Айгуль Хуснетдинова - Tales from the Other Side

Tales from the Other Side
Название: Tales from the Other Side
Жанры: Магия / колдовство | Практическая эзотерика | О психологии популярно
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Tales from the Other Side"

What is Afterlife and what is happening after death? This book from medium Aigul Khousnetdinova opens the veil between two worlds. In her practice she has many interesting cases with ghosts, dead souls and mystical experience.

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All about Death and the Other side from practicing psychic medium


I was not born a medium. I don’t have stories of my childhood how I first saw a ghost when I was five and started to realize that I’m a special one since then. I’ve been always told that I am special. I really wanted to be normal, ordinary girl but people around kept always telling me I was different – while I desperately argued I’m not. Honestly, I still think I’m an ordinary person. I thought everybody can do that – see aura, heal people by laying hands. Yes, a lot of children can do that. But when you grow up, everything is changing and by putting this sacral scary knowledge into the box of reality, a lot of people prefer to live a simple life and even the child forgets his own divine nature.

The Other side have opened to me with my practice. I’ve come a hard and long way where I balanced between office career of head of legal in international law firms and inhouse companies and my own way of witch who whispers with Spiritual Guides. Meanwhile I have never lost my mind in eastern practices by hugging some crazy “gurus” who never washed their heads. I never wanted immediately and desperately develop my skills right away, – intuitively I felt that too much practice in short period is quite dangerous and will destroy my inner barriers and landmarks and my mind will never be clear again.

Reasonable skepticism in esoteric is must. There are a lot of people ruined their lives by wrong spiritual practice. Some people wear tin foil hats, some people don’t have money even to buy foil but they have monthly subscription in Akashi Chronicles (or they think they do), they know everything about Cosmogalactic messages from the millions of other stars and universes, how exactly people should live according to Ascended masters and so on. Doesn’t matter that information may contradict to common sense and logic – it is the Sacral Knowledge about Everything. Really? That’s why I prefer to follow my Path very carefully, listening to myself and my heart very carefully and always contacting with my Spiritual Guides in every step I take. It’s the matter of trust to higher power, to my Guides – and every day I see that following the spiritual path is the matter of trust. And please, always verify information.

Death have never interested me, I never felt connection with funerals and any rituals whatsoever. The list of friends and relatives who passed away is short – just two or three persons there. Before working with the Other Side, I thought that death is an integral part of being, I did not have any fear, though in our family – like in any family in our culture- nobody talked about death intentionally. I remember from my childhood that deceased grandparent came in the dreams of other family members to say something important and this information is always true, but it is not allowed to follow them no matter where they go. That was all my knowledge.

I did not choose to be the medium and talk to dead. That was decided by my Guides. I myself is quite happy and alive person and even in my teens I didn’t wear gothic style, have not practiced cult of dead with all pentacles, depressive music claiming to “join me in death” (will all respect). But my personality really has nothing to do with my practice and being a joyful person doesn’t mean that contacting with dead people is very joyful. I’ve read some books of psychics describing their practice as funny job, when uncle Rob is flying on the ceiling and auth Nina is telling inappropriate jokes. I have never witnessed hysteric laughter from the dead souls in my practice. I have witnessed bright sorrow, grief, freedom and liberation, but dead souls are in absolutely different space and we can see them when we are in altered state of consciousness. This state changes everything in perception. At least that is what I know at the moment. Jokes – yes, but you don’t want to laugh, it is not stand-up show. Maybe, in couple of years I will experience fun with someone’s uncle Rob and aunt Nina and will teach me how to make fun when you’re dead – who knows.

In this book I would like to give detailed answers to questions about the Other Side, demystify some myths, some of you will be surprised, some will be upset.

That’s life.

That’s the Other Side

Follow me.

What is Death?

Every culture has its death spirits – or death gods. No matter which culture is closer to you – Indians of North America, Ottoman empire, Ancient Greece, Medieval times with all the discoveries and tortures, Ancient Egypt – every culture, tradition and religion has its own views to death and map of afterworld. By the way, the interest to certain culture (not only funeral aspects) may confirm you’ve been there in your past lives. Anyway, spiritual traditions of every nation have information of what should be done to do to go to another world with no fear and pain.

