Ви Корс - The Mist and the Lightning. Part 11

The Mist and the Lightning. Part 11
Название: The Mist and the Lightning. Part 11
Жанры: Эротические романы | Героическое фэнтези | Эротическое фэнтези
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2020