Natalia Volokhina - Fairy tales about Nuta. For little children and their parents

Fairy tales about Nuta. For little children and their parents
Название: Fairy tales about Nuta. For little children and their parents
Жанр: Книги для детей
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "Fairy tales about Nuta. For little children and their parents"

Книга для чтения на английском языке. Русскоязычный вариант представлен во второй части. Интересные сказки со смыслом. Ненавязчивое воспитание детей и их родителей.

Бесплатно читать онлайн Fairy tales about Nuta. For little children and their parents

Иллюстратор Наталья Волохина

Переводчик Анастасия Никулина

© Natalia Volokhina, 2017

© Наталья Волохина, иллюстрации, 2017

© Анастасия Никулина, перевод, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-6366-9

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

From the author

Fairy tales about a girl named Nuta

Once upon a time the was a very nice girl named Nuta. She was a great child, but she always had arguments with her parents. Her father and mother very really smart and wise, so they tried to find out an unusual solution for all family problems.

Nuta was a typical child, but her parents wanted to teach and bring her up in a specific way. Instead of punishing and shouting, they used other methods and tricks to make their sweet child listen to them and change her mind.

They were struggling with different difficulties, but thanks to their wisdom they came up with a good solution.

The story shows that traditional actions don’t work out, so parents, who really love their children and care about their health, should be patient and creative. It is really necessary to learn how to be wise parents.

Nuta was a very talented girl, so she used to paint the walls in her house. Of course, her parents did not want Nuta to do this. Instead of punishing the child for such bad behavior, they allowed her to draw on wallpaper in her room.

It was a great job to make Nuta eat something. On the one hand, she was a fussy eater, on the other hand, she was just a sweettooth, like most children. Instead of prohibiting, her parents came up with a great idea and persuaded Nuta to eat healthy food.

It was also a real trouble for poor parents to make their daughter sleep. But wise parents always work out great tricks. Nuta started to sleep tight and was happy.

These are a few examples of all challenges, which Nuta’s parents faced. Just because of being kind and loving parents, they found a compromise.

The main idea of the story is: love your children, be responsible for their future, let them love, live and create.

Accurate Nuta

Once upon a time there was a girl named Nuta. Her parents were very kind and smart, but they had really bad memory.

One day Nuta came back home after a long walk, put one of her gloves on the shelf, but left the other on the kitchen table. Her mother took the glove and put it back, on the shelf.

Nuta played dolls in the living room, ran suddenly into her bedroom to draw there, but forgot her doll on the floor. Her father lifted the doll and took it to the toy- bed.

But once something unusual happened: Nuta’s parents started to forget everything.

«Father, Nuta shouted, «Where is my doll? Why isn’t it in her bed?»

«Oh, sweetheart! I must have forgotten to put it into the right place», father tried to justify. «Excuse me, daughter!»

Nuta started to look for her doll, but she couln’t find it anywhere. Where was it?

«Father, I can’t find it, now it’s your turn to search».

«I can’t, I have to do some urgent work,» father answers, without looking at his daughter.

So, the doll disappeared forever…

Nuta and her mother were getting ready for a walk. They were already dressed, but just one glove was there, the other was nowhere to see.

«Mother, where did you put my glove», asked Nuta angrily.

«I didn’t put it anywhere. I forgot to look for it yesterday, so I didn’t put it on the shelf».

«You are so diffuse, mother! How shall I go out? Give me another pair of gloves.»

«I washed them all», mother replied, «they are wet».

«Should I put on just one now?» Nuta said annoyed. «My hand will become cold!»

«Keep your hand in the pocket», mother said.

«How will I play then?»

«So, you won’t play today».

They went for a walk just with one glove.

Next day Nuta put her gloves on the shelf and said to her mother:

«Listen, mother! You have to keep both gloves together, in order not to look for them later. You are such a scatterbrain!»

One evening Nuta was playing with her teddy in her father’s room, while he was working.

Her mother called her to watch cartoons, so Nuta ran head over heels into the living room, but suddenly she realized that she didn’t take her teddy.