Usually the Other Side is the variation of the Lower world according to idea of three worlds. There are three worlds in shamanism – Upper world, Middle world and Lower world. The Upper world is the space for gods and spirits of the higher level, Middle world is our world, and the Lower world is the world of dark energies, restless souls, daemons, world of cold, death, bad spirits. It looks like Scandinavian Hell.

The Lower world is the world of cold and freeze or, in some cultures, it’s infernal hell with heat depending on cultural context and what is scaring people of certain region the most. These ideas depend on climatic circumstances. Please note that all magical traditions are connected to the territory, and it is quite hard to celebrate Beltane in Morocco, other gods are conquered that place already, and date just has no power (I’ve been in Morocco on the 1>st of May, no celebration and magic there). If you have initiation, you can practice everywhere (like Haiti voodoo priest can practice in any country), but it doesn’t work itself, you should make some moves. Therefore, the most frightening thing for Scandinavians is to be frozen, and for desert people the heat is the worst.

In Christianity and Islam there are heaven, people’s world and hell, and pagan traditions are pretty much the same about structure of the worlds. As you can see, middle world is always about people, upper is about gods, angels, guardians of the family, saints, when the lower world is undefinable, scary, chthonic and freaky. It’s equal to unconscious in terms of psychoanalysis.

Ordinary people’s view to the death are somewhere between fear of dead man in the cemeteries (thanks to folklore) and exalted idea of afterlife, when relatives come in dreams and give advice or provide other help. In both views there are dead souls, but first is about dark energy, and the second is about bright sorrow. I think that happens because we don’t have acceptance of death in our culture as the part of life and part of the being. Children are guarded from death and are not told about the death of their favorite pet or grandmother preferring to tell white lies. But remember, the sleep of reasons produces monsters.

С этой книгой читают
Абсолютно новое явление на рынке эзотерики и духовной литературы! Единственная книга, которая отвечает понятным языком на ВСЕ ваши вопросы о мире мёртвых. Никаких глупостей и страшилок, только случаи из практики современного медиума, ежедневно работающего с духами умерших, с горем, болью и чувством утраты. Теперь и вы узнаете о том, как устроена Та сторона, что говорят мёртвые, как работают духи рода, куда уходят самоубийцы, что делать с родовыми
Вторая книга практикующего экстрасенса Айгуль Хуснетдиновой, автора "Пробуждающей энергии" (вышла в издательстве "Весь" в 2018). Вы узнаете о причинах болезней, как исцелить себя на уровне высшего Я и на уровне тела, узнаете, как убрать порчи-сглазы. Серьезный подход к вопросу – это фишка Айгуль. В своей практике она развенчивает мифы о метафизических представлениях и дает практические советы. Нужна ли йога, всегда ли работает психосоматика, прич
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Перед Вами, Уважаемый читатель, небольшой рассказ о молодом студенте Университета Волшебства, который, сам того не понимая, попал в историю. Решив подзаработать, наш герой отправился в экспедицию, но попал в непростую ситуацию, где ему пригодились все навыки, которые он получил за несколько лет учёбы.
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Спустя два года лаборатория сильно погнила и обрушилась, но это не остановило Джейка исследовать её. В лаборатории он нашёл старого друга… который теперь стал врагом. Чтобы его обезвредить, Джейку придётся построить ловушку, и с этим ему поможет знакомый нам персонаж… (Публикуется в авторской редакции с сохранением авторских орфографии и пунктуации.)
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Воспоминания о детстве. Суть характера и жизни людей многонационального поселка Гирей.
Начни – это книга для тех, кто не понимает себя. Для тех, кто застрял в стандартах и стереотипах общества. Для тех, кто не хочет вгонять себя в навязанные рамки социума. Для тех, кто хочет быть счастливым и разобраться в себе. Для тех, кто понимает что, что-то не так, а изменений нет и почему то они не наступают.Автор делится опытом и знаниями в самореализации. Показывает путь, который она прошла. Ведь поиск счастья и создание себя – это нелегкая
Свет и Тьма – разнополярные миры, никогда не соприкасающиеся друг с другом. Ибо если они соприкоснутся, то либо Свет развеет Тьму, либо Тьма пожрёт Свет. Тогда произойдёт апокалипсис и всё мироздание перестанет существовать. По крайней мере в том виде, в котором оно существует сейчас. Единственное место, где две противоположности могут соприкасаться, сосуществовать и даже смешиваться, взаимопроникая друг в друга, – это человеческие души.