Lewis Foreman - Job Series. Full

Job Series. Full
Название: Job Series. Full
Жанр: Зарубежная образовательная литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2019
О чем книга "Job Series. Full"

This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in casual situations and small talks while talking about your job.The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just reading stories of different people about their jobs. Enjoy and learn!

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Lewis Foreman

Job Series

30 stories about jobs


This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in casual situations and small talks while talking about your job.

The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just reading stories of different people about their jobs.

Enjoy and learn!


New supervisor


Shop assistant







Cleaning lady

Story ONE

New supervisor

Victoria is taking a new position. She has worked assiduously at the company for 6 months and impressed everyone there.

Victoria is having an interview today. She was asked to come to room №107 at 3 pm. One of her bosses is waiting for her there. The aim for the meeting is to set the ground conditions for a new post. They are talking about the salary, bonuses, vacation period and some others. The negotiation is rather tough.

Victoria would like to stand her ground and she really deserves it.

2 hours later all the conditions are agreed. Victoria feels proud. She is going to have a doubled salary, more flexible schedule and a long vacation.

She is going to be in charge of a large area and deal with great projects of the firm.

Story TWO


Andrew has just graduated from a university. He is a professional linguist and a teacher of German as a foreign language. He has attended several interviews this week. He is desperate to get the job.

Today he is going on another one. The company offers a full-time job with a social package and free lunches. Andrew likes the proposal.

He gets everything ready in advance and leaves his flat. The interview is appointed for 11 am. Andrew doesn’t want to be late. He takes a bus since the office of the company is located in 7 bus stops away from his home.

He doesn’t feel nervous at all. He arrives on time and comes into the building. He goes to the reception desk to report about his coming. He is ready to pass the interview.


Shop assistant

Mike is jobless. Though today he has got a phone call. They offer him a vacancy of a shop assistant in his neighbourhood.

It is located quite close to his home. The proposal is really attractive. And the conditions are rather mild.

Mike agreed to meet tomorrow. He has to prepare for it. He gets all necessary papers ready for the interview.

He feels bored of being unemployed for so long. He has to do his best to get the position.

Mike is going to arrive at 10 am. He sets his alarm clock for 8 am. It will take him half an hour to get there. Mike will go on foot.

Besides, he likes walking.

He goes to bed and falls asleep at once.

His mind is clear.

Story FOUR


George is going to have an interview in half an hour. He is in a hurry. He doesn’t want to be late. He is taking a bus.

Yesterday he had a phone call. It was the first stage of the interview. He answered all the questions. He passed that telephone stage.

Now he is to have the second part. It’s going to be a face-to-face interview.

George feels relaxed. He isn’t afraid of it. He likes talking to people. He is very sociable.

Finally, it’s his stop. George gets off the bus and heads to the office. He comes into the building and passes the reception area. He gets a pass to get to the floor he needs. The elevator stops and Peter sees the necessary room.

He knocks at the door and opens it.

Story FIVE


Peter has lost his job. He was fired because of the job cut. The company couldn’t pay him anymore.

It was so unexpected though.

So now he has to apply for another one and pass an interview.

He switches his computer on and starts looking for some good job offers on his specialization. Peter is a driver. He surfs the offers. There are plenty of them.

One of them is so attractive that Peter calls at once. He hears a soft voice on the other end of the line.

Peter asks some questions. He sets an appointment for the next day.

He is going to have to arrive at 8 am. Then he will have a 2-stage interview for the position.

Peter is a little bit nervous. He has already forgotten what an interview is.

Story SIX


Sharon is young. She hasn’t worked anywhere before. But she really needs some money. She searches for a job of a babysitter. She’d like to work in her neighbourhood.

Moreover, she is going to study at her college at the same time. Some of her girlfriends have already done it and talked her into trying it as well.

Sharon feels flustered. She doesn’t have so much experience. But she is eager to get a job.

Last night a young couple called. They invited her for a meeting at their place.

Sharon is going to have an appointment at 7 pm. The couple has got a small baby to take care of. They also work all day so they need Sharon to stay with the child after the kindergarten until they come back home after work. Sharon is nervous a bit.



Howard is a designer. He specializes in landscape designing. He has got an excellent educational background. Moreover, he has been working on lots of projects therefore he is a great specialist.

Last night Howard got a phone call from an HR agency. HR agent offered him a nice job at a famous designing company. It was so attractive for him.

Howard decided to jump at the chance of getting a position there.

They agreed to have an interview.

It is going to be next week. So Howard is trying to collect all his rewarding papers and files for the interview.

He has got a lot of them. Howard prepares the papers for the meeting. He is looking forward to it.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента. Полный текст доступен на www.litres.ru

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