Svetlana Denisova - Prophecies by Nostradamus

Prophecies by Nostradamus
Название: Prophecies by Nostradamus
Жанры: Спиритизм / пророчества / предсказания | Общая история | Публицистика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Prophecies by Nostradamus"

Nostradamus is the only one among all the prophets who predicted not only future events, but also many historical figures, as well as the dates of events. The number of his prophecies is incomparably greater than that of any biblical prophet. In the book you will find the past and the future of Nostradamus.

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Michel de Nostradamus (14.12.1503 – 02.07.1566) was a French doctor, druggist and astrologer. He is known for his prophecies. His book of 942 quatrains was published in 1555. As a doctor, he was known for having managed to stop several plague epidemics in France. At a time when everyone fled from the plague to escape, he went to the hearth of infection to save people at the risk of his own life. He was assigned a lifetime pension for the feat of a doctor.

The according to the teachings of St. Augustine since all people remember the past some are able to "remember" the future. This explains the ability of clairvoyance. Nostradamus wanted and sought to know the future. This ability was given to him. Prophecies come true with amazing accuracy, even the years. Each prediction was written in the form of a quatrain. They are collected into centuries, 100 in each, except for the 7th century – it is incomplete. There are 10 main centuries. Quatrain numbers consist of the century number – before the point and the number of quatrain – after the point.

Some time ago, searching for an answer to some questions, I became to read different prophets. Reading Nostradamus, I began to guess what some of the quatrains were about. I tried to decipher them – it turns out well. So that’s how this book appeared. Many quatrains have been deciphered long ago and correctly and are available in Internet. They are included into this book, marked by the symbol * and have a link. I gave them my own interpretation and number decryption. Many interpretations are made by me.

For almost 500 years, many people have interpreted Nostradamus in different countries and in different languages. It is impossible to verify all previous interpretations, so this thought had to be given up. I do not claim the uniqueness and authorship of all interpretations in this book. However, I consider myself the author of deciphering method for the years from quatrain numbers. Translation of quatrains are not very accurate, and Nostradamus himself tried to hide the meaning. Therefore it is impossible to guarantee the credibility of interpretations, although I tried not to bend the truth.

Each quatrain has a name which corresponds to its meaning. The original text is in Old French and English translation follows the title. The number deciphering and connection with other quatrains is given at the end of the interpretations, if the number has been deciphered. For readers this book will be especially interesting by predictions about the future. A lot of prophecies, drawing a picture of the future Apocalypse and the birth of a new civilization are collected here.

The decoding numbers of quatrains

Time after time sensational statements appear in the media that someone found the key to deciphering all Nostradamus prophecies. But they are not confirmed. I will not claim that I have found the key and can decipher all the prophecies. In some quatrains years are indicated almost explicitly. For example, in the quatrain 917 it is enough to put 1 before the number and it will be 1917. The same is in number 8.12. In the quatrain 8.19, it is enough to put 1 at the end and we will get year 1918 in the reverse order. Therefore, there is no universal key. No one can decipher all prophecies, as they are spread until the end of the world. Even if we assume that someone can decipher the future correctly this person will not be able to prove it until the future becomes present or past. Only then historical facts will appear confirming the correctness of interpretation.

In quatrain numbers the prophet ciphered the years of the predicted events. He gave a hint to decipher in the quatrain 1.2: "The rod in the hands placed in the middle of branches." The branches, probably, is the quatrains number. Most of them consist of 3 digits. Two digits have only the first nine quatrains in each century. The quatrains numbers have 4 digits only in the tenth century. The rod is most likely the digit 1. It should be placed in a number (tripod) to get 4 digits of the year. The digit 1 can be place in any position of the number or added or subtracted. 00 to hundreds or 000 to thousands can be add to the century number. In the quatrain 1.6 by adding 00 and 1, we get the year of the predicted event – 1601.

Having tried various operations with the numbers of quatrains I came to the conclusion that the Prophet used various methods for encryption the year.

1. The method of permutation of digits. For example, in the quatrain 3.59 the digits should be read in the reverse order as 953, adding 1 at ahead we will get as result the year of Stalin's death. In prophecy 3.97 it is enough to put 3 at the end, and add 1 to the start and there will be 1973 – the year of Syrian Constitution adoption. This simplest method was used in quatrains: 4.39, 5.29, 5.56, 5.91, 5.94, 8.57, 9.45, 9.53, etc.

