Макс Хоффер - The Legend

The Legend
Название: The Legend
Жанры: Книги о приключениях | Историческая фантастика | Книги о путешествиях
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "The Legend"

The main character is Athanasius Mirra, a warrior in the army of King Virgil. He is also patronized by General Swann, who raised him from an early age. But then, one day, the usual way of life changes with the arrival of the letter, from the king himself. And launched by this message, a series of events connects him with a girl named Unalia, who reveals to him the secret of ancient times. After that, an exciting journey begins beyond the boundaries of known lands. The gripping novel will immerse the reader in a universe of valor and courage, saturated with sweat and blood.

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Part I (Faces of the Past)


For several years now, a bloody war has been going on between Meinard and the group of allied states of Arkon and Vauton. These three great countries were an oasis of civilization in the ocean of lifeless lands in the South and wild peoples inhabiting the Northern territories. Arkon and Vauton, once bitter rivals, rallied in the face of a common threat of extermination.

The "Marna" corps of the army of His Majesty King Virgil under the command of the famous General Swan, pushed back the army of Meinard, coming closer and closer to his capital. But the decisive battle was yet to come.

Athanasius Mirra – Arkon's warrior is on the front lines. He has nothing to prove in this war. He only does what he does best.

Chapter 1 (Change)

The sun had not yet appeared over the horizon, and Tan was already tying the laces on his boots. As often happened, he had a difficult night. Blame the nightmares that have followed him for a long time. These scary and brutal nocturnal references came from his childhood. In most cases, these were some small segments that were difficult to see in the fog. They were like a fuzzy reflection on the water surface. But sometimes, the dreams were vivid, as if it was happening now at the moment. The last thing he remembered before he opened his eyes was how his mother was screaming his name Athanasius !!! Athanasius !!! Run quickly, my boy …

He raised his head, took in the air heavily with his lungs, and exhaled just as hard. More than thirty years have passed since the moment when his village was attacked. But to this day, the past did not let him go and did not give him peace. He missed her! On her soft hands and tender lips that kissed his disheveled head. His eyes were suddenly saturated with moisture. But Tan drove those thoughts out of his head. The time in which he lives does not forgive weakness. He could show such vulnerability only in moments when he was alone, but leaving his command tent, he became Athanasius Mirra – the commander of the vanguard of the army of His Majesty King Virgil! It should be noted that by the age of thirty-seven, Athanasius had already become known as a great warrior. He visited five major battles, which won the king Virgil control over the vast territory that once belonged to people who call themselves Meinardians. Tan paid tribute to the ability of Meinard's warriors to take a blow. They were ferocious people. They were physically very strong and powerful, in part, it was because of this that Tan was constantly exercising! He could not afford to concede in anything to anyone. Unlike the people of Meinard, the Arconians, which Athanasius was, were not as physically developed, but they had impressive growth, on average about two meters in height. They had blonde hair and good vision in the dark, which was passed down from their ancestors who lived most of their lives in caves. Although, with a sharp change in lighting, it took some time for the eyes to adjust. And also differed in skin color. The people of the Arkon race had white skin, while the Meinardians had dark skin, the color of red clay. And it is not surprising, given how hellishly their sun was burning at its zenith. Looking through the window opening, Tan did not find a single cloud in the sky, which meant that another hot day awaited him, although the summer was already over. He swore to himself. But still forced myself to get up. While the sun has not yet appeared, he will have time to perform the ritual that accompanied him on all campaigns. Namely, jogging, with a distance of about 7-10 kilometers, and after compulsory physical exercises with their own weight.

Throwing open the door, Tan went out into the street. I breathed in the air. -Very dry, he thought. How Athanasius yearned for the rain. Approaching a barrel of water, which stood next to the entrance to the tent, he scooped water into a jug standing there and poured all its contents onto his head. Suddenly, as if waking up from a dream, Tan heard sounds coming from the direction of the forest: singing of birds, rustling of branches. An unknown insect chirped in the grass nearby. And all these sounds reminded him so much of home. Smiling slightly, Tan went to perform his morning ritual.

A few hours later, having heavily refreshed himself, Tan was at the training base, where he checked and supervised the training of his squad.. They weren't the best of the best. But these were the very people with whom Tan wanted to serve and those who eventually replaced his family. Under his supervision, everyone performed the exercises with special zeal, because Tan enjoyed indisputable authority, both among ordinary soldiers and officers. Tan knew that rumors and various tales were circulating in the detachment and beyond about his military exploits. Tan even heard that he single-handedly chopped an entire enemy squadron to pieces. He always found it amusing how from mouth to mouth five people turn into fifty elite thugs. But the skill in working with the sword was not to be occupied by Tan. At the same time, add the speed and mighty strength that he had. And believe me, there are few who would like to measure their strength with him. But nevertheless, from time to time such people were. As a rule, these were battle-hardened wars who wanted to write their names in history. Tan has fought over a hundred such fights. And he was never defeated. Therefore, there have not been many such challenges lately. The last challenge was accepted about two years ago. It was a large Arconian named Egon, who also had the blood of Meinard's people in his veins. Therefore, in physique he was not inferior to Atanasius. However, the battle did not last even one minute. Tan, like no one knew how to read his opponent, and after a little reconnaissance and parrying several blows of Egon's sword, he struck him with a lightning blow with his left hand from below in the jaw. The blow was delivered with such force that Egon's head threw back, and it seemed that it was about to tear off the spine. Needless to say, after that, he fell as if knocked down in the tournament circle, and Tan didn't even lose his breath. The face showed no emotion. He knew this would happen. This has always been the case. After that, Athanasius Mirra stopped taking calls. He even received an offer to go to serve in the guard of the castle of Virgil himself. Who would have thought, the son of a simple blacksmith, would be in the personal guard of the king. But Mirra did not need such work. Although he sometimes didn’t know what he wanted, it was definitely not city life in a warm bed. The army is his home!

