my last name, then peered at me from under the red

eyebrows with the unblinking look of deep-set eyes, asked:

– How old are you? – his voice sounded not with irritation, not with evil, | did not understand.

– Fifty five!

– | see that you don’t look fifty-five, | can give you half as much, – he paused, lowering his eyes

to the folder of my personal file in front of him, and continued, – you served in the Soviet army

two years, after graduation, demobilized with the rank of senior lieutenant? – he asked, adding,

– Have you already been awarded the title of captain in civilian life?

– Yes sir! – | confirmed in a military way, and put my passport with a military ID on his table.

– And in what specialty? – the major continued.

– I think you know that | served as an engineer lieutenant in the Air Force. – | answered as calmly

as possible.

– Yes, | know, – taking my passport to the safe, – that in your personal file there is a note about

your unreliability for military service, although in terms of technical you kept training vehicles in

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Еве 17, и она влюблена. Это лето начинается так прекрасно – и пахнет солнцем, книгами и яблоками.И оно изменит ее навсегда.Первая любовь, первая настоящая подруга, первая потеря.Роман о взрослении, роман о юности.Вторая книга из цикла «Воздушные замки».
Паше семнадцать.Он гимнаст, его ролики покорили Тикток, и он влюблён в сестру лучшего друга. Но мало кто знает, как изнутри его выжигает неразделенная любовь, а внутренняя боль умело маскируется позитивом. А тут ещё и у друзей рушатся отношения, и Пашу так и втягивают в их любовные разборки. Только как добиться расположения любимой девушки, которая старше на семь лет и считает Пашу ребёнком? Он готов многое поставить, чтобы стать ещё популярнее в
Наивная, молодая и вдобавок ко всему беременная Катя узнает, что у ее любимого есть законная жена. Умная и стервозная супруга Натали узнает, что у ее мужа есть любовница. Трудившийся на два фронта Толик узнает, что его дамам все известно. Кажется, ситуация сложнее не бывает, но креативные девушки с чувством юмора всегда найдут способ стать счастливыми. Изображения на обложке с shutterstock, автор Koshevaya Art| Арты, коллажи, обложки
Эта книга для тех, кому когда-либо пришлось пережить расставание с любимым человеком. Вам говорят: забудь, прости, отпусти и живи дальше. Не получается. Вы все понимаете, но вам по-прежнему больно.В книге собраны техники и упражнения, которые помогут вам освободиться от тех невидимых крючков, которые удерживают бывшего партнера в поле вашего внимания и причиняют вам боль. Вы с радостью и удивлением обнаружите, как изменится ваша жизнь, когда вы о
Меня зовут Ксюша и мне 19 лет. В один день моя подруга Роза зарегистрировала меня ВКонтакте. Не очень люблю я этот интернет. Но я не ожидала, что будет. Ведь же говорят«В сети опасно»Если я бы знала, чем мне это обернётся. Я бы не за что бы не согласилась на уговоры моей подруги.В тексте есть. Скромная героиняГерой нереально опасенОт ненависти до любвиЛюбовный треугольник Книга содержит нецензурную брань.
С высоты птичьего полета людское сообщество оборачивается многоточием прозы человеческой жизни. Взмывая через вату облаков в зыбь космоса, оно перестает существовать как отдельная единица. А если дальше, ввысь? Вращая Землю, космический ветер вселенной спасает её мир от неизбежной катастрофы, удерживая в атмосфере планеты всплески человеческой чудовищной жестокости по отношению друг к другу.