2. Digit flipping method: 6 into 9, 5 into 2 and vice versa. For example in quatrain 4.56 if we turn 6 to 9, read in reverse order and add 1 in front we will get 1945. This method was used in quatrains: 4.93, 6.9, 3.60 and many others.

3. The method of subtraction of one part of the number from another. For example, 9.86, 9 – is a number of century (hundred), corresponding to 900, consequently 900-86 = 814. If we add 1 in the front we will get 1814 – the year of Paris capture.

In many prophecies, several methods are used simultaneously. For example in quatrain 9.21: if we rotate 9 in 6, swap 2 and 1 we will get 600-12 = 588, add 1 in front we will get 1588 – the year of d'Guise murder.

In any case, the digit 1 is always used as the basis for encryption. Apparently, different methods of encryption were used intentionally so that no one could decipher everything at once. The technique that I developed does not provide 100% credibility and does not always lead to decryption of the number. However, it often gives the years which correspond to the meaning of prophecies. I think Nostradamus used exactly these methods for quatrains numbers encryption and, perhaps some others.

Nostradamus prophecies come true so accurately,

that it seems that all of us – just the performers

of roles in the great Divine drama called "History”.

Quatrain 1.1 Secret cabinet

Estant assis de nuict secret estude,

Seul repose fus la selle d'airain;

Flambe exigue sortant de solitude

Feit proferer qui n'est a croire en (vain.

I seated at night in secret cabinet,

Only resting on the copper saddle:

Tiny flame leaving the solitude

Make prosper what is not vain to believe.

С этой книгой читают
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Не утихают споры вокруг точного времени второго пришествия Христа. В этой книге мы постараемся увидеть, так ли на самом деле звучат те места писания, которые нам преподносят противники точного времени второго пришествия Христа, и перейдем к разбору тех мест, которые они от нас скрывают, потому что они указываю на то, что точное время второго пришествия Христа будет открыто человечеству.Книга является свидетельством того, что точное время второго
Ежедневник на каждый день месяца составлен с учётом транзитов, смены накшатр, лунных дней и дней недели. Вы сможете учесть благоприятное и неблагоприятное время для начала или завершения процессов во всех сферах жизни.
Многие сакральные тексты содержат в себе сразу несколько уровней понимания и толкования. Важнейшие закрытые знания герметизированы, зашифрованы в таких текстах с помощью языка символов, аллегорий, метафор и художественных иносказаний. Эта многоуровневая информация была получена человечеством через откровения, но фиксирование ее происходило уже от сложного к простому. Глубокие понятия о духовных сферах бытия представлялись в священных текстах как
В новом романе Алессандро Барикко «Юная Невеста», как и в его знаменитом «1900-м», царит атмосфера начала ХХ века. Мы попадаем в дом, где повседневную жизнь определяют жесткие правила, а за персонажами строго закреплены роли: Отец, пользующийся непререкаемым авторитетом, взбалмошная красавица Мать, загадочная Дочь, Дядя, который лишь на краткое время пробуждается от беспробудного сна. Каждое утро из Англии приходит телеграмма от Сына. Текст ее не
«Лучшее время для подвига – это детство.Мне одиннадцать лет.Я в громадном городе, он шумит, пахнет асфальтом и дизельным выхлопом, нависает разноцветными плоскостями стен.Очень большой город: 70 тысяч людей обитает.Моя цель – исследовать его весь…»
Приветствую дорогой читатель! Я посвящаю эту книгу правам мужчин и женщин, так как сейчас данный вопрос наиболее актуален, чем даже 5-10 лет назад.Желаю приятного прочтения.
Предательство… Оно ранит очень сильно. Оно выжигает душу. После того, как душа сгорает, от неё остаётся пепел. И не верьте тем, кто говорит, что пепел – это хорошее удобрение. Якобы на удобренной пеплом земле будет лучше расти новый урожай. Бред! На плодородной земле… Да! На выжженной дотла… Никогда и ничего не вырастет! Именно это и понял молодой парень Аркадий, которого сначала использовали, а потом предали люди, которым он доверял. Предали в о