Polina Samoilova - Nothing ever last forever

Nothing ever last forever
Название: Nothing ever last forever
Жанры: Короткие любовные романы | Книги о приключениях | Young adult
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Nothing ever last forever"

"Nothing ever lasts forever" is a moving and heartfelt story about how life's trials may shatter even the strongest of souls. Luna, the protagonist, feels alienated and overwhelmed by the weight of despair. To escape the monotony of her daily routine, she flees to the dazzling lights of New York City in pursuit of a fresh start. Unfortunately, her negative ideas persist, making her think like a prisoner of her own emotions.

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My father told me that everyone should be able to worry only about what they can change. I thought I understood what he meant until I found myself caught up in the vicious circle of life.

Chapter 1

It was a picturesque winter morning on the fringes of a charming American town nestled in Montana when Luna entered the world. The sun's radiant glow illuminated the snow-capped surroundings, and the gently swaying breeze wafted swells of fresh pine scents as Luna inhaled her first breath.

Luna's childhood existed in a realm uncommon to ordinary tales. While family cherished her with unwavering affection, their parenting approaches existed as two divergent paths. Maddy, her mother, maintained an ever-watchful eye, overseeing every move as if Luna were a fragile being. On the other hand, Adam, her father, remained entirely disconnected, exhibiting no sense of responsibility towards his youngest child. The daily cares and concerns of Luna's well-being were effortlessly abandoned to his wife, blissfully unaware of whether she had eaten, brushed her teeth, or even succumbed to slumber. As long as his work remained unhindered by her cries, Adam was satisfied with the status quo. Luna's parents loved her with a depth that extended to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, particularly because she was the youngest in the family. However, Maddy often showcased this love through an overdose of protection, forbidding Luna from the simplest of actions and erupting in shouts if she faltered in following her mother's strict instructions. Worry became the shapeless specter that clung to Maddy at every moment, for she yearned relentlessly to provide nothing less than the best for her beloved little girl. Though her methods may not have always proven to be the most effective, Luna possessed an intuitive understanding that her mother's actions were merely manifestations of boundless love. Meanwhile, Luna's father bore an attachment style that favored avoidance, wrestling with the expression of his own emotions. Engulfed by the ever-pressing matters of his work, he found scarce time to devote to his family. Yet, amidst the tumultuous currents of his obligations, a flicker of hope emerged. Financial abundance perennially graced their household, bestowing upon them the ability to indulge in opulent attire and savor the freedom to revel in life's luxuries.

As Luna got older, this overprotective behavior spiraled out of control, leading to her gradually losing interest in everything that once brought her joy. The things that used to light up her world now seem dull and unappealing. Even the thought of attending school, which can be seen as a source of excitement, now seemed like an overwhelming task that she couldn't possibly endure. Following her parents' divorce, Luna was relieved to find that the endless quarrels and tension at home had come to an end. It was a strange feeling to come home and be greeted by silence. However, she found solace in her once-a-week outings with her father, where they would sit at a cozy café and delve into deep conversations about life. For both of them, it was akin to a therapeutic session with a psychologist, as they listened attentively to one another and offered valuable advice that helped them to persevere and stay strong even during the toughest times.

Maddie was deeply unhappy about Luna's meetings with her ex-husband Adam and made no secret of her disapproval. One day, she decided to head home early to surprise him. But as she walked inside, the sight that greeted her extinguished all semblance of hope and joy. The hallway was scantily adorned with thoughtlessly scattered rose petals. It wasn't long before her journey to the bedroom culminated in the gut-wrenching spectacle of Adam kissing a young woman. Maddie couldn't believe her eyes. The love that had once sustained and nurtured her dissipated like a fading ember. As a deep sense of betrayal and sorrow coursed through her veins, she knew that the only course was to confront Adam. Marching to their bedroom, she found her husband still enraptured by his illicit lover. "How could you do this to me?" Maddie's trembling voice shook with anger and pain. Adam's professional facade cracked, revealing his guilt and remorse. "I'm sorry, Maddie. I never meant to hurt you," he stammered pitifully. However, redemption was beyond his grasp. Maddie knew that their marriage could not overcome this insurmountable breach of trust. She reached for her phone and started dialing a number that she had prayed she would never have to call—a divorce lawyer. As she left, that den of deception, relief, and sorrow mingled in her heart. The future would prove challenging, but Maddie was resolved to embrace it head-on and carve out the best path forward for herself and her family.

Chapter 2

Luna grew up feeling lost in a small town where she struggled to find her place. She longed for something more, but the stark reality was that there were no hobbies or friendships to be found within its limited confines. She yearned for something meaningful to fill her days and bring purpose to her existence. But despite her best efforts, she couldn't find anything that spoke to her heart in the frame of her tiny world.

The more Luna looked around, the more she felt defeated by the emptiness of her surroundings. It was as if her soul was suffocating, gasping for a breath of fresh air that seemed impossible to come by. She felt trapped in a small box, her spirit craving expansion and freedom. As the girl started her studies in high school, there was a realization that she had grown up steeped in a deep sense of hatred. From early childhood, animosity was harbored towards the people around her, she detested the mundane routines of her daily life, and most of all, she despised the city she called home. The girl came to understand that every aspect of her existence had been a cacophony of negativity, bitterness, and perpetual dissatisfaction when she thought about it. Even the smallest of things seemed to irk her, with each passing day contributing to the growing sense of disillusionment. Yes, this emotion has lingered within her since childhood, yet its gravity only became apparent during the early years of high school. It was then that she not only grappled with the loss of her sole companion but also the onset of the pandemic, which made finding new connections impossible. Despite being alone, the burden of losing her friend lifted like a weight off her shoulders—their final time together exposed the toxic nature of their bond and reinforced the notion that it was healthier for them to part ways. After almost a year and a half of complete isolation in the confines of her four walls due to COVID, Luna began to succumb to the devouring presence of negative thoughts, resulting in a deterioration of her health and a further exacerbation of her situation. The onset of anemia caused a decline in her strength and spirits, marking the first time Luna had ever felt this unwell. She could hardly muster the strength to get out of bed without breaking down in tears, piling immense pressure on herself and allowing the tide of negativity to ravage her from within.

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"Nothing ever lasts forever" is a poignant and soul-touching narrative that illuminates how the struggles of life can shatter even the steadiest of souls. The protagonist, Luna, finds herself feeling isolated and overwhelmed by the weight of depression. Seeking to break free from the monotony of her daily routine, she flees to the bright lights of New York City in search of a new beginning. Unfortunately, her negative thoughts continue to plague
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