Дилл Ферейра - Niquito, the gardener dog

Niquito, the gardener dog
Название: Niquito, the gardener dog
Жанры: Детские приключения | Книги для детей
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Niquito, the gardener dog"

An abandoned puppy and a child full of love to give. a perfect partnership.children`s story that portrays the friendship between a puppy and the flowers in the garden of his house.When Niquito realize that there are ants attacking his friends, he will do everything to keep the shredders far, and save the beautiful roses from insect bites.The plot deals with feelings like a friendship, zeal and respect between friends and goes beyond the story to touch the hearts of little readers.

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It was a cold night when Victor heard a dog's bark.

‘‘Mom, did you hear that?’’ And then they made silence trying to listen to it again.

‘‘Heard what, my dear?’’ Asked Ms. Silva his mother. She didn't understand anything.

‘‘I think there is a dog crying in our backyard.’’

‘‘It's not here, my dear. Maybe it's on the street.’’ Victor was a little excited about the noise. So, he jumped off the sofa and ran outside trying to find it out.

Mrs. Silva followed her son. When they got in the backyard, they had a big surprise near the gate. There was a little dog there.

‘‘It's a puppy, Mom! I knew that it was here. Can I keep it? Please???’’ His happiness worried Mrs. Silva. She felt that a big problem had just come.

‘‘Honey, I think that it is not a good idea, we already have a dog at home. Dogs do a lot of mess around the house,’’ said Mrs. Silva, looking at the beautiful fluffy light brown puppy. Beside her feet. ‘‘Tomorrow, we will look for someone who wants this baby dog, alright?’’ The little child took the new friend in his arms and hugged it warmly.

‘‘I want to keep it!’’ Victor said while the cute puppy licked his face.

‘‘I told you that is not possible, honey!’’ Said his mother again. Victor hugged the small dog and Mrs. Maria, his mother, knew from that moment on that they would have a new member in their family.

Although, Mrs. Maria had some doubts whether to have or not the little dog in their house. She also had fallen in love with that light brown eyed dog, almost like his fur. He had pretty eyes and everybody was delighted with him.

After they decided that the puppy would stay at least for that night, they gave the puppy some milk, because It was the only thing they had at home for a dog. They prepared a bed using a box and everyone went to sleep.

The next morning, Victor woke up earlier and went straight to see his new friend. The dog was in a comfortable shoe box. Victor saw that the puppy was happy there, the smart dog was biting the box.

“I will call you, Niquito!” Said Victor excited. When his mother heard him giving the puppy a name, she knew that there was no way back, Niquito was definitely part of the family.

‘‘Alright, honey! Now I know that this dog is definitively not going away. You gave him a beautiful name. But he is your responsibility from now on, you will have to take care of him, feed, play, clean after him and so on every day! Okay?’’ she asked him, smiling. Victor was just five years old. But he was smart, and he loved animals, especially dogs.

‘‘Ok Mom, I promise thanks, I love you Mom! I will take care of him and we will grow together.’’ His happiness made his mother happy too, she left them playing and went back to do the housework.

‘‘Let's go, Niquito! Let’s play in the yard!’’ But when Victor and Niquito were going outside, the little dog peed on the floor.

‘‘Niquito, don't do that buddy! Why didn't you tell me that you needed to pee? I would have taken you to the bathroom. Now my mother will get angry with us.’’ Victor ran and took a towel to clean the floor. When Victor was cleaning the pee, his mother arrived near them.

‘‘Hum, it is a bad start!’’ Said she looking at the dog with an angry face.

‘‘I’m cleaning it up, Mom! Don't worry!’’ Said Victor spreading Niquito’s pee on the floor with the towel.

‘‘Take him out! Later on, we’ll need to find the right place for him to do that, okay?’’ Said She, clean it better. ‘‘Now, go wash your hands.’’ She said.

Victor obeyed his mother. When he returned, Mrs. Maria was waiting for him with a glass of milk and a delicious chocolate cake.

‘‘Eat your breakfast and then you can play with your little friend, Niquito.’’ Victor ate it up quickly. Because he really wanted to go where Niquito was.

‘‘I´m ready, Mom! I've finished it all! Can I go now?’’ He asked.

‘‘Alright! Be careful and don't get hurt and take care of your little dog.’’ She advised.

‘‘His name is Niquito, Mom!’’ Victor said seriously. ‘‘Alright, Niquito then!’’ She said.

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