Arsentev Olegovich - Investing in cryptocurrency

Investing in cryptocurrency
Название: Investing in cryptocurrency
Жанры: Ценные бумаги / инвестиции | Финансовые инструменты | Личные финансы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Investing in cryptocurrency"

There are over 5,5 thousand of different cryptocurrencies and this number is only increasing every day. For new investors and traders, the choice of cryptocurrencies in which to invest their own funds is becoming more and more difficult, since it is necessary to analyze a lot of factors that affect the value of a particular cryptocurrency. Consequently, the risks of investment and capital loss multiply. To become a successful investor or trader, you need to create a diverse portfolio of coins that you can easily manage, but it is a difficult task to do.This book will definitely help you along this difficult path.

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There are over 5,5 thousand of different cryptocurrencies and this number is only increasing every day. For new investors and traders, the choice of cryptocurrencies in which to invest their own funds is becoming more and more difficult, since it is necessary to analyze a lot of factors that affect the value of a particular cryptocurrency. Consequently, the risks of investment and capital loss multiply. To become a successful investor or trader, you need to create a diverse portfolio of coins that you can easily manage, but it is a difficult task to do.

The cryptocurrency market offers a lot of investment opportunities. The main challenge is to miss out on as few investment opportunities as possible. You must manage to read hundreds of news from various media every day, and you need to keep track of different topics depending on your preferences. Constantly monitor ICO, STO, IEO entering the market. Constantly monitor the prices of different cryptocurrencies in an extremely volatile market. If you are involved in an Airdrop find a project that tracks the loudest ones.

The cryptocurrency market is changing at lightning speed. You must have timely access to the most important information for a better investment.


Hello. If you are interested in cryptocurrency, or if you are looking for promising cryptocurrency projects, or are a versatile investor, you must have high-quality resources to build your portfolio, track it, search for new projects, track the main news of the cryptocurrency world. Today I want to talk about the most popular resources that everyone who is interested in the world of cryptocurrencies should know.

One of the most important and sought after platforms is coinmarketcap. Coinmarketcap (Crypto-Currency Market Capitalization) is a service that allows you to monitor the capitalization of almost every cryptocurrency that exists today. With its help, on charts you can monitor the dynamics and trading volumes of any of the monitored cryptocurrencies for a different period of time. Most importantly, the service provides access to many more interesting features:


1. You can view recently added tokens.

2. Biggest Gainers and Losers tokens – that is, those tokens that have grown most in price per day and vice versa.

3. Derivatives.

4. Top DeFi Tokens by Market Capitalization.


1. Cryptocurrency Converter Calculator, you can convert fiat money to any cryptocurrency.

2. Add your favorite coins and tokens to your watch list, you can track your favorite coins and tokens.

3. You can view historical snapshots.

CoinMarketCap Blog is a cryptocurrency blog that publishes news, market analysis, tips and guides. I think this should be interesting for many users.

Resources for tracking global cryptocurrency news:

CoinDesk is a media platform for the next generation of investors to explore how cryptocurrencies and digital assets contribute to the development of the global financial system. Its mission is to inform, educate and connect the global investment community through news, data, events and education. Founded in May 2013, CoinDesk attracts millions of people interested in digital assets and blockchain technology.

NEIRONIX is an analytical multi-factor scoring platform for ICO projects, which performs multivariate analysis of a large amount of data using new mathematical methods. The platform is intended for analysis and subsequent effective risk management of investments in projects with a high degree of uncertainty. The mission of Neironix is to provide private and institutional investors with the necessary analytical data and effective decision-making tools.

PRO BLOCKCHAIN a diversified company with partners all over the world. It has been operating since 2016 and this company, in my opinion, is one of the most promising in the CIS countries. The company cooperates with large projects in the field of cryptocurrencies.

BLOCK CRYPTO – The Block is a leading research, analytical and news brand in the field of digital assets. The Block team, founded in 2018 in New York, operates in 7 time zones, covering the global cryptocurrency and the 24/7 blockchain space.

CNBC – A major global media outlet that publishes news of the cryptocurrency market, including:

Medium – A platform for social journalism, the service was launched in August 2012 by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone. Now a lot of famous authors and publicists exhibit their works there, including the prospects of the cryptocurrency market and promising projects.

Also a very important resource is You Tube. Here, in my opinion, you should pay attention to the number of subscribers on the channel, and also if you follow the forecasts made by the channel’s experts, you should compare them with the real situation of the cryptocurrency industry.

Russian – language channels:

Трейдер Анатолий Радченко. Here you will learn how to correctly approach trading on the stock exchange!

Alexander Gerchik. If you want to trade, learn from the best. A. Gerchik has been heading an investment fund for more than 10 years.

If you are tracking new and promising ICO projects, you should definitely look at the information on various ICO trackers. There you will find everything you need – expert assessments of a project, project activity on your social networks, documents that are a part of the project team, the project roadmap, tokenomics.

Bitcointalk is an important resource for communication with other users on the topic of cryptocurrencies.

Bitcointalk is an online forum dedicated to discussing bitcoins, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency statistics:

Bitinfocharts – the most complete statistics on a single cryptocurrency.

Nomics – Nomics an API-first cryptoasset data company delivering professional-grade market data APIs to institutional crypto investors and exchanges. Project offer products and services that allow funds, fintech apps, and exchanges to access clean, normalized and gapless primary source trade and order book data.

All updates to cryptocurrency projects, when it comes out, what updates, conferences, hard forks will take place. An irreplaceable site when investing in certain coins and tokens:

CoinMarketCal is the leading economic calendar for reliable cryptocurrency news. It covers all events that help crypto traders make better decisions.

CoinGecko provides a fundamental analysis of the crypto market. In addition to tracking price, volume and market capitalization, CoinGecko tracks community growth, open-source code development, major events and on-chain metrics.

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