Анна Морион - In The Shadow

In The Shadow
Название: In The Shadow
Жанры: Классическая проза | Исторические любовные романы | Историческая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "In The Shadow"

The first book of the "In the Shadows" dilogy written by Anne Morion.The story is set in England, during the period of Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and his marriage to Anne Boleyn.Miss Alienor Norton and Miss Brigid Guise have known each other since the cradle. Brigid is a modest girl and obedient to her father’s will. Her destiny is to marry the man she is pointed to. The beautiful Alienor, daughter of a royal councillor, is filled with ambition and lust for power. When news of King Henry the Eighth’s divorce from Queen Catherine reaches the Norton Castle, Alienor does everything she can to become lady in waiting to the new Queen Anne Boleyn.

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Chapter 1

Summer, 1526

The light drizzle that had caught the girls in the flower field soon turned into a heavy downpour, and their long, already heavy summer dresses were soaked through. The wet hems became heavy and clinging to their legs, preventing them from running towards the castle for shelter.

– My hood! – Alienor suddenly heard behind her. Tall and long-legged, she had already managed to jump over the wide puddle that had already formed on the field, but she did not hesitate to return to her friend.

Brigid was still at the other end of this very puddle and, bending as low as her father's servants do to take his orders, was running her hands over the wet ground.

– What is there? Brigid, hurry! – shouted Alienor, but not wishing to jump over the puddle again, she remained where she was.

– My hood! It fell off my head! – replied Brigid with concern in her voice.

– Well and God with it! – tried to cheer up her friend Alienor.

– But this is my favourite… A present from my mother for my fifteenth birthday! – Brigid never stopped her search, but it was fruitless.

– We'll look for him tomorrow, I promise! – Alienor was impatient: she was shivering from the cold, and her wet dress made her feel disgusted.

– But it would be ruined! The velvet! The pearls! Everything! – Almost crying, Brigid shouted with despair. She gave up her search, straightened her back and splashed her hands.

– It won't get any worse! I'm sure your hood has got so wet that there is no need to look for it now in this mud, in this downpour! – Alienor said cheerfully, out of place. – But I promise that tomorrow we'll come back and find him together! Now let's run to the castle! Please! I'm dying of cold!

– You promise? – Brigid asked, and a happy smile shone on her face: ah, Alienor! She always manages to find the right words!

– I promise! May God take my soul if I don't fulfil my promise!

Encouraged by her friend, Brigid flung her long wet hair back from her wet face, lifted the hem of her dress, took a step forward and, suddenly slipping on a clod of sticky mud, with a silent cry of surprise, fell face down. When she hastily rose to her feet, her friend laughed merrily.

– 'Ah, my dear! You look like a real peasant woman! – Alienor exclaimed and laughed again. She realised that her friend did not like her laughter, but she could not help it: it was tearing her lungs.

Poor Brigid! Her face was smeared in liquid earth, and her almost new dress looked as if several buckets of cow dung had been poured on it. The girl's hair was smeared with mud, and her palms and nails were black. She looked so pitiful that if her father had passed by, he would not have recognised his own daughter.

– I'm sorry… I'm sorry! – Alienor managed to hold back her laughter and, dashing like a young deer across a puddle, the girl rushed to her friend's aid. However, her efforts were unsuccessful: Brigid's face remained black and her dress was dirty.

– How embarrassing I am… Mother of God, what will Mother say when she sees me like this? – Brigid wailed, but immediately burst out laughing: 'She says William Tury is coming to the castle today! He will ask for my hand in marriage! Imagine his eyes when I enter the hall!

– He won't see you, silly girl! We'll take you through the kitchen! – Alienor declared firmly and took her friend's dirty palm in her own, not squeamish about it, but wanting to show her sisterly affection. – Run!

– Run! – Brigid responded, gripping Alienor's palm tightly.

The girls ran as fast as if they were not young misses, but a pair of roe deer. They skipped nimbly across the puddle, reached the small forest surrounding the Norton family castle, owned by Alienor's father, the king's counsellor Jacob Norton, and rushed laughingly to the back door leading to the great kitchen.

– Mother of God! Miss Brigid, is that you? – screamed one of the maids, slicing into thin slices the meat of a roast tender pig.

– I fell to the ground! – shouted the girl cheerfully to her. – Don't tell your mother!

– Your mother is looking for you everywhere! – The servant girl said grudgingly. Like all the servants of the castle, she treated the friend of her masters' daughter as her own sister, remembering of course that she was far above them in rank. – And you, Miss Alienor, your father is looking for you! – she added, and pointed the tip of her long, broad knife at the door leading out of the kitchen. – Get out of here before they see you here! And even looking like that!

– We're leaving! Don't be so angry! – Alienor laughed and, pulling Brigid with her, headed for the low wooden door leading to the servants' staircase, hidden from the eyes of hosts and guests.

– We need to be as quiet as mice! – Alienor whispered to her friend as they made their way up the stone staircase, which smelled damp and was covered in moss in some places. – You need to be bathed in warm water and herbs… And the dress, alas, will have to be thrown away! But don't be sad: if William Tury, that handsome man, asks for your hand, they'll make you a dozen… No, two dozen new dresses! And jewellery! They'll buy them for you, the most beautiful, the most…

– Alienor! – suddenly came a woman's voice from somewhere above. The voice, echoing off the sturdy stone walls of the rather narrow staircase, belonged to the girl's mother, Lady Francesca Norton.

