Nika Valevski - Our attention is our reality

Our attention is our reality
Название: Our attention is our reality
Жанры: Прочая образовательная литература | Саморазвитие и советы | Досуг и творчество
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Our attention is our reality"

A step-by-step approach to experiencing the fundamental unity and power of our Attention. We offer 50 exercises for research and experiential problem-solving. Designed to work independently or in pairs, You will find that "our ATTENTION is our reality" is filled to overflowing with useful exercises based on your own experiences and techniques for altering attention in situations where patterns of perception have held humanity in fetters for too long.

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Learn your attention from your own experience

The author offers a step-by-step approach to experiencing the fundamental unity and power of our Attention. Nick's description offers fifty exercises for study and experience on the experience on solving problems. Designed to work alone or in pairs – this journey takes us beyond the boundaries of self-discovery and advances beyond psychological perspectives.

You will find that " our ATTENTION is our reality ” is filled to overflowing with useful exercises, insights, often based on N. Valevskaya's own experiences, and techniques for changing attention in situations in which frozen patterns of perception have kept humanity in the shackles of ignorance for too long.

Lara Livancova

This book opens up new possibilities in the experience that can be obtained by performing the described exercises. These exercises may well lead to great achievements in self-knowledge and to breakthroughs in the realization of their goals.

Robert Kartsev

This book is a Wake-up call for all disciplines, including medicine, that deal with people and their problems. It shows that we cannot passively observe twentieth-century physics and ignore this area of knowledge. This physics carries a meaning so deep, rich and important for the well-being of people that it can not be neglected.

Mikhail Lavrentiev

Reader feedback

There are books that inform and books that transform. "Our ATTENTION is our reality" does both – and more. Nika Valevskaya revealed the secrets and stages of our Attention and expressed them with the help of direct experience. "Our ATTENTION is our reality" breathes new life into the ancient wisdom that we are all directly connected to the heart of the Universe. In doing so, Valevskaya takes us beyond fragmentation to personal freedom.


This book is limited in scope, as our attention contains a detailed system of research, the passage of which requires some training.

However, this book presents 50 exercises to develop and explore yourself, in whatever setting you prefer. Some people work on their own, while others have found it more valuable to create their own study groups.

"Your ATTENTION is our reality" really asks the reader to practically do the exercises, not just read them.

"Your ATTENTION is our reality" is not for the audience. I have tried to include exercises that are understandable and workable within the framework of the book. If an exercise doesn't fit or doesn't work, move on to another one – it doesn't mean you're less developed or not ready, it means it doesn't fit you, so move on to the next one. The parts of the system presented here are intended to add to any "work" you already do with yourself, and certainly are not intended to be the "only way" or the "all-healing remedy." These exercises work best when performed without prejudice, when you set aside your interpretations of the world, internal and external, using the position of "what if it's true", "suppose", or "consider it as a possibility".

After completing each exercise, if it is performed people create many meanings. In fact, the exercises do not make any sense – just do and explore them.

"I hope this process is as good for you as it is for me."

Chapter 1. "Our ATTENTION is our reality»

For as long as I can remember, my greatest desire was to find the answer to the question: "How to materialize the desired"?

I came to the answer to this question myself, I will not hide the fact that many diverse literature was read, but I did not find a satisfactory answer anywhere.

Still, I felt incomplete. I didn't have the comforting sense of knowing who I was, I didn't find an experience of myself that was permanent, I couldn't point to an unchanging self. I was still different selves that kept changing as I went into different emotional States. Sometimes I liked myself, sometimes I didn't. One day I was satisfied with my life and the next I was impatient.

After a while I began to discover who and what I am not: I am not my mind… I am not my thoughts… I am not my emotions… I am not anything knowable. I am a witness to all these things that come and go, but which are not me. Later, I learned that this approach of discovering who you are by first experiencing who you are not is an independent path.

I could enter into a peaceful state, into emptiness, but the result lasted, if I was lucky, only a few hours. Then my mind would come back and I would start to feel uncomfortable, irritable, angry, or whatever, I would watch the same thing again. I realized, of course, that all teachings miss an important aspect of the observer or witness: the observer not only observes and is aware of what passes through the mind and body, he is also the source of it and the Creator.

Simply put, the witness or observer of the mind (thoughts, feelings, emotions, and associations) not only observes thoughts or emotions, but somehow instantly creates what he observes.


Simply put, for an observer to be able to observe something, he must create the observed.

This is what I was able to relive the experience, and not just to think about it.

My next leap in understanding came when I experienced that the observer and what he creates (my thoughts, feelings, sensations, beliefs, etc.) are one and the same. Before that, I perceived that they were different and gave them different names or labels. For example, in my body moved some sensations. I called these feelings "fear" and decided that it (fear) is not good and undesirable for me. And as a result, I began to resist this energy, which "I" called fear. What I realized was that it was the "I" who called this energy fear and the" I " decided that it was undesirable. When I stopped deciding I didn't want fear, took off the label and treated it as just energy, the problem disappeared. At its core, fear was energy – and I had no reason to resist it.

The idea of the famous physicist David Bohm that there is an "explicit order" and an "implicit order" is perfectly consistent with my inner discovery. Explicit order is the world as we usually perceive it: filled with objects with visible differences and boundaries. Implicit order is the wholeness that connects us all; it is the quantum level where objects, particles, people, and emotions are made up of the same substance. On an explicit level, the observer and what is observed (thoughts, emotions, sensations) seem different. And on an implicit level, they are the same. When I fell into this implicit state of connectedness with everything, the boundary between observer and Creator, between observed and created, disappeared, and I remained in wholeness.

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