Edgars Auziņš - Save Yourself, Beauty

Save Yourself, Beauty
Название: Save Yourself, Beauty
Жанры: Короткие любовные романы | Любовно-фантастические романы | Любовное фэнтези
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Save Yourself, Beauty"

After meeting an intelligent young man in an expensive costume, Leah had no idea she had met a real monster. A monster who has been cursed for several years, trying to shoot many young girls before Leah. Like them, Leah was captured by a vampire without a chance of survival. Is it possible to save the one whose soul is long dead and yet survive?

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Chapter 1. A Little Philosophy

Leah has a weakness and a sense of indifference in her body.

Vlad had a glass of red wine in his hands, which he critically examined as if he were looking for flaws.

Leah has only one question:

– Why?

The vampire quickly escaped the sight of the expensive crystal. There was something that the vampire had memorized where he had bought it. Long years of life made themselves known.

– What's the "why? – He glanced into her anthracite eyes. They seemed to him just such a deep shade.

– Why am I here?" I repeated a little louder, feeling angry at the vampire.

– Ask the universe. And why are we all here at all? Anton, what do you think? – He turned his head slightly to the servant standing ready. Anton was dressed in a smoothed suit.

– I'm here to serve you.

– Let's say. – Vlad nodded, not changing his face at all. – Anton, what is the meaning of life?

Leah felt nausea coming to her throat when she once again looked around the dining room where she had to eat, eat and eat for the second week. In the beginning, she was fascinated by the Gothic style of the castle, objects of old age that seemed to have moved into another era. But there was only one thing left: she was a hostage here.

– There is no point in life," the servant frowned, becoming even more upright. – You live, you work, then you die. That's all.

– It looks like Anton is a nihilist," laughed the vampire, holding his thumb up his chin.

– Why are you keeping me here? – Leah once again spoke, becoming angry at the eternal calm of Vlad Dracula.

– As long as you're looking for an answer to that question, you have sense. Isn't it? – He leaned over and glanced at her with a close look, which seemed to penetrate under the skin and guard the soul.

The girl squeezed her jaws out of anger. There was an accumulation of aggression, which she could not give way.

– It is clear why there is no one with you," said Leah. – The Balabol.

Vlad burst into laughter.

– Girls are interesting creatures until they break. Sooner or later, everyone breaks down," he said with a sowing voice, staring thoughtfully into space.

Leah felt a fleeting shadow of fear, which shook her.

– Why don't you eat? – with care in his voice asked the vampire. – What didn't please you with the carbonate paste? You keep quiet all the time. Why starve?

– Maybe because some maniac is holding me hostage?! – Leah was not restrained from expressing emotion. With every hour of her stay in this place, she found it increasingly difficult to control herself.

– If the maniac keeps you here, then yell, get dressed. What else do they do there in such cases? Call for help," Vlad said with the press.

– Oh yes, now would be screaming when this castle is alone for a few miles of forest," the girl said in response.

– Here you see. – He held the vampire with his fingers on the foot of his glass. – How thoughtful you are. I noticed it immediately. A girl with "Criticism of Pure Mind" in her hands. Rarely.

Lie just wanted to be at home with a book, rather than living in constant fear and hope to find a way to escape. She developed a tactic: not to break out, but to learn carefully how to get out of here. However, the second week went by, and she had no plan at all. The girl fell into apathy, she stopped eating, feeling the pressing hopelessness and senselessness of what was happening.

Vlad didn't hit her or touch her. Vlad was just talking to her, sometimes they were silent together. For a moment, he even seemed to be deeply alone. The castle was huge, and the girl's only comfort was architecture. Leah recalled with longing the couple on this subject, how she dreamed of being here in such a monument of architecture, touching the relics, breathing in the past and sinking into it. The truth is that one should be afraid of one's desires. Her wish was too wrong.

Leah ate the lower lip with anger, which had already been all in the ranks. Why, that's why she came to Romania? Who chased her? But there was also a more pressing question: why did she come to the library at that time? And why didn't anyone warn that the maniacs also go to the library and are interested in philosophy?

"With deep interest, Leah looked at the tightly laid shelves in the city library. She loved the books and the way they smelled. Some people love the smell of books, and she felt that each book had its own fragrance, especially as regards books from libraries. So many people enjoyed the works, people with different fates and stories. The girl's hand reached out to Kant's tomic. Pleasant memories were associated with him, which allowed him to mentally return to his student years. Philosophy classes, long discussions, debates, and then nights will be spent in homework: reports, essays, reading the scientific works of great thinkers. Understanding philosophers' thoughts was not the easiest thing to do, but Leah always persisted and dug deeper, not satisfied with superficial answers.

– Cant. How exquisite. And what do you think about "things in themselves"?

Leah was fascinated by this low, pleasant voice, which gently enveloped her now languishing thoughts. A few seconds ago she remembered the taste of university latte, felt bitterly sweet and painfully familiar taste, and now lost everything as if she had untied the necklace, allowing the beads to burst.

The girl carefully turned her face to the owner of such an exciting voice. The first thing she saw was piercing grey-blue eyes. It was a strange association, but she remembered hematite for some reason. There was another memory in her head: at the age of twelve, Leah was leafing a book about precious stones and came across a very entertaining one who could paint the water red. For this reason he is still called a bloodthirsty. She shook her head trying to come to her senses, because she was asked a question.

Leah could not explain why this man caused her a paralyzing body. She felt caught by a stupid beast, but could not justify the sensations in any wise. Usually the mind guided her, not the feelings. It is absurd to experience such a thing next to a stranger. Leah did not know him at all.

Especially since his voice seemed capable of driving her crazy. The fact that she was so glum about the sound of a man's voice made her first impression at the university when she met a not-too-pretty teacher, who, however, had a velvet timbre, forcing Laya to dive into the subject with her head.

There was a little different story with the stranger: he looked pretty, and what was there was beautiful in a man's way. She wanted to remember the ancient gods and compare them and then shook her head again. The man smiled tenderly at her as if he understood what her brain was going through.

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