Павел Смирнов - Shredz guide

Shredz guide
Название: Shredz guide
Жанры: Похудение и диеты | Здоровье | Спорт / фитнес
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Shredz guide"

This book is addressed to everyone who wants to get fit muscles and take the most out of their body, but also for those who are just about to unleash their potential. It contains excellent methodological principles with which you will achieve excellent results, and a step-by-step training plan, scheduled by day, will allow you to fully concentrate on the process.Note:The administration of the Litres website is not responsible for the information provided. There may be medical contraindications, a specialist consultation is necessary.

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Regardless of who your goal is to build a fit physique, whether it's a photo shoot with a professional photographer, bodybuilding competitions or other disciplines, the process of achieving such a level of muscle development is very important.

It allows you to look at what you are capable of, at endurance and discipline. It is also necessary for further progression. Improved metabolism, neuromuscular brain –muscle connection, the process of transporting fatty acids and their subsequent burning, smoother and more regular release of insulin – this is not a complete list of all the advantages of this technique.

Muscles acquire distinct shapes, separation, rigidity and density. The number of fibers involved in the work of the muscle volume increases, you become stronger and more coordinated. A more complete and clear understanding of how to work with your body comes. The more often fit physique, weight gain or maintenance alternates, the better the above processes are stimulated.


So, moving on.

"Aspect" from Latin is a point of view, a view. Therefore, let's look at this technique, take a look at it from the inside.

Who is this program for?

For those who want to get the most out of their body, beauty and aesthetics.

What does it decide?

Muscle separation, density.

How many training days?

5 days.

What exercises?

Basic, isolating, drop sets, pauses, supersets.

How many sets, repetitions?

From 2 to 5; from 12 to 20, depends on the muscle group (not counting warm-up series).

Duration of the program?

12 weeks, 4 phases.

How many days of rest?

2 days.


This section contains information that will allow you to understand in detail the main points of the training process. Topics such as weight ambivalence, pumping, cardio, rest time between sets, the role of water, stretching, concentration, visual control and efficiency improvement will be covered. Compliance with the following is paramount and will ultimately affect your progress.

Cardio training

These workouts will help strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase endurance and effectively consume extra calories. In this program, they are taken out on a separate day for 1 hour, but also before the start of the training session in 30 minutes.

This is due to the fact that, firstly, this way you will reduce the number of training days themselves, of which there are already 5, and secondly, you will perfectly prepare the body for burning subcutaneous fat. You will warm up muscles, joints and ligaments, drive oxygenated blood through the body, which will give clarity of thought and cheerfulness. Remember, the task of cardio is not to tire you, but to lay the foundations for fat burning. In the winter and cold season, this approach gives another plus – warming up the body, and this in turn reduces the risk of injury.

Another advantage of pre-workout cardio is that you still have the strength for a subsequent workout with weights, and at a fairly intense pace. On the contrary, if you do cardio after the main workout, then most likely you will already be tired, there will be little strength, the glycogen pool is empty and you will be overcome by only one desire – to go home. Another factor can be attributed to the fact that you will want to eat after the gym. The muscles, and the body as a whole, need nourishment, which will have to be ignored, which is also bad if you decide to stay in the gym despite everything.

I know some people take a break, eat the food they brought or buy a cocktail in the gym, relax, and then go back to cardio. The disadvantage of this approach is the time spent in the gym. You should come to the gym and get down to business without wasting minutes, and the reward for this approach will be a great body and free time that you will devote to your family, friends or work. Doing two workouts a day, morning and evening, is also possible for a narrow circle of people.

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About water

With such intensive work, you will need a sufficient amount of water. The minimum condition is 0.5 liters of water per workout. You can calculate more accurately based on your physical parameters, intensity, training and lifestyle. The lack of proper supply of water to the body leads to a decrease and deterioration of the following indicators of well-being:

– Reduced performance;

– Muscle pain;

– Load on the heart due to thick blood;

– Convulsions;

– Edema;

– Load on the joints;

– Lack of pumping;

– "Dryness" of muscles.

Rest between sets

In this technique, the rest time between the sets will be equal to 45 – 60 seconds. The rest time between exercises is 120 seconds. This duration is necessary for the “state of stress” of your muscles. With each movement and with each sets, the blood will fill your muscles more and more, making them more massive – this is the state of pumping, which we will talk about below. It is also good for muscle control, improves involvement in the work of deeper muscles. Such muscles are not visible on the “surface” of the body, but they play an important role both in the construction of musculature and in general for the body.

Here are the main methods of time control:

– The clock on the wall;

– Watch on hand;

– Timer on the smartphone.


– Empty chatter;

– Scrolling through music on the player;

– View social networks and other things.

In the beginning, it may be difficult to adjust to time control, but the more often you resort to this method, and listening to your own body, the faster you will be able to intuitively do without a watch. Of course, it takes practice. An important note is the selection of weight. The pace and the ability to perform all the sets qualitatively depends on this. 50 – 70 percent of the one-time maximum (PR), depending on your training.

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