Юрий Низовцев - Taunts, riddles and secrets

Taunts, riddles and secrets
Название: Taunts, riddles and secrets
Жанры: Юмор и сатира | Афоризмы и цитаты
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2019
О чем книга "Taunts, riddles and secrets"

The truth is not revealed just like that, but its individual grains are scattered in some laconisms, which are brief wherefore that catch it. Science is unable to understand the essence of the extraordinary, which often goes beyond its research approach, and religion is silent about the true causes of the mysterious and incomprehensible. However, everything has meaning and explanation. See below.

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Lightly about the serious.

Where the person undertook from?

From the come

awareness of self who was earlier the irresponsible ape.

Why atheists do not trust in "Afterlife"?

They are similar tothose who believe that the medal has only one side.

Who is right – materialists or idealists?

Neither those, nor others: where can consciousness build a nest without matter? And is it possible to test matter without consciousness!?

Why does time for happy life doesn't come?

Because somebody hours aren't watched, others have no watch, and all else are just waiting in the wings.

What is most important in a person?

The ability to take aim – everything else lives aimlessly.

In what does the principal difficulty of mankind consist?

In absence of understanding of that, what it generally is necessary for.

What is through the looking glass?

Nothingness, which turns around to thou.

1. Fresh pranks

Why all are going to the zoo?

To admire by itself in development.

Why love to caress cats?

For lack of more worthy object.

Whether understands parrot own chatter?

Only partly, but he likes it, and he is not stopping soon.

What special quality of the real housewives are the best?

By their richness – like the bun.

Where to now sit thieves?


Why beggars have such look of suffering?

They always consider that they are given a little.

There is "Manneken Pis" (A pissing boy) in Brussels. And what is at us?

We may piss anywhere.

How the spirit is strengthened not so bad?

By acquisition of boots with foot bindings.

What a stick is good in?

It is possible to force down with its help not only pears.

What do cornered people make?

Japanese – Hara-kiri;

Russian – drunkenness;

American – business;

German – the order;

The Frenchman – champagne;

Englishman – soccer;

Chinese – a kite;

The Hindu – nirvana;

Jew – a sell.

Why the monkeys any more do not turn into people?

They had seen enough on them.

Why in the Russian language, almost all words are borrowed?

Apparently, Russians learned to speak later all.

Whether so really the person is perfect?

It is possible to learn it, having looked at a fly creeping on a ceiling.

Why do people trust the deceivers?

And why husband believes to wife?

Who occurs from a cow?

Exclusively good-natured persons, but in insufficient quantity.

What the bald head can be useful for?

For additional lighting of the space.

What is better to drink?

What into a throat flows and it is not being spillt.

How are combined boiling water and crayfish?

Just as boiling water and people, up to reddening.

What cheap cologne beats expensive perfume in?

It replaces vodka at an extreme.

For what pants are necessary?

To cover, inasmuch their opening does not make a contribution to science.

When women begin to get smarter?

Some – already after fifty.

Where did nudists undertake from?

From sin, that they do not hide.

From what a goose to a pig is not a comrade?

From the different feeding troughs.

Whether will triumph of validity?

When the cancer shall start to whistle at mount.

How to become rich?

Initially make poor.

Is it good to be as the pensioner?

If thou survive – will find out?!

Why with fat rage?

Demons prefer excess to drawback.

When the person craves the most.

When he has no money.

Why in Asia pilaf is eaten with hands?

Spoon it is possible not to be in time.

What thinks the ram, looking at a new gate?

What it does not concern him.

Who is this tailor?

The man who is able to strip through the glance of every which wants to get dressed.

In what is dissimilarity of a pig and a person?

The person is capable to turn into a pig, and the pig – doesn't even try.

Why distribution of medals begins?

To distribute money there is no desire.

Whether devil confuses us?

Not devil, but jurists.

What can be extracted from slops?

Quite good pork gammon as a result.

What is the difference of traders and women?

Shopkeepers try to sell everything, except themselves, and women try to sell themselves for the sake of everything else.

What does a vegetarian differ in?

Biased attitude to vegetables.

For what civilians grow moustaches?

For giving of themselves of military daring.

What does the playing sport harm to?

Strengthening muscles, it straightens the brain crinkles.

What American Negros are close to the Russian people in?

Set free rather recently from bondage, both those, and others yet haven't managed to adapt to will.

What will be with motorists soon?

They will disappear.

In what is the use of wrinkles on a physiognomy?

They allude to wisdom, which may completely absent.

What attracts delirium of the ill by?

It is possible to learn a lot of useful from it.

What is characteristic for any institution?

What is characteristic for any public office?

Loathsome spirit

In what a horseradish and a radish converge?

They are not wish to raise the degree of own sweetness.

In what case the flood is required?

When soul burns, and there is nothing to drink.

Whether it is possible to be clever and silly simultaneously?

It is possible, but uncomfortably. It will be unbroken glitch.

