Ilona Moon - Manicure philosophy

Manicure philosophy
Название: Manicure philosophy
Жанры: Личная эффективность | Косметика и косметология | Парикмахерское дело
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2020
О чем книга "Manicure philosophy"

This book reveals the secrets of communication with clients and describes original solutions of tough situations. You will not find practical training except for some gems you would have to spend countless years of practice to acquire. First of all it is a philosophy that provides and arm you with understanding of the filed, the philosophy that when applied enables you to become the best of the best. Illustrator: Liutsiia Ulimaeva. Translator: Irina Smirnova Содержит нецензурную брань.

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All the situations and people described in this book are real; however their names and places that are described have been changed.

– Hello.

– Hi, my friend gave me your number and I would like to make an appointment.

– Sure, tomorrow at three o’clock does it suit you?

– Perfect, thank you very much.

Then we talk about details such as address, telephone number. I hang up and return to my client to continue my work.

I used to be a manicurist or just to make it sound more prestigious – a beautician, a master of my craft. I did a manicure, pedicure, depilation of the whole body and eyebrow correction. I worked for six years, very intensively. I had incredibly many clients and loved my work madly.

Working tirelessly I did not watch TV, did not see any commercials, nor did I read newspapers. I learned everything from my clients: what, where and when something happened. Whether the prices rose or fell. What books are worth reading and what movies are worth watching. Where one should go and what there is to do. What cream is to be used against wrinkles or cellulite. What part of the body it should be applied to: face, belly, legs or buttocks and which one of the two hemispheres is to be treated first. Where to buy this pretty blouse. It goes without saying, a steaming vat of freshest gossip, what would we do without them? As well as the life stories, life turns and roads.

We talked about such things that you cannot even tell your closest and dearest ones, that one is ashamed of or scared, and I hid their secrets in a closet that was firmly closed to others. I accepted, understood and kept everything with me until their next visit. I was like a priest to confess to. Sometimes we cried together, sometimes we laughed until we had to hiccup. I nodded at exactly the right moment, said mhm, if they needed my advice then I gave it to them, if not I kept my silence.

So why does a woman go to a manicurist? Many would say – for a manicure of course. You are right, but only for some twenty percent. Well-groomed hands are without a doubt the calling card of a woman, and no doubt of a man, but have you seen the film with Reese Witherspoon “Legally Blond”, when the protagonist has had a really bad day and then she was in a desperate need of a nail salon. Yes, women go for a manicure, but that's not all. They want to speak out, or to listen. To talk, or not to talk. To run away from the entire world, to feel special. They go to rest from work, husbands, children, intrigues, duties, to be alone, to take time for themselves. They are looking for a person who will be impartial when they look at their lives. They come for gossip, news, secrets. They want to be heard, but not accused. They go where they can be themselves, free and without masks. Here they feel safe and courageous.

It is said that a manicurist should be a good psychologist, I am not the one and in no way do I pretend to be, but when a large number of people, clients and friends pass through you, you gradually learn to understand people and feel their needs. What I propose to you is a kind of my own perennial study, which will be presented to you on a silver platter. I learned a lot from clients, myself; I read a lot – books, articles, attended an insane number of seminars. I constantly searched for answers, asked questions. I have always craved for information, clearly stated and expressed. I wanted more and more until I realized that I am running the same distance all over again. In this book, I described my experience and the experience of other masters. The exact thing that I used to look for myself. You can accumulate it and use for your own good.

So, let’s just start.

What is the client looking for in a manicurist master?

In many articles where the advice for the professional beauticians is given as well as in different professional forums for manicurists it has been continuously expressed that your client is to respect you, that no familiarities are allowed, that you are to be formal at all times and etc. Then they wonder – where did all the clients go?

What is the client looking for in the manicurist master? Professionalism, quality – you’d say. You would be right, but first and foremost, what you should have is internal energy. Even if you are at least three times a superb master, if this does not match, the client will no longer come to you. She chooses you intuitively, on a subconscious level. If the client likes your smell – she will come to you. If she likes your laughter or your voice – she will come to you. She gets attracted to your inner spark. She’s looking for a person she is comfortable with, who she can trust, with whom she can open up, relax and rest. Person who she will see eye-to-eye. The client is not attracted by a manicure; she is attracted by this “chemistry”.

