Ванда Петрова - Nobility is stronger than fear!

Nobility is stronger than fear!
Название: Nobility is stronger than fear!
Жанры: Детская проза | Детская фантастика | Детские стихи
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "Nobility is stronger than fear!"

Tsikl «Nasha Yauza – Reka!», pervaya kniga «Blagorodstvo sil'neye strakha!»

Entertaining adventures, characters are humanized animals, birds. Place where the Yauza flows from the science city of Korolev further along the Moscow River …

Of course, no «ocean» ships go along the Yauza, but the heroes of the book will construct from an punt, a basin, a rubber boat, «ship» and «sail to the ocean» with songs, here are many children's melodic poems in, to which child can easily pick up his own melody. Key theme: benevolence, humanism, empathy, disinterested help and nobility of the heroes of the book to each other and the world around them, citizenship and patriotism. The cycle of books «Our Yauza – River!», which includes the first book «Nobility is stronger than fear!», is published as a children's book series (the artistic part is presented as a fairy tale). The illustrated book is suitable for children from two years of age. The scenography of writing a book is 100% suitable for cinema.

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Nobility is stronger than fear!

Events take place in the vicinity of Yauza.

The sun is shining over the Yauza River,

Even when the cloud is dark with rain

Who still does not know about our Yauza,

We are inviting visit Yauza!

From the author

Cycle of books «Our Yauza – River!» consists of adventure stories in English and in transliteration (Latin), the first book is called «Nobility is stronger than fear!»

From an early age, from infancy, each of us needs a lullaby and a fairy tale in stories that is understandable for an age-related understanding, where it is possible to find a place for oneself and willingly develop one's cultural imagination, combining it with practical creative children's activities.

Good imagination to you, dear readers and listeners, welcome companions and friends of the heroes of adventure stories based on the book «Our Yauza – River!»

Your author, Vanda Petrova.

Editor and system administrator, Dmitry Nikitchenko.

Acquaintance with the work «Our Yauza – River!»

The work «Our Yauza – River!» consists of adventure stories and several books. The main characters pass through all the stories of all the books «Our Yauza – River!»

New ones are added to them according to the plot of the work.

The key theme of the work: humanity, benevolence, humanism, empathy, disinterested help and nobility of the heroes of the book to each other and the world around them, citizenship and patriotism, which are enduring universal human values and are part of the CULTURE of the world.

Events take place in an area where, past villages and cities, officially starting its way from Losiny Ostrov (there is other information that there is also a source in the Korolev Science City near Koltsov Street), the Yauza River flows, shallow at its source, often overgrown along the banks, but from this no less beloved by all the heroes of this book and praised by them as «full-flowing», «wide», «rich in all kinds of large fish», «reaching the very ocean!» And the heroes of adventure stories gleefully sing about their beloved Yauza!

Our Yauza is a River!

Wide and deep!

There is a lot in it!

There is a lot in it!

Pike, catfish and perch!

And don't argue with us!

See for yourself soon!

If only you! If only you!

Ride the waves with us!

(The entire text of the song is in one of the adventure stories of the work).

Of course, none of the «ocean» ships go along the Yauza River, but the heroes of the book will construct «ocean ships» for themselves from an old punt, a plastic basin, a rubber boat and set off on a journey «to the ocean» in their dreams and songs, where, as befits brave travelers, both land and sea entertaining adventures await them …

Faced with an obstacle on the Yauza in their campaigns «to the ocean», the heroes of the book will not be afraid of the dangers and difficulties that have arisen. How they will overcome them and what adventures await them (on land and on water) in the vicinity of the Yauza and on the Yauza River, read on the pages of the book.

It is, of course, a long way to the «ocean», but the fact that the Yauza flows into the Moscow River is accurate, and there Oka → Volga → Caspian … And there are, after all, other opportunities to achieve your dreams …

And now, dear readers, let's join the heroes of the book.

To the world of entertaining adventures.

First book

The first adventure!

Nobility is always stronger than fear and self-interest

Nearby, in the sources of a swampy and shallow water, overgrown along the banks with reddish, reed and tall forbs, but from this no less beloved by all the heroes of this book and singing it as «full-flowing», «wide», «rich in all kinds of large fish», «running up to the ocean itself», the Yauza River, in one of the gardens with tall grasses and fragrant flowers, spreading apple trees, cherries, plums and other woody and shrub plants, a multitude of both songbirds and non-songbirds lived a hedgehog.

The hedgehog lived, of course, not alone in this garden. The hedgehog had dad Hedgehog, mom Hedgehog and several brothers and sisters.

The hedgehog was the youngest in the family and the biggest coward in the whole huge garden.

And maybe further.

And although daddy the Hedgehog and mommy Hedgehog, and all the older brothers and sisters, told the hedgehog many and many times that all hedgehogs are very brave and are not afraid to fight even with a poisonous snake, the hedgehog did not become any braver from this. And the hedgehog from these stories became even cowardly.

As soon as a branch rustled on a tree or the grass rustled, the hedgehog imagined that it was a snake crawling and, as befits each of the family of hedgehogs according to the stories of the elders, he would have to fight it.

And the hedgehog ran away in the opposite direction from rustling and rustling.

Out of breath from running, the hedgehog climbed into the deepest thickets of the garden, under the most overgrown bush, curled up there tightly – tightly into a thorny ball.

And the hedgehog remained in this state until hunger forced him to leave the shelter. And even then, carefully, sensitively listening to the rustles, until the obvious absence of any snake nearby returned the little hedgehog to his cheerful and sociable disposition.

He tried to cultivate fearlessness towards snakes in his son and his cheerful and good-natured dad, a hedgehog, by his benevolent nature with the help of all kinds of games and stories about fearless Hedgehogs!

And while the hedgehog was next to his strong and brave dad – the hedgehog, he was not afraid of any snakes, had fun with him and bravely looked around.

But as soon as the hedgehog dad plunged into his adult affairs, and the hedgehog was left alone, he began to sensitively listen to every rustle, ready to immediately run away from all his four legs from the insidious snake, with which he, as a representative of hedgehogs, inevitably needed would join the single combat and win!

As a result of such constant cowardice of the hedgehog, who had never seen mice, everyone began to call him the Mouse. This name turned into his name, which was not at all offensive for the hedgehog himself, because he himself did not know anything about the mouse yet.

But, as much as the hedgehog was cowardly, so, and maybe more, he was an inquisitive and passionate lover to travel and discover new places!

Many inhabitants of the neighborhood knew the little traveler – hedgehog, his good-natured, inquisitive disposition and were glad to see him. The hedgehog was not at all afraid of children in his habitat, because they did not offend him and sometimes even treated him to delicious sweets, for example, «ice cream»!

С этой книгой читают
Цикл "Опаленные войной". "Вернись Живой", книга первая, проза, повествует о событиях, происходивших в Великую Отечественную войну. Все имена изменены и совпадения случайны. Книга «Вернись живой» лучшая проза на современном книжном рынке художественной литературы по содержанию и реалистичности описываемых событий. В книге автором дан стих для песни – сопровождения, выражающий глубинную трагедию человеческих страданий, пережитых народом страны Союз
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На русском языке первая книга "Три повести", цикла книг «Опаленные войной».Вся книга на двух языках: русский, белорусский, и в транслитерации с оригинального русского языка для иностранных читателей;частично: эсперанто, французский, английский, немецкий.Книга «Опаленные войной» 100% кинематографична.
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