Юрий Буреве - Neighbour. Erotica

Neighbour. Erotica
Название: Neighbour. Erotica
Жанры: Короткие любовные романы | Эротические романы | Секс / секс-руководства
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Neighbour. Erotica"

He is a guy who lives on a strict schedule, focused on his work, sports and rare meetings with friends. She is a mysterious neighbor with charm, whom he begins to hear at first, seeing only later.

The author masterfully weaves erotic motifs into everyday scenes, creating an atmosphere filled with sparks and attraction. Exposing their desires, the characters lose control of the situation, plunge into a whirlpool of feelings and temptations.

How will this story develop and what unexpected twists will it bring to the lives of the characters? How will their romance end – with an unpredictable passion or a quiet chord of love? The answers are waiting for the reader on the pages of the book. This work will not leave you indifferent and will make you reconsider your usual views on casual encounters in everyday life.

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Chapter 1. Articleof the Criminal Code

– This one's for me.

–Which one?

– This one.

– Man, tell me normally what you need.

– Ice cream.

– They said so right away.

– I showed you right away.

– A man, and you argue like a woman.

– What?

Maxim did not continue the conversation with the ice cream vendor, because he felt that it would lead to nothing.

The heat that was there was not something unique and record-breaking, because you can't get used to the heat, you can only tolerate it or ignore it. Therefore, Maxim tried to cool down now, because it was no longer possible to endure or pretend that everything was normal.

The taste of childhood, which he felt with the first touch of delicious and cold ice cream, did not change, and carried him far back, when the ice cream was bought for him by his father, when they went for a walk on weekends, in view of the large employment on other days.

July is considered to be the hottest day in the northern hemisphere, and now this "nickname", or, one might say, an epithet, fully corresponded to what was said and established tradition.

Girls, passing by, looked at him almost point-blank, and it was difficult not to notice such a tall guy in a T-shirt that emphasized his athletic figure, probably, and even more so, the sight of an adult man eating ice cream, perhaps, caused them emotion.

He sometimes said some routine phrases: "Hello", " Meet me?" – at the sight of beautiful girls or girls.

Sometimes no one answered him, sometimes they answered rudely, sometimes they smiled, but very rarely conversation and acquaintance were formed. His big stature and big muscles scared the girls, they may even have been afraid of him, which caused him shock and bewilderment when he first came to the gym and started swinging, after getting slapped in the cheeks by local bullies, in the hope of becoming strong and taking revenge on the offender the very next day. True, he did not know then that in a day one cannot become strong, in a day one can only get tired, run out of strength, but only not become strong. Losing is faster than finding.

And the stronger he became, the more isolated he felt from the girls, and in the first moments of such a "discovery" it upset him, because he always wanted to be strong, and then the girls shun him, but then it began to amuse him, looking at beautiful girls next to guys who are not only in appearance neither they never went to the gym, but they don't know where it is, and they probably have a club card to the next liquorstore, which is why they went with drunken looks almost always all the time.

It was a residential area, and the same people went out for a walk in the evening, and most of the people knew each other by sight, although, of course, no one wanted to say hello or get to know each other by name.

– Hey, where are you going? To the library? Maxim joked when the next two friends passed by.

– Yes, then we'll go to the theater, then to the disco, – one of them answered very fervently and cheerfully.

Judging by the intonation, Max felt that "contact" had occurred, and that one of these two friends definitely did not mind getting to know each other better.

– I'm Tanya. She's Masha.

– I'm Maria.

– Okay, I'm Maxim, you can call me Max, you're Tanya, and she's Maria. Or Tatiana and Maria? – What is it? – he asked pointedly.

– I'm Tanya, she's Maria.

– Great. So where do we start our journey?

– What trip?

– Travel to the world of love and romance.

– Oh, didn't you start talking about it too early? – Tanya continued again, in front of her silent friend Masha.

– It's never too late and it's never too early, as one of the characters in the film said.

– Well, yes, but I think you're in a hurry, and my wife will soon scold you if she sees you with us.

– The wife will not scold, she is it, there is no her.

– Dead?

– I never did, so I'm free to act.

These details greatly interested the second friend, who had been silent all the time, Maria. Maxim wanted to address her as Masha, but he didn't insist, because she had already made it clear that it wasn't necessary. The conversation was just beginning, and he didn't really want to scare them off with his cheekiness or whimsy that they might think he was a lout again, who liked to sleep on his side of the bed at all times, without compromising.

– Are you an athlete? Maria suddenly asked and broke into the conversation.

– No, not an athlete.

– You don't look like you're not an athlete, – Maria said again, and now Tanya was silent.

– I've been working out, I'm keeping in shape now, and I've always only kept in shape, I've never performed professionally.

– You are so strong, you can probably lift the car on one hand? – she asked, and Maxim realized that she was not "spiteful" at all, apparently, she just didn't want to meet the married man, although she just believed his words now, and although he could have lied. But the person begins to believe more strongly the words spoken out loud, which he is more waiting to hear.

– So we're going to the library?" Or where did you invite us? – Tanya let me remind you of herself in a rather cheerful and languid voice.

Tatiana was slightly plump, but this did not spoil her, on the contrary, the forms were very appetizing, and guys like such girls very much.

Maxim recently turned twenty-five years old, and at this age all girls seemed beautiful to him, if they reciprocate when communicating.

– You can't see your face at night, the main thing is that it was pleasant to the touch," he liked to tell friends when he once again started talking about girls, which happens all the time in a male team.

– We'll go for a catamaran ride or a boat ride on the bay.

– Can you ride?

– Call accepted. So are we going or not? – Maxim put the question almost as an ultimatum, after which he even regretted a little that maybe he was too hasty, and one word, and they will go further to meet a more cultured and well-mannered guy or guys to sleep with him or them, maybe just like that, maybe for money. And at this point, he was already beginning to be jealous of their future sexual partners, which certainly decided to win their favor.

– Ice cream, maybe?" Maybe some drinks? I'll buy it at the kiosk right now.

– I think I'll have some ice cream, – Tanya said.

– I'll have some still water, if I may, – Maria said very modestly, and she seemed very embarrassed by her request.

– What a modestgirl, she could be my wife, – he thought to himself.

Maxim came back with his shopping in a hurry, he was quite romantic for today, although the heat was still there, and at the moment he did not notice it.

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