Сергей Заяшников - RULES OF THE FIGHT. «…why they take part in close-to-street fight ultimate fighting»

RULES OF THE FIGHT. «…why they take part in close-to-street fight ultimate fighting»
Название: RULES OF THE FIGHT. «…why they take part in close-to-street fight ultimate fighting»
Жанры: Личная эффективность | Саморазвитие / личностный рост | Спорт / фитнес
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "RULES OF THE FIGHT. «…why they take part in close-to-street fight ultimate fighting»"

Russian Muay Thai League President and coach Sergey Zayashnikov organizes street brawl not so often – all in all, it’s a big risk.

«I can’t predict all the details, but there is only 50% chance that no injury will be done. When you fight as you are on the street, anything can happen».

His students – business owners, company CEOs, top managers – ask for this «test with blood» themselves after year or two in the training.

Why do they put themselves at such a risk?

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Three entrepreneurs shared why they take part in close-to-street fight ultimate fighting at the Moscow Sity and what they get from it.

Fitness-gym is so crowded that spectators have to stay in circle surrounding the ring. On coach’s signal, three guys in sweat suits rush into the room and attack the pale faced man in the middle. For the next minute they are punching and kicking him saying “You’ll know how to shut the f*ck up next time motherf*cker”. Man goes on defense, runs, tries to fight back but in the end falls down and covers his head with his arms. Coach stops the fight immediately, saying “Atta boy, survived in there whole 52 seconds”.

Russian Muay Thai League President and coach Sergey Zayashnikov organizes street brawl not so often – all in all, it’s a big risk. “I can’t predict all the details, but there is only 50% chance that no injury will be done. When you fight as you are on the street, anything can happen”. His students – business owners, company CEOs, top managers – ask for this “test with blood” themselves after year or two in the training.

Why do they put themselves at such a risk?


Sergey Zayashnikov. Russian Muay Thai League president, thai boxing trainer:

Whom do I train? They are typical nerds – in a good way. My student was not the one who smoked since the age of 9 or was fighting in the backstreet. No-no, he went to private school, graduated from top university, then – job offer at a top tier company, MBA. At the age of 40 all goals are achieved: career, status, family – he has it all. Deferred fears, unrealized desires disclose themselves. Money can't protect you from everything. Your bodyguard is sitting in the next room, you are one to one with a bad guy, and while waiting for help you get hit once or twice. It’s not about never getting into a bad situation, it’s about being ready for any situation.

Trainers who work with VIP clients have this slang expression – “to give the body”, which means you give the person opportunity “to taste the blood” by letting yourself be hit. When you train with pads you don’t get that. There is only one way you can feel the coordination and speed of the punch – and it is on the trainer’s body.

The most difficult thing about organizing close-to-street ultimate fighting is not to cross the line. It should be tough – but not dangerous. And at the same time you know that all your actions are basically just 50% of success, another 50% comes from above. After every fight I swear to myself that it was the last time I've done that.

I forbid any viewers at the first fight. To the second fight (when person is more experienced and conscious) I ask to bring friends – and this is a very serious challenge. You don’t want to screw up in front of your girlfriend, so you lose all your skills in one second. And this is an experience too.

Guys who I bring from lets say Elektrostal (small city in Russia) use only certain types of blows – only the ones I tell them to, however blow in a full force. I haven’t invented anything new, closed fights are being organized abroad too.

Street-like fight is a journey to another reality. You won’t be protected by your money or a person who will stop the fight. The man recalls those times when he had to attack and defend. To feel this feeling, to get away from our civilization bonds and to relax, they go for this. Everyone is fighting not for the winning – they fight for their own Self. Ring is the loneliest place on Earth. No one will help you – neither friends nor judges. While saying just 3 words “Stop the fight”, you can get decently hurt.

They call the way from the locker room to the ring “the green mile”. The one who made it and walked out on a ring is already a man. I know those who couldn't make it out of the locker room.


Victor Lesnoy, Stone Hedge investment fund partner, owner of the wine boutique chain “T…”, ex vice-president of M… Group

At first it seemed to me that street fight is such a dirty stuff comparing to the intelligent boxing with all the judges, rounds and strikes counting. But it has completely different energy, and I got hooked up with it.

Imagine you’re going to the gym. What you do while training there: you think about your work, things to do, you’re answering your cell phone. Energy of the street fight is very special and it is way more interesting than elite gym fitness. Yes you can make body in a gym. But will it save you in a real life where you can get knocked out with one punch? While training you swirl into another reality, another world. You’re wearing your suit and getting stabbed with a knife and you have to duck out and deal with the attacker. Like it or not you have to forget about everything. Suddenly you realize that you can get some from the trainer too and it will hurt as in real life. So you really don’t have time to think whether or not you paid for your parking.

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