Маргарита Резник - Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25

Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25
Название: Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25
Жанры: Советы от гуру | Здоровье | Здоровое и правильное питание
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25"

In this inspiring book, we will embark on an exciting journey to health and activity. The author, sharing his personal experience and saturating it with humor, invites us to pay attention to the importance of self-respect and self-care. He offers practical tips and techniques to help overcome obstacles and find the joy of movement and youth. This book will become an indispensable companion for everyone who strives for a healthy and active lifestyle, and embodies the desire to surpass themselves and feel the full potential given to us by this amazing world. The administration of the Litres website is not responsible for the information provided. There may be medical contraindications, a specialist's consultation is necessary

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Let's start with the fact that I wouldn't want to be in my twenty-five years. In fact, I wouldn't even want to be in my twelve years. And frankly, neither would anyone else's. Are you kidding? Good. Let this book be a light and helpful read for you.

Instead of returning to a time of youthful acne and unrequited love, I would like to share with you a story about becoming healthier than we ever were before. And yes, this book will be useful not only for women, but also for men.

Human beings are amazing creatures. So often we pretend and pretend that everything is fine, even when in fact it is not. At the age of twenty-three, I convinced myself that I was full of strength and health. I relayed this to friends and family, but every year I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance with a transient ischemic attack. I wanted to hide from everyone at the time, and only my ex-husband knew of my suffering.

So, why did I decide to write this book? Because in the last year I've seen an incredible number of young women and men who, just like me once did (back in my early twenties), deceive themselves and their audiences on Instagram by claiming to be healthy.

Guys writing about fitness, yoga, nutrition, spiritual enlightenment, finance and psychology have come to me with the same problems: terrible migraines, neck, back and shoulder pain, muscle stiffness, hernias, scoliosis and panic attacks.

When I helped them, they sincerely thanked me, but they never told anyone about my center, for fear that someone would find out about their problems, which were already behind them.

I won't name their names in the book. But I do want to tell you how to begin to trust yourself, not your teachers. I want to share with you ways that you can begin to listen to your body and accept only what it needs, not what advertising campaigns and fashion trends impose.

So let's get started.

In a world where information about healthy living and wellness is readily available, we often forget one important thing: Every body is unique. What works for one person may not work for another. Instead of blindly following fashion trends and society's dictates, let's learn to listen to our bodies and trust them.

The road to health begins with awareness. Awareness of our needs, of the signals our body sends us. Often we ignore these signals, overloading ourselves with food, alcohol, and the wrong lifestyle in general. But our body is not silent-it lets us know about problems through pain, fatigue, and malaise.

The next step is mindfulness. Be attentive to what you eat, what physical activity you devote time to, how you rest. Notice how your body responds to different foods, exercises, and routines. Notice the changes in your well-being and energy. This will help you understand exactly what works for you and your body.

However, awareness and mindfulness are only half the battle. It is important to take responsibility for your health and take steps to improve it. This may include changing your diet, adding exercise, managing stress and seeking help from a neck vascular specialist (more on that later).

Of course, it's not always easy. We all face temptations and challenges on the road to health. But I'm sure every step in that direction is worth the effort. After all, it's so important for us to be our best selves-physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

So what do you do to start trusting yourself and your body?

First, start by understanding your health goals and priorities. Ask yourself the question: What exactly do I want to achieve? It could be improved physical fitness, reduced stress, increased energy, or just a general sense of well-being. When you are clear about your goals, it becomes easier to make decisions that support your health.

Second, pay attention to your lifestyle. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate rest and sleep are all important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Find activities that make you feel good and are right for you. This can be gymnastics, running, dancing, or any other type of physical activity. Also pay attention to your diet – choose fresh and natural foods that will provide your body with the necessary nutrients.

Third, take time for introspection and self-observation. Notice what factors are affecting your well-being. Maybe certain foods are causing you unpleasant symptoms or making your health worse. Or you notice that certain exercises are giving you more benefits and energy. Write down your observations and use them to make decisions for your health.

Finally, be patient and compassionate with yourself. The process of making lifestyle changes and achieving health takes time and persistence. Don't expect instant results, because health is a long-term investment in yourself. Be prepared for challenges and setbacks along the way. But remember that every step, even the smallest one, brings you closer to your goal.

Don't forget the emotional aspect of health. Your mental state also affects your overall well-being. Pay attention to your emotions, stress, and how you manage them. Sometimes taking care of your emotional health can be just as important as taking care of your physical health.

Finally, remember that you are a unique and beautiful person. Don't compare yourself to others or try to conform to the ideals and standards set by society. You deserve a healthy and happy life, and only you know what works best for you.

So trust your body, listen to its needs and make decisions based on your intuition and knowledge. You know yourself best. And remember that being healthy is not only a state of being, but also a journey we take every day.

So let's begin this journey to health and well-being today. Show love and care for yourself, and you will see your life change for the better. You deserve to be a healthy, happy and confident woman (or man) at any age.

Let's embark on this exciting and important journey together!

My Story

My story began when I was two years old. As far back as I can remember and realize, I was faced with health problems at a very early age. It was almost infancy, and one of my most vivid memories was my attempts to cope with a headache. It wasn't easy as a little girl-sometimes in the middle of the night I would stand on my head in a rhombic pose, trying to cope with the incredible pressure felt inside my head.

My parents had to face a challenge, and I was diagnosed with high intracranial pressure. The doctors prescribed heavy pills for me, but my mother noticed that a certain posture, with my forehead in the pillow-pelvis up, which I was taking, helped me get some relief. After standing for a while, the headache would begin to subside, and I could fall asleep peacefully, go to daycare, and go on with my daily life.

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