С этой книгой читают
Главный герой – Атанасиус Мирра, воин армии короля Вергилия. Ему также покровительствует генерал Сван, который вырастил его с малых лет. Но вот, однажды, привычный уклад жизни меняется с приходом письма, от самого короля. И запущенная этим посланием, череда событий связывает его с девушкой по имени Уналия, которая раскрывает ему тайну древних времён. После этого начнется увлекательное путешествие за пределами границ известных земель. Захватывающи
Борьба за судьбу планеты ещё не окончена. Множество удивительных событий, что уготованы для наших героев, ждут их впереди. Вопрос в том, хватит ли им сил закончить начатое. Атанасиус Мирра всё также самоотверженно ведёт своих друзей к заветной цели, но на игровое поле вышел могучий соперник, который всеми силами пытается победить.Содержит нецензурную брань.
Это сборник, содержащий в себе обе части истории под названием "Легенда". Все приключения легендарного война Атанасиуса Мирры и его спутников, включенные в одну книгу.Содержит нецензурную брань.
Андрей справился с источником силы. И теперь всей их компании предстоит поездка в Содружество по поручению главы клана.
Студент с волшебным моноклем узнаёт о древнем проклятии, которое связало судьбы людей и животных, разрушив дружбу и гармонию между ними. Когда-то жители деревни пытались обрести друзей через животных, но их стремления привели к разделению и обидам. Теперь герой должен примирить враждующих, восстановить утраченную дружбу и освободить пленённые души. Но сможет ли он, преодолевая эти испытания, обрести друзей и для себя?
Погрузитесь в захватывающий и магический мир фантастической саги «Пришельцы как мы». В этой незабываемой истории раскрываются не только тайны бесконечных галактик, но и фантастические возможности любви, для которой даже сам бескрайний космос не преграда.Включайтесь в увлекательные приключения вместе с нашим героем, чье сердце и разум захватывает любовь к прекрасной инопланетянке. Она прибыла на Землю, чтобы защитить наш мир от космического тирана
Молодому преподавателю университета археологии и истории Андрею Весеннему вечно не сидится на месте.Вот только общественность города Энск отошла от прошлых открытий, как уже новое приключение стучится в дверь.Понятное дело, что с сокровищами казацкой старшины и наследием тевтонских рыцарей еще можно было как-то разобраться, но внезапное появление настоящей амазонки у них на дне города, это уже явно перебор.Не в характере перспективного хранителя
Главный герой романа – Денис, мальчик десяти лет, предполагает, что у него есть старший брат, но от него это скрывают родители. Он задаётся целью разыскать брата. Денис решает проследить за отцом, у которого на чердаке дома находится рабочий кабинет, где он тайно что-то пишет. У него возникла мысль, что брата держат на чердаке. Как-то отец оставляет дверь не запертой, и Денис тайно пробирается на чердак. В ящике письменного стола он обнаруживает
Продолжение истории Саске Сарутоби. Кто-то скрывается в тени и дёргает за ниточки, кто-то не жалея себя рвётся в бой, а кто-то готов отдаться своим амбициям и желаниям. У кого какой исход? Кто останется в живых? Кто добьётся желаемого? Кто такой A.S.?
Таких как я называют дейтисэя. Избранные. Те, кому посчастливилось родиться с меткой. Значит, в нас теплится магия, которую нужно активировать. Но лишь затем, чтобы забрать. Однако у меня совершенно иные планы. Я, Стефания, планирую стать первой леди Кровавой луны. Той, кто сама отбирает магию и решает судьбы. А факт, что меня приметил для будущего ритуала сам Император, которого боятся во всех уголках Дарт-Адаара, всего-навсего укрепляет в желан
Лара мечтает о роскошной жизни респектабельной жены миллионера. Дело за малым: найти богатого супруга. Пока же правильный мужчина не клюнул, девушка зарабатывает своим… нет, не телом... хитрым, изворотливым умом. За хороший гонорар может и невесту изобразить, и даже до свадьбы дело довести. А то что фиктивный жених начинает нравиться до стенокардии, так это пустяки, главное платит хорошо!