Anna Morion - The Bird has got wings

The Bird has got wings
Название: The Bird has got wings
Жанры: Зарубежные любовные романы | Зарубежная драматургия | Исторические любовные романы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "The Bird has got wings"

Wealth never comes without tears, and a noble but poor lady has no choice but to sell herself to whoever wishes to buy her. Having agreed to the marriage that made her rich, Vivian did not realise what secrets her husband was keeping, nor how dearly she would have to pay for that choice. The second part of the Wingless Bird dilogy.This translation is made with DeepL Translate.

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Chapter 1

– Vivian has married Jeremy?! – Anthony exclaimed in disbelief, and, taking the newspaper from his brother, quickly found in it the rather lengthy news that the newlyweds had married before the mourning for the deceased Mr. Wington was over, and that their wedding in the beautiful Anglican church of All Saints was attended only by close friends.

– Anthony, is it true? – Lady Cranford asked her son in an amazed tone. She was so surprised at the news that she even spilt a few drops of tea on her beautiful black dress.

– The truth, mother," Anthony replied with a chuckle, but did not bother to hand his mother the paper so that she could be sure of the truth of his words.

– Vivian and Jeremy Wington! – The Countess smiled contemptuously; her surprise replaced by mockery. – And yet she had achieved her purpose for which she had come to Greenhall! She had married a rich man! And what a man! Your drunken friend!

– Perhaps you've forgotten that not so long ago I was that drunken mate? – threw the paper on the table, and parried Anthony. – But somehow you still think I'm a proper gentleman, while Jeremy has long since been labelled as such a drunken fellow. And not only him, but your own niece!

– I have not branded him or her at all," said Lady Cranford coldly. – That your friend Mr. Wington is a drunkard and a libertine is known all over London, but the upper classes accept it because he is the heir to a great fortune… Oh, yes, not heir, but owner!

– And Vivian, in your opinion, is a schemer and a seductress! – Anthony could not help laughing wickedly. – Mother, you are right! She and Jeremy make a lovely couple! And I shall be happy to congratulate them on this happy event! I will not hesitate to write them a letter right away! – He got up from the table and, wishing everyone a good morning, retired to his chambers. His soul was filled with anger at his mother's poisonous speech, but also with sincere joy for Vivian, who had found what she dreamed of: a rich husband. And, even knowing the character and addiction of his friend, and now the spouse of his cousin, to alcohol and brothels, Anthony was sure that the will of his wife, this beautiful and strong-spirited girl, will change Jeremy for the better.

Vivian, whom Anthony himself had dreamed of whom he had asked to be his wife, was now the wife of another man, but young Cranford took it for granted.

– So, who was this girl Vivian? – Richard asked his mother as his younger brother left the dining room. He had been watching the quarrel between his mother and brother, which did not embarrass him, but amused him and kindled a fire of curiosity: who was his mysterious cousin that she could marry a rich gentleman without bringing him a cent in dowry?

"There must be something special about her," Richard decided. – It is not without reason that she is so disdained by my mother. And what has she done to make my mother hate her so much?"

Despite their frequent correspondence, Lady Cranford and her eldest son were not in a hurry to share with each other news of misunderstandings with other members of their family, so Richard had no information about the confrontation between Miss Cowell and his mother. And Lady Cranford did not wish the scandal at Greenhall to be known to her son: she knew that, like Anthony, Richard would reproach her for her shortsightedness and perhaps also be angry that she had nearly ruined the excellent reputation of the Cranfords. So, the Countess kept silent, and asked Anthony to keep silent too, who agreed only because he did not wish to cause his brother any more trouble.

– I wrote to you about her: she is the daughter of my late elder sister Catherine," Lady Cranford reminded her son in a calm tone. – She came to Greenhall with only a suitcase and great ambition to marry well.

– And she had succeeded," Richard remarked. – The wealth of her husband's family is still gossiped about. They say the late Wington not only had huge bank accounts and chests of gold, but also large estates, both in England and abroad.

– I have heard of that family too," Agnes Cranford put in. – My father knew the late man, and told me that he was stingy and intractable…

– All right, you'll have ride your pony, but only when I am with you! – His father told him sternly and took the spoon away from him. – If you're sure you're done with breakfast, you can go to the nursery!

– Do you promise me, Daddy? Promise? – Albert's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands together. – When? How about now?

– Buddy, can't you see that Daddy is still eating breakfast? – his mother gently reprimanded the boy. – Go and play in the nursery.

– No, I'm going to Kitty's! I promised to tell her a story! – Albert said and jumped up from the table and looked at his father sternly: "Papa, when you have breakfast, come to Kitty's for me! Do you promise?

– I promise. Go on, run to your sister," Richard smiled at his son, and he ran out of the dining-room with a loud shriek of joy.

– Mum, can I leave the table too? – Victoria, always obedient and quiet, asked in a pleading tone. – I'm going to Kitty's too.

– Let's go together, my dear," replied Agnes, who was not particularly interested in her husband's conversation with his mother. – And let's get some jam buns for our little one!

As Agnes and Victoria left the dining room, carrying with them delicious freshly baked scones, a jar of raspberry jam and a tall glass of milk, Richard and his mother had plenty of time to discuss Vivian's unwise choice. Gloating, they both agreed that despite Mr. Wington's terrible reputation, he was still incredibly rich, perhaps even richer than the Count of Cranford himself, and it was impossible not to reckon with that.

– But, mother, why do you dislike Miss Cowell so much? – Richard asked with a smile.

– What makes you think so? – Lady Cranford shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of her tea.

– It is obvious: you are so delighted that she has become the wife of a man of bad character that dislike and contempt for her slip into every word you say," Richard smirked.

– You exaggerate, my dear: I have no ill feelings for her… More tea! – The Countess said imperiously, and the maid, dressed in a clean, neat uniform, immediately filled her beautifully patterned porcelain mug with fragrant black tea.

– Would you like some milk, ma'am? – The maid asked.

– No, not this time," Lady Cranford replied, and the maid silently took her place close to the master's table. – No, Richard, I never wished Vivian any harm, but I confess that her character and her means of achieving her ends are not to my liking. I suppose Anthony didn't tell you that he was in love with her and that he had proposed to her?

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