Илана Либ - Sun transits

Sun transits
Название: Sun transits
Жанры: Учебная литература | Астрология | Эзотерика / оккультизм
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2025
О чем книга "Sun transits"

This book is dedicated to the transits of the Sun, and it can be used at any time. In the natal chart of each person, the Sun occupies a specific sign and house, in accordance with the moment of birth, and influences this area throughout life. The transit Sun sequentially influences each house of the horoscope, gradually affecting all spheres of a person's life. The book "Sun Transits" helps to understand what each transit will bring and how to use it for the benefit.

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The transits of the Sun affect various areas of life, such as health, work, business, family, personal relationships, and love. When the Sun transits through certain houses and signs in the natal chart, forming connections with natal and other transiting planets, it becomes possible to identify favorable and unfavorable periods throughout the year.

About Sun Transits

Each planet has its own speed of movement through the zodiac. While some planets maintain a constant speed, others may occasionally slow down and appear to move backward (become retrograde), which reduces their speed. Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars, and Mercury can go retrograde from time to time. However, the Sun and Moon are never retrograde, moving rhythmically and forming predictable cycles.

The cycle of the Sun is approximately one year, during which it traverses all the zodiac signs. The timing of the Sun’s entry into each sign is always predictable (around the middle of each month). The Sun spends about a month in each sign. In Vedic astrology, the Sun is referred to as the king. Like a true king, the Sun traverses its entire kingdom, paying equal attention to all its subjects.

Each Sun transit is logical and expected. It organizes life as it sequentially moves through all the houses of an individual’s horoscope (natal chart).

The most powerful position for the Sun is in Aries (exaltation), where it gains the most opportunities.

The Sun's own sign is Leo, where it is slightly weaker than in Aries.

The Sun’s friendly signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Here, the Sun is not as strong as in its exalted or own sign but still functions effectively.

The neutral (average) signs for the Sun are Gemini and Virgo, which neither enhance its strength nor diminish it.

The enemy signs for the Sun are Taurus, Capricorn, and Aquarius. In these signs, the Sun loses much of its potential.

The weakest position for the Sun is in Libra (fall), where it has the least opportunities.

The placement of the Sun in the natal chart reflects a person’s radiance, ability to lead, and managerial capabilities. Additionally, the transit of the Sun, depending on the sign it occupies at a given moment, provides a person with varying degrees of independence, self-confidence, generosity, ambition, and influence. The stronger the Sun, the more pronounced these qualities. The strength of the Sun also depends on the condition of the ruler of the sign it occupies, the aspects of other planets, and the planets near the transiting Sun in the natal chart.

The Sun aspects the seventh house from itself, as illustrated in the diagram below.

The Sun has a significant influence on human life. Its movement governs yearly and daily cycles. The Sun’s transit is especially important for those in whose natal chart it is strongly positioned. The Sun moves about 1 degree of the zodiac circle per day.

Disharmonious aspects of the transiting Sun can cause bad moods, low immunity, misunderstandings of situations, and feelings of inadequacy.

The Sun’s transit aspects impact areas like work, business, health, family, love, and personal relationships. The natal chart as a whole and the Sun’s placement at the time of birth (natal Sun) are always considered, as the Sun’s influence is constant.

If the aspects of the transiting Sun are harmonious, the individual feels confident, active, goal-oriented, optimistic, healthy, and realistic about material matters. They may attract attention from superiors and others, enjoy life, and experience heightened sexual appeal.

The day the Sun transitions from one sign to another is called Surya Sankranti and is considered unfavorable for significant undertakings. This is especially true when the Sun transitions from a water sign to a fire sign, a period regarded as inauspicious and potentially dangerous.

Sun Transit in Aries

During this transit, the Sun awakens in people a desire for leadership and a tendency to command in their workplace or group. At this time, individuals become more self-confident, ambitious, authoritative, decisive, strong-willed, and even aggressive. Their energy increases, and they desire independence and self-reliance. Organizational abilities tend to be more pronounced.

During the days of this transit, most people can be entrusted with significant responsibilities. Success awaits criminologists, civil servants, military personnel, athletes, and entrepreneurs.

This is a favorable time to increase income and ask for a salary raise. Wishes might come true.

It is a good time to spend with friends, engage in joint activities, enjoy leisure, and have fun.

There is a possibility of significant success, prosperity, respect from others, and good health.

Sun Transit in Aries through the 1st House (Ascendant or Moon in Aries)

The Sun transitions into Aries from Pisces (Gandanta – the transition of a planet from a water sign to a fire sign). In Aries, the Sun achieves exaltation (10 degrees of Aries being the peak degree of exaltation). This is a challenging transition, as noted in my other books. Here, the Sun signifies the need to leave something behind to create something new (cleansing, transformation).

During this time, old laws may be revised, and new ones established. The Sun here encourages individuals to listen to themselves more, potentially disregarding the needs and desires of others. People become more assertive in pursuing their goals.

It is essential to monitor this tendency and strive not to infringe on others’ rights.

This transit is beneficial for health, attaining status, or receiving a new position. It brings many creative ideas.

A desire for romance may arise, making it an excellent time for dates. During this period, individuals tend to be more active, energetic, and emotional. Sports and physical activity can help channel this energy effectively.

As the Sun transits the 1st house (associated with health, appearance, head, character, and inclinations), it aspects the 7th house (spouse or business partner).

The Sun governs your 5th house (romantic relationships, children, creativity, education, hobbies).

Sun Transit in Aries through the 2nd House (Ascendant or Moon in Pisces)

Financial themes will become relevant, including savings, proper resource management, and old financial obligations. New ideas regarding income sources may emerge. You may find yourself involved in family financial matters or taking steps to assist close relatives.

As the Sun transits the 2nd house (income through family, savings, speech, food, and parents), it aspects the 8th house (unexpected money and events, inheritance, partner’s resources, secrets, sexuality, esotericism).

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