«I forgot to put my teddy into the chair, I can’t find anything after you. The doll disappeared. You are such a scatterbrain!» told Nuta to his father.

In this way Nuta taught her parents to be accurate, and their memory improved.

How Nuta recovered

Once upon a time there was a girl named Nuta. She had very nice and smart parents, but they worried a lot.

«Nuta, you shouldn’t eat biscuits outside, you have dirty hands. You know, there are so many bacteria around you. Moreover, it’s a bad manner to eat outside.» her mother said.

«Nuta, please, put on your gloves, your hands will be cold. And don’t forget to take your scarf. You may get ill while walking from our house to the car.» father told Nuta.

«Go away from this boy», her parents said together, “ he is sneezing, you may get ill.»

Finally, Nuta became ill. Parents called the doctor and started to cure their daughter: with mustard plaster, pills and gargle. But Nuta didn’t recover. Her parents had to go to work, but they could’t leave Nuta on her own. So they had to call grandmother.

After arriving to the house, Nuta’s grandmother looked at the parents and said:

«I don’t know what you think, but I’ll take Nuta to my place. The situation is getting out of control, you are making her worse.»

Just because she was older than the others, everybody obeyed. Nuta and her grandmother got on the train, and her parents went to work.

In a week father and mother came to visit sick Nuta. They went into the house, but Nuta wasn’t inside. They got fear. Where was she? Maybe she was at hospital, and nobody told them?

They went outside and saw grandmother working in the garden and watering plants. And next to her was Nuta, jumping in puddles, barefoot, and singing a nice song:

«The sun helps me to grow,
The rain makes me grow».

Nuta’s face was dirty, but she looked so happy and healthy. With her dirty hands she was holding a cake and in some pauses in her singing she was chewing it with a great appetite.

So Nuta recovered, and her parents stopped worrying.

Hungry Nuta

Once upon a time there were father and mother and they had a daughter named Nuta. She was smart and beautiful, but very hungry. The reason was her character: she was a fussy eater and, all the time she was eating, she was very naughty.

One day her mother said: «Nuta, eat this tasty porridge with milk and raisins». But Nuta pushed the plate away and complained: «It’s disgusting, I don’t like porridge».

Father said: «So, sweetheart, eat then dumplings with meat, they are so delicious.» But Nuta refused to eat and started to cry: «I don’t like dumplings, eat them yourself.»

С этой книгой читают
О том, что такое потеря доверия, что происходит, если ребенок дал слово и его не сдержал, лучше всего рассказывать на примерах. Последствия потери доверия часто отдалены во времени, и только в примере мы можем сделать «монтаж» и связать причину и следствие в виде четкой последовательности событий. И поскольку сказка – одна из лучших форм примера, то я приглашаю вас погрузиться в волшебный мир сказки, чтобы узнать, что такое доверие, как легко его
В одном городе, не таком уж большом, как вы могли бы себе представить, но и не слишком маленьком, как вы могли бы подумать, на самой его окраине жили два карапуза. В детский сад им ходить было вроде как уже поздно, а в школу – вроде как ещё рано. Так или иначе, но в детском саду они никогда не были, а в школу ходить вовсе и не собирались. Им завидовала вся детвора в округе и вообще все дети, кто хоть раз краем уха слышал про них. Потому что ЖИЛИ
Солнце спряталось за тучку, Дождь по крыше пробежал. Мы прочтём с тобою книжку, Чтобы дождик перестал. Пробежимся по страничкам, Прочитаем по слогам. И на лужицах водичка Испарится тут и там. nadja drebert
Вниманию Читателя предлагается сказка «Лишь два города на Земле…». Книга рекомендована взрослым и детям старшего возраста.
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Перед вами уникальная книга! Она поможет вам освоить приемы общения Дейла Карнеги.Быстро. Надежно. Максимально эффективно!Все приемы Карнеги изложены четко, сжато – всего в 10 уроках. Практические упражнения к каждому уроку помогут быстро освоить все советы мастера общения и научиться применять их в реальной жизни.Разобраны типичные трудности, которые могут возникнуть при освоении приемов, и указаны пути их преодоления.Эта книга-тренинг будет пол
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