– Mother! – Alienor gasped and, pressing Brigid against the wall, whispered in her ear: – 'I will go first! It is not good for my mother to see you like this! She values purity so much that she would faint at the sight of a beauty like you!

– Right, I'll wait here. Please find my mother and ask her to prepare a bucket of warm water for me. My father must not know that I have appeared in the castle black as an old homeless wanderer! – Brigid replied faintly.

– I will! Stay here for now! – Alienor let go of her friend's palm, lifted the wet hem of her dress, and hurried up to her waiting mother. – 'Mother, do not be angry! It is not my fault that it rained!

– My child, you need to change your clothes… We have been visited by titled guests! This only happens once in a lifetime, and I will not let you spoil this moment…" said the resentful Lady Norton, but soon her voice disappeared behind the door, and Brigid could not make out the last words.

"Guests! And I was so lucky to fall in the mud!" – With a mockery of herself the girl smiled. She glanced again at her dress and arms, took a deep breath, humbly accepting her awkward position, and, after waiting a little while, slowly made her way up. However, not even three steps up, Brigid heard the door at the top of the stairs open and bang loudly against the wall, the very door behind which Alienor and her mother had recently hidden, and the stairs were suddenly filled with a loud, displeased male voice.

С этой книгой читают
Автор решает переместиться в своё произведение, но позже выясняется, что вернуться назад не так уж и просто. Публикуется в авторской редакции с сохранением авторских орфографии и пунктуации.
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Мечты обеих подруг сбылись, но пришедший в Англию политический шторм и буря в отношениях короля Генриха Восьмого и его супруги Анны Болейн уничтожают все на своем пути. Судьба каждого придворного и каждого подданного английской короны находится в руках деспота, и Бригиде с Альенорой нужно сделать самый важный выбор в своей жизни.
Белокурая Альенора Нортон и рыжеволосая Бригида Гиз знают друг друга с колыбели и считают себя почти сестрами. Бригида – скромная девушка и послушна воле своего отца. Ее судьба – выйти замуж за того, на кого ей указали. В красавице Альеноре, дочери королевского советника, живет честолюбие и жажда власти. Когда весть о разводе короля Генриха Восьмого с королевой Екатериной достигает белокурой красавицы, она делает все, чтобы попасть в
Повесть Анатолия Санжаровского «Оренбургский платок», вышедшая в издательстве «Художественная литература» в 2012 году, – одно из лучших произведений современной русской реалистической прозы, «качественной литературы».Оренбургский платок, занесённый в 2013 году в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса, – русская гордость.Оренбургский платок, хранящий тепло рук талантливых мастериц, – визитная карточка, настоящий символ Оренбуржья. Неповторимые по красоте и узору
Двое ценителей серфинга, путешествующих по Америке – русские студенты, приехавшие в США по программе обмена. Их везёт к океану американец. Но так ли далеки люди друг другу, если их объединяет любовь к одному и тому же географическому месту?!
Фрагмент из жизни детишек в детском доме. Их вера в светлое и прекрасное, их вера в чудо!Любовь к друг другу помогает им выжить.
Стихи про глубочайшие чувства человеческой души. Трогательные и незабываемые, искренние и настоящие. Для тех, кто хочет узнать больше, для тех кто не боится прочувствовать самого себя.
Маленький рассказ Милы Чеховской о любви и уважении. Эта история могла бы произойти на самом деле… В одном из чумов жили старик со старухой. Так случилось, что кроме внука дороже у них никого не было. Внук учился в большом городе в интернате, а сейчас приехал к старикам на все лето на каникулы. Они окружили его такой заботой и любовью, что вскоре он стал принимать это как должное. С каждым днем становился капризным, необязательным, а потом грубым
В прощальном письме Ира признается мужу Косте в убийстве их маленькой дочери. Вся супружеская жизнь, боль и радость поместились на паре старых тетрадных листов. Последние строчки заставляют его посмотреть на произошедшее совершенно другими глазами. Обложка книги подготовлена автором.
Если вы хотите почувствовать волшебную силу природы, окунуться в тайны неизведанного леса, вдохнуть свежий глоток литературного искусства, то этот небольшой сбоник стихотворений рекомендован специально для вас. Книга разработана для аудитории, которая неравнодушна к окружающей среде. Для тех, кто умеет видеть счастье в простом и наслаждаться каждым прожитым днём в этом прекрасном и чудесном мире.
Очаровывать незнакомцев силой харизмы, получать повышения без особых усилий, зарабатывать любые суммы…Все это возможно, если разгадать тайну даты своего рождения. Ольга Джейд, астропсихолог и женский наставник, предлагает в этой книге методику, позволяющую расшифровать «Код королевы», верно считав положения звезд и планет в вашей натальной карте. Поняв тайну вашей даты рождения, вы станете магнитом для возможностей и удачи.В этой книге вы найдете