Dream - My Way

My Way
Название: My Way
Жанры: Любовь и отношения | Стихи и поэзия | Зарубежная поэзия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "My Way"

Welcome to the love dimension,

Infinity love in every universe

and verse.

The book is alive, be careful!

Here is my soul, maybe you will blessed with deep conversation with me

and you will get your answers.

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This collection of poems is more than just a book, it is my soul, each letter is imbued with my feelings and the whole range of my experiences and emotions, with which I tried to express the depth of my love and pain for several years of my lamentation from the loss of my beloved and myself. What can I hide here? Each line is a message to only one person thanks to whom I experienced all this, you can safely call this book one big love letter and it would seem to me it does not matter who else reads it, but still I would be pleased if this book responds to your soul and heart and you can find yourself in these verses. This is my last book, my last letter, my first and last love. Have a sensual date with the book, have a pleasant reading.


First look.

I am shrouded in a blue sky,

I was kissed by a bright sun.

The sea is caressing my feet,

I sit on the shore in the symphony of nature,

I bathe in this ode to universal love.

The warm wind, gently swirled a romance, with my hair dancing a waltz.

Inhaling the sea breeze, I breathe love, and just like that

I breathe out my longing for you…

You are there on the other side of the sea, on the shore stroking your mane,

Looking into the distance right into my eyes and soul,

And every day the sea dries up between us,

draining the way for your horse and my bare feet.

We go to meet each other, looking into the distance

into each other's eyes without removing our Glance…

And the day turns to night, but it is bright for us,

The moon and the stars light the way for us and that is the Guiding star.

You are the Sultan of my heart,

I wait for the moment, when your hand touches my hair

And hearts will beat in unison, in the sweet kiss of paradise.

With you and from the cliff,

I will fall and fly with you my Sultan,

My guiding star, and I will be your star,

We will merge into one bright light, in the sky

There is only one star that is like this.

Love dimension.

In the love dimension,

I soar with you in the golden rays of space,

Angels do not measure time here for our souls and ways,

Only an endless moment

In togetherness grace.


You were made for me in every universe

And your trace in every word and verse

You always found me in heart as it is God’s voice

But your fears stifle worse than wars

Awaken your heavenly source

And follow fearlessly your own wishes and rules.

All pervading.

On moon and stars ,

Sea and breeze

In reality and dreams

Here and there ,

You are everywhere,

Whether I look back or forward,

And in the endless moment

You are always with me

My infinitely beloved.


My heart wanna

Make love

With your heart.

Enter me deeply

With your darkness

And light.

Merging of souls

Its our unique art,

Drown in me

My sweetheart,

Its your bliss

And divine reward


I tirelessly want to cherish

You with words of love,

To be greedy your presence

And stole you from the

Whole world,

As if every second is the last

When you're reflecting in my

Insatiable eyes


We were born

For each other,

Even if it bothers

The other.

We will be forever

Like a garden

Craving for

Beautiful flowers.

Pure love

Caresses our souls

From the heavenly

Infinite source.


Among the


I fly for your


Close to



You kiss my





I want

To be


in your



And feel

Your power

in the grip

Of your



I'm here…

Floating in our universe

Among the stars,

I'm waiting for you

And craving us…


Magic nectar on your lips,

Kiss and smear on all my curves,

And we will fly away in cosmos

At the same time

Dissolving into each other.


You are my Shams, and I am your Rumi.

I write poetry inspired by the alchemy of love,

My philosopher's stone is in your chest.

I mix you with a Damascus rose and a drop of dew,

Not much sun and moon,

Clouds and stardust, a few secret ingredients

Ready elixir of immortality in love,

Taoist mystery mystery,

Taste the soma.

And in the silence, you will hear the symphony of nature,

where the answers to the eternal Questions of life are hidden.

The seekers, always find what they were looking for,

Because there is no other mirror…

Your world is only the depth of your soul.

My Shams, wandering at night has already found,

What he was looking for in my garden,

And what he was looking for, found you,

Your Rumi with the dawn.

And even when you are in another country, you and me are together,

We are united in the halls of the mind

Soul and heart and in lucid dreams,

We learn the waltz by ascending to the heavens,

With various keys from other worlds.


The magic gaze, so gentle and at the same time very strict,

Penetrates into the heart mercilessly.

So scary, I'm defenseless before this look,

Especially when the sun is reflected in it.

A glimpse glance stops my breath,

And a micro smile starts my heart like a motor.

O universe, as if you are looking at me

With his eyes with the greatest love and longing,

Embracing my soul with all your warmth.

These eyes are unique, they are only mine, for me

Let your gaze find refuge in my eyes, in my heart and in my soul at peace.

Even if…

Even if you are in total darkness,

You will see my face in the candle flame.

Even if while in the deepest sadness looking at the moon,

I will be the face of the moon.

Even if you don't have any strength left,

I will give you power.

Even if your wings get tired,

You will still fly up to heaven with me.

Even if you are lost,

I will show you the way.

Even if you lose everything,

I will hold your hand.

Even if there is war,

I will be behind your back.

Even if the whole world is against you,

I'm for you.

Even if…


I see in your eyes, your real dream.

I feel your soul in sorrow and fear,

Don't resist me.

I know more about you than you yourself.

I see your way and I can guide you,

Don't resist me.

I can feel your energy from thousands of miles away,

I know what's behind the smile,

Don't resist me.

Mind games change worlds,

I summon you from your heart,

I'm your dream,

Don't resist me.

Through eternity.

Give me your hand, save me,

I'm drowning in love.

Give me your hand, please, hold me up I almost drowned.

Hold my hand, hold it tight, don't let go I beg you.

Hold my hand and swim to our shore, I'm so tired.

Hold my hand don't let go, wait, I need to catch my breath.

Hold my hand, help me get up.

Hold my hand, pull me to yourself, hug and don't let me fall away and give up.

Hold my hand stronger and stronger, even if I'm shouting and kicking…

Hold my hand, lead and lead me, into our new world – falling in love.

Hold my hand in joy and sorrow.

Hold my hand Through all eternity …

Sitting by the bed,

Hold, hold my hand, through tears, until I finish breathing…

Virus of love.

I don't need a virus to stop breathing,

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Проза «Рубинастра» – авантюрный роман или иронический детектив, или фантастический роман о простом рубиновом шефе.