Надежда Антонова - Growth point

Growth point
Название: Growth point
Жанры: Современные любовные романы | Короткие любовные романы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Growth point"

In a whirlwind of life changes, an engineer and mother of two children finds herself at a crossroads. Her life suddenly collapses when her husband announces his intention to divorce her and leave for Israel. Torn between her duty to her family and her sudden feelings for a colleague, the heroine plunges into the world of kiting, looking for solace and new meaning. But can kite flying become a symbol of her liberation? Or will the tangled threads of family obligations and passions pull her deeper into it? In a whirlwind of emotions and events, she must make a choice that will determine not only her future, but also the fate of her children.This gripping novel explores the depths of human relationships, the power of a mother's love and the courage needed to let go of the past and soar towards new horizons. Can the heroine find the strength to rise above the storms of life and find true freedom?

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Chapter 1 The Quiet Storm

Katya stepped into the compound of the Strongbuilder construction company, and her heart immediately beat faster. In the distance, she spotted Igor's familiar figure, and everything froze inside. She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts and looked around the former factory building. The old brick walls contrasted with the new glass inserts, creating a bizarre symbiosis of past and present. Katya took a deep breath and headed for the entrance.

Inside, the atmosphere was that of a business hive. Young professionals scurried back and forth with tablets and cups of coffee, creating a sense of constant movement and progress. Katya caught her reflection in the mirrored surface of the elevator and noted how she had changed over the past month. The dress that had recently been tight around her figure now hung loosely, slightly shading her silhouette. She fixed her hair and stepped into the elevator, trying not to think about whether anyone else had noticed the change.

On her floor, Katya walked quickly to her workstation, trying not to meet her colleagues' eyes. She turned on her computer and plunged into her work, hoping that the routine would help distract her from thoughts of Igor. But then the voice of the head of the department sounded:

"Colleagues, there's a general meeting in the conference room in five minutes. Don't be late!"

Katya felt her hands go cold. She knew that Igor would be there, and the thought of being in the same room with him was both thrilling and terrifying.

In the conference room, Katya sat far away from the entrance, hoping to remain unnoticed. But when Igor entered the room, it seemed to her that the air around her was electrified. Their gazes met for a moment, and Katya felt the color rush to her cheeks. She lowered her eyes, pretending to study her notes.

The meeting began, and Katya tried her best to concentrate on the words of her boss. But his voice seemed a distant background compared to the loud pounding of her heart. When it was her turn to report on the project, Katya stood up on unsteady legs.

"Our team… – she began, and suddenly realized her voice was failing her. – Our team is working on optimizing…"

The words she had so carefully chosen the day before suddenly slipped out of her head. Katya felt the eyes of her colleagues on her and especially Igor's gaze. She swallowed and tried to continue:

"We have developed a new algorithm that will allow…"

And then what Katya feared the most happened. Igor raised his hand and asked:

"Katya, how will this algorithm interact with the existing system?"

His voice, deep and calm, seemed to paralyze her thoughts. Katya opened her mouth, but could not utter a sound. The seconds of silence stretched into an eternity. She felt a cold sweat running down her back.

"Я… it's… – Katya stammered, trying to gather her thoughts. – We're still working on that aspect of it."

The answer sounded unconvincing even to herself. She couldn't get any more words out. Katya sat back down, feeling her cheeks burning with shame. The rest of the meeting passed like a blur.

Back at her desk, Katya stared at the monitor, unable to concentrate on her work. Igor's face and his questioning look stood before her eyes. She remembered how recently she had spoken confidently at such meetings, how easily she had found answers to any questions. What was happening to her?

Katya's thoughts involuntarily returned to the house, to the monotonous days filled with worries about the children and endless attempts to please her husband. Sasha lately was increasingly delayed at work, and at home was silent and irritable. Katya sighed, remembering their last conversation, which had been more like Sasha's monologue about the dirty fronts in the kitchen.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed movement and looked up to see Igor walking past her table. Their gazes met again, and Katya felt a wave of heat run through her body. She tried to smile, but it came out more painful than welcoming. Igor nodded and walked quickly away, leaving behind a faint trace of a subtle scent of men's toilet water.

"Katya, are you okay?" – Ruslan's voice brought her out of her daze and made her shift her gaze to him. She hadn't noticed him walking over to her desk.

"Yeah, sure," Katya tried to put a carefree tone to her voice. – Just a little tired."

Ruslan crouched on the edge of her desk, his face expressing genuine concern. "You didn't seem like yourself at the meeting today. Maybe you need help with a project?"

Katya hesitated. On the one hand, she hated to admit her weakness; on the other, Ruslan's suggestion could be a lifeline in the sea of her emotional chaos.

"Thank you, Ruslan," she finally said. – Perhaps a fresh set of eyes really couldn't hurt."

They leaned over her computer, discussing the details of the project. Gradually Katya felt the tension release her. The professional conversation with Ruslan brought her back to her normal routine, reminded her that she was still a capable engineer and not just the object of her own confused feelings.

The day was coming to an end, and Katya began to pack for home. She felt exhausted, as if she had run a marathon. Taking her bag, she headed for the elevators, dreaming of being home soon and forgetting this day as a terrible dream.

But fate had it differently. When the elevator doors opened, Katya saw Igor in it. For a moment she froze, not knowing whether to go inside or wait for the next elevator. But Igor held the door open and said with a slight smile:

"Come in, Ekaterina Andreyevna. We seem to be on our way."

Katya stepped into the elevator, feeling her heart ready to jump out of her chest. In the cramped space of the cabin, Igor's scent enveloped her and she could barely breathe.

"How's your project going?" – Igor asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Fine," Katya squeezed out, trying to keep her voice steady. – Ruslan and I discussed some details today."

"Ruslan is a good specialist," Igor nodded. – I'm sure together you'll be able to handle any difficulties."

In his voice, Katya heard a faint note of… jealousy? Or did she just want to think that? She risked raising her eyes and met Igor's gaze. For a moment it seemed to her that the whole world had disappeared, just the two of them in that small cabin, floating through space and time.

The elevator bell shattered the moment. The doors opened, letting them out into the cool evening air. Katya inhaled deeply, trying to come to her senses.

"Goodbye, Ekaterina Andreyevna," Igor said. – Have a good evening."

С этой книгой читают
В водовороте жизненных перемен инженер и мать двоих детей оказывается на распутье. Её размеренная жизнь внезапно рушится, когда муж объявляет о намерении развестись и уехать в Израиль. Разрываясь между долгом перед семьёй и неожиданно вспыхнувшими чувствами к коллеге, героиня погружается в мир кайтинга, ища в нём утешение и новый смысл. Но сможет ли полёт воздушного змея стать символом её освобождения? Или запутанные нити семейных обязательств и
Она – блондинка "от Бога", претендующая на звание лучшей студентки. Он – стоматолог, решивший снять девушку на вечер. Но что-то пошло не так, и их в комнате на утро оказалось трое. Стоматолог, мажор и она.
Обаятельный, как черт, незнакомец вывернул мой мир наизнанку. А ведь я просто села к нему в машину после того, как он окатил меня из лужи. И с этого дня моя образцовая семейная жизнь затрещала по швам. Но я даже не догадывалась, какой ужас мне предстояло пережить, чтобы обрести свободу и счастье.
— Прости меня, Ксень. Прости… Но, ты не простишь, верно? — обреченно вздохнул Вовка и уронил голову на грудь. — Я так перед тобой виноват, ты столько для меня… А я. Подлец… Иного слова не подберешь. Не могу так больше, понимаешь? Ты для меня сестра, друг… не могу с тобой как с женщиной. Казалось, Вова искренне переживал. Сжимал кулаки, глаза прятал в которых стояли слезы. Только онемело все внутри, распалось на атомы. Ей вспомнились слова матери:
Жила - была девочка, и однажды девочка пришла пораньше с работы и застала своего жениха в объятьях другой... И что делать? Вырвать сопернице волосы или всыпать неверному по первое число? Да, нет сделаю по - своему. Пойду в бар! Отмечу это событие, стресс сниму. А, что это тут странный бармен на меня пялится? Не поняла! Кто на мне женится собрался? Ещё чего! Я вообще-то согласия не давала! #Нежная строптивая героиня #Властный герой #Разница в возр
СССР, 50-е годы. В одной из глухих селений Мордовии местных жителей охватывает ужас при одном лишь упоминании о фамилии Громовых. На первый взгляд ничего необычного. Громовы – среднестатистическая советская семья, но только не для тех, кто знает их достаточно близко. Что же настолько сильно пугает людей, что те ищут спасение в лице местного батюшки о. Василия? Странные выходки Бабы Насти или вынужденная скрытность её дочери Нины? А может быть, де
Сторонники древней индийской практики замечают, что регулярные упражнения могут не только улучшить общее физическое состояние организма, но и укрепить нервную систему, а также научить противостоять стрессам окружающего мира. Для поддержания спокойного состояния важно медитировать ежедневно.
В книге раскрываются секреты успеха маникюрного бизнеса. Как зарабатывать сотни, тысячи, миллионы в месяц, не работая. Раскрываются уникальные стратегии для создания прибыльного маникюрного салона, который может приносить деньги даже при минимальных затратах. Можно управлять и получать прибыль, при минимальных вложениях создайте свой салон, даже мини-салон из одной комнаты при правильных секретах стратегии приведет вас к невероятному финансовому
Перед читателем детские, юношеские годы, первая любовь, радости, разочарования и потери Анны Михайловой; странные, даже необыкновенные, случаи из жизни членов семьи этой женщины. Анна Андреевна уже бабушка, но ещё молода душой, активна. После смерти супруга она посвящает всё своё время воспитанию внука Владика, помогает семье дочери по хозяйству. Неожиданная любовь меняет привычный жизненный уклад Анны. Избранник героини – писатель, которому она