So we figured it out, but now a few words about professionalism. The client comes to the salon where you work, on the recommendations of her friends and acquaintances. For example, many masters think that if you put all your diplomas and certificates onto the walls in the office this will prove the skill and amazing abilities. This is not entirely true. A client does not pay attention to them; she can throw a look, but most probably will not get a grasp of them anyway. She will look at you, at your appearance, at your behaviour, listen to what you say and how you speak and evaluate all of the above making her own conclusions what kind of a master you are. My diplomas are buried far in a closet and not a single client had a desire to look at them.

Furthermore: anyone can become a person providing manicure, pedicure services and etc., but only the chosen ones become masters of their work. How to become a true master, who will be admired, respected and appreciated? Read on.

Master of the craft

If you want to be a professional in your field – then this philosophy is meant exactly for you. Read everything related to your profession, go to seminars and not just attend it to get a piece of paper that is called a diploma, but listen closely. Yes, when you attend countless seminars, you begin to notice that information is repetitive, you just sit there and think – I know this, I know that, and then bam – just one sentence, a trifle, and your world turns upside down. For example, in the courses I attended, they talked about the cuticle on the nail, that it should be pushed back, but they never told us why and what for. It turns out that the cuticle grows to the nail plate and slows down its growth. Just one sentence, but everything immediately became clear.

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Šita knyga atveria bendravimo su klientu paslaptis ir siūlo netipiškus darbo situacijų sprendimus. Joje nerasite praktinio mokymo, išskyrus porą patarimų. Tai filosofija, duodanti supratimą apie savo darbą ir kurią priėmus galima tapti geriausiu iš geriausių. Iliustratorė: Liutsiia Ulimaeva Содержит нецензурную брань.
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Обратите внимание, что вы приобретаете краткое изложение книги. Все ключевые идеи автора изложены в формате саммари, которое вы можете прочесть за 30-40 минут, не упустив ничего важного. Краткое изложение подготовлено для вашего удобства авторами онлайн-библиотеки СоКратко.Дональд Сулл (Donald Sull) – старший преподаватель Массачусетского технологического института, профессор школы менеджмента и автор более сотни статей на управленческие темы, пр
Обратите внимание, что вы приобретаете краткое изложение книги. Все ключевые идеи автора изложены в формате саммари, которое вы можете прочесть за 30-40 минут, не упустив ничего важного. Краткое изложение подготовлено для вашего удобства авторами онлайн-библиотеки СоКратко.Мортен Т. Хансен (Morten T. Hansen) – профессор менеджмента в Калифорнийском университете. Автор работал в качестве главного консультанта в BCG, международной компании, входяще
Это саммари – сокращенная версия книги «Метавнимание. Как сохранять продуктивность и удерживать фокус в цифровой реальности» Глории Марк. Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры.«То, куда ты направляешь свое внимание, определяет, кем ты становишься. Если сам не решаешь, какими мыслями и образами заполнять голову, это будут решать другие».Кто сказал эти слова? Похоже на Тони Роббинса или какого-нибудь коуча, обучающего цифровому детоксу.Но
Мы не утверждаем, что наш творческий принцип – единственно правильный и общеобязательный, но мы отстаиваем своё право и свободу творить в соответствии со своим творческим принципом. Инверсионизм – это не жанр, не школа, не течение, и не направление, но сам подход к творчеству, объединяющий совершенно разных людей
Это история о женщине-палаче, на совести которой около 1500 жертв. Более 30 лет следователи не могли напасть на её след.
Внимание!   Данный роман доступен по ПОДПИСКЕ! Что это такое? Автор предлагает вам оплатить книгу заранее, до старта продаж. В этом случае вы получаете доступ к закрытому блогу, где автор будет выкладывать свое произведение. Сразу после окончания, вы получаете полный файл произведения в выбранном вами формате. Если же вы не получили файл, то увидев книгу на сайте целиком, вы можете самостоятельно обратиться в магазин и вам продублируют
Когда все наваливается сверху, ты пытаешься ухватиться хоть за какой-то шанс, который может выпасть, и, как это часто бывает, надеешься на помощь близкого человека. Ведь именно с ним бытовые вопросы и надо решать. Вот только в моем случае все получилось с точностью наоборот. Когда нам нужно было решить появившиеся проблемы в короткий срок, муж ушел из дома, оставив меня один на один с трудностями.