What distinguishes heaviness from burden?

The same, in what the kettlebell differs from hangover.

What is better – force or dexterity?

Better to use force dexterously.

How to overcome depression?

To blow in a whistle deafeningly.

Is it good to be rich?

Very good! But it is better to be carefree!

What was until us?

In general, it was the same.

Whether it is possible to get pleasure ceaselessly?

It is possible. But long it will not turn out.

How to overcome melancholy?

Work out by gymnastics.

Is it possible to be silent for seven years as Buddha?

If you are able to write?

Is the fighter better than the soldier?

Certainly: because the form does not constrain him.

Can the computer replace the person?

No! Firstly, it cannot do nonsenses, and secondly, thou can throw out it, but it cannot

Why do we need military in peacetime?

To nest egg.

Is the world the crazy?

It isn't necessary to ascribe to the world the human properties.

How to get rid of insomnia?

In old age – nohow, in young age insomnia doesn't happen, at the intermediate age – walk before going to bed.

Why had vice emerged?

For comparison.

Why horizon is slipping away?

It is ashamed of nude rotundities of Earth.

What are the reasons that people lose their teeth?

The people lose teeth on different reasons, but the main thing – they do not find them.

Whence undertake diseases?

From boredom of healthy life.

Whom to be better – by an animal or by the person?

It is quieter to be by a plant.

What is well? And what is bad?

Well when yet isn't worse, and it is bad when worse no place.

In what case a whip and a cake have equal value?

If they lie without use.

From what is it so bad with hangover?

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Первоначальная идея о тотальном освоении космоса, которую пытаются реализовать в настоящее время, исходит из теории русского мыслителя Н. Ф. Фёдорова, основой которой является всеобщее воскрешение мертвецов, что само по себе указывает на утопичность как второго, так и первого. Тем не менее, в этой идее можно найти вполне рациональные зерна, не обнаруженные доныне.
Философы объясняли мир. Мыслители-конструкторы указывали, как надо менять мир. А теперь вы узнаете, почему миру без человека не обойтись.
Такого явления как интеллигенция нет нигде, кроме России. В остальных странах культурный слой нации носит наименование интеллектуалов. Почему так случилось только в России, какими свойствами обладает интеллигенция, кто к ней относится и какова ее роль в общественной жизни страны вкратце рассмотрено ниже – и довольно обидно для интеллигенции, но по фактам – справедливо.
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Мы все нежно любим своих бабушек. А бабушки тоже любят свой день рождения и всегда рады нашему вниманию в такой важный день. И всем по силам показать маленькое представление для любимой бабушки и для её гостей – маленьких и взрослых. На один такой сценарий вы уже смотрите, бабушкины любимцы, с вашими любимцами из детских сказок и с волшебными стаканчиками для взрослых, написанный ко дню рождения реальной бабушки Тани, к которой в реальную деревню
В книгу вошли четыре сказки – «Про бедного Иванушку», «Про непутевую бабу», «Про Семена Ложкаря» и «Сказочка про непослушных детей». Книга содержит нецензурную брань.
Пьеса вошла в десятку лучших драматических произведений 2018 года по версии конкурса "Кульминация". Современная трактовка проблем "лишнего человека", "среднего возраста", и "отцов и детей". Содержит нецензурную брань.
Наклонился за словами, подумал: потерянные или случайно оброненные. Собрал их, положил на клавиатуру – получилось чрезмерно пошловато. Следовательно, они не потерянные, а выброшенные.
Что может быть ужаснее для матери, чем потеря десятилетней дочки в бескрайних песках Кара-кума? Затем долгие годы поиска. Это случилось в 1932 году с Надеждой Гориной – дочерью известного московского профессора. Когда ее остальные дети выросли, они помогли своей матери взглянуть на эту трагедию иначе.
Совершенствование интуиции, которая есть в той или иной степени у каждого человека, – вот главная задача книги. Книга будет вашим личным психотерапевтом и биоэнергетиком в разные периоды жизни и в различных жизненных ситуациях, принесет МИР ВАШЕЙ ДУШЕ. Это вторая цель книги. Быть в авангарде интеллектуальной мысли, творцами прогресса, творцами своей судьбы – мечта юного романтика. Она становится ближе, на расстоянии вытянутой руки. Мечта взрослее
В этом произведении рассказывается о прибытии на Землю инопланетной разведки и о ее противостоянии местному спецназу. Книга предназначена для любителей космических путешествий, уфологии и фантастики.
Книга «Монохромная цветность» продолжает серию книг поэтической философии миропонимания новой эпохи. Реакция автора на складывающуюся реальность сплетается в Слово, представленное в форме стихов, эссе, реплик. «Несчастливые проживают реальность, объединяясь в толпу. Счастливые всегда одиноки. Потому что счастье не терпит суеты и шума». Читатель книги Владимира Симонова «Монохромная цветность» вдохновится Красотой и гармонией строк о Женщине, о че