Юрий Буреве - Hard sex. BDSM

Hard sex. BDSM
Название: Hard sex. BDSM
Жанры: Эротические романы | Секс / секс-руководства | Эротические рассказы и истории
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Hard sex. BDSM"

If you are disgusted with dirty sex, do not read the book. This is not about romantic meetings under the moon.

"Hard sex. BDSM" is a penetration behind the veil into a world where power, submission, pain and desire are intertwined in an unimaginable symphony. Characters come to life in these pages, each of which carries its own unique story about the search for limits, trust and transformation. Through sincere stories collected in one novel, which subtly intertwine elements of eroticism and psychology, the book invites readers on an exciting journey into a space where taboos are broken and the true self is expressed without boundaries.

Among the vivid scenes, tense moments and touching revelations, Yuri Bureve reveals the nuances of relationships and reveals the emotional depth hidden behind external images. Each story is not just an act of physical interaction, it is an ecstasy of feelings, a struggle with inner demons and acceptance of one's essence.

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Chapter 1. Acceptance

The end of June brought an unexpected cold snap, which was a complete surprise for most residents of the city. This was quite a challenge for ice cream sellers, as well as for girls who bought a huge number of thin dresses with large cutouts on the chest and back for the summer. Now I had to dress in rather warm clothes, close to those that are worn in spring and dressed in autumn.

Natalia had finished her work day and was currently walking around the city. The clothes she was wearing were quite comfortable, although it was more like a long, tight-fitting sweater.

Her long hair, which developed into several small, large curls after being curled, bounced as she moved and looked like vines that descend from a tall and slender tree.

The dress she was wearing clung to her figure so that her legs were visually so long that they seemed to meet, if not in the area of the ears, but in the area of the navel, and this is very likely.

The dark dress over her fair skin, which was reddened in places from the recent heat, contrasted and emphasized her figure even more.

The legs, after years of training in the gym, inspired awe and excitement, and when passing stairs, they strained so that small veins were visible, and the buttocks could not fit in one line and constantly pushed each of the halves in the opposite direction.

The deep neckline on the chest covered the breasts just above the nipple line, and sometimes they fell out, which caused negative emotions on the part of the female staff of the journalism department.

If there were any men in the team, they were more often on the road, and they came to the editorial office no more than two or three times a month.

Male attention was thus absent for her, and she tried to compensate for this by taking evening walks around the city center, going to cafes, drinking various soft drinks and ordering salads.

She didn't like vegetables very much, but she ate for a figure that she was more careful about than keeping her computer's hard drive clean at work.

The cool weather forced her to go to a clothing store today to keep warm. There was no extra money for a cafe, so now she found a convenient solution for showing off her stunning figure and getting to know men on occasion.

They appeared in her life, but also quickly disappeared. They were afraid of her beauty, that they would not be happy, and she would start cheating on them. But there were those who were afraid that they would not be able to meet all her needs in life, and that such a diamond would require a really expensive setting.

More often, after meeting and meeting her, they had her either in the car, or, if in the evening, in parks. There was one case when she was fucked right in her own entrance after the guy walked her home.

Neighbors who saw this picture passed by, as voices could be heard from afar as they went up to the seventh floor without an elevator, her words, and that she was not a victim:

– Come on, fuck, deeper, ah-ah-ah…

After that, she tried to stay out of sight of the neighbors, and when she heard someone coming in or out on the landing, she sat down on the bellboy's chair and waited until there was silence.

But after they attended the event after a corporate party at work, saw her in the same dress as now, could not resist and fucked her together in the corridor of the editorial office, when almost everyone left closer to nine in the evening, she stopped being afraid of the corridors and sometimes began to wait for the neighbors to come out and go to this at the same time, she was deliberately walking on the edge of a knife, provoking sideways glances.

A large store was connected to a movie theater, various cafes, and a bowling alley that opened after seven in the evening, but everything else closed at ten in the evening.

Walking through the salesrooms, she began to catch the eyes of men who followed her with their eyes, and married men-with their eyes, without turning their heads, walking along with their wife.

Natalia sat down on one of the benches that stood on the aisles, and, turning on music through headphones, began to listen to songs from her playlist, which she saved on the radio. It's always nice to listen to the music you like, and so on the second song, she started moving her head a little to the rhythm and spread her legs so that it was comfortable, lifting her heels, also moving her legs to the rhythm.

Men glanced back at her as they passed, and a few farther on didn't look away.

– My beauty attracts, – she managed to think in the interval between the second and third songs.

Beauty combined with sex is a hell of a mix, and that's what happened this time. She did not wear panties under her dress in the summer, and this was her principled position, which has not changed in the last two years, as she read in one article of the girl that underwear violates the microflora of the vagina, because it constantly absorbs liquid from it and evaporates.

And then there are nuances in the special and individual shape of the labia, because some of them are closed, some are quite plump and even gaping, what happens if the partner's penis is thick, or she uses incredible rubber phalluses and fucks herself

Natalie had plump labia, with underwear in this case constantly stuck to her, and at some point she refused them. Whether this author of the article was right, she didn't know, but as soon as she stopped using underwear, she felt more comfortable and the burning sensation went away.

When she rearranged while listening to music, while lifting the edges of the already short-edged dress that reached to the middle of her thighs, her crotch became open, it was accessible to the sophisticated passer-by.

And at some point, she realized what was going on, but she tried to pretend that she didn't understand what had happened, and then, getting into the taste, spread it even wider when a passing guy liked her.

– Good evening.

– How do you do?

– I'm Igor. Don't be alarmed that I decided to approach you this way. Let me introduce myself, I am Igor, a photographer and videographer working in the world of fashion and advertising. I shoot what appeals to me, and I always go with a professional camera. I know I look so stupid and ridiculous, but the moments that appear to be captured quickly disappear. The world is so beautiful, and there is so little time to capture it all. I couldn't pass you by, because it might otherwise look like a professional crime, in the sense that I didn't see it, didn't capture it, and therefore didn't share it with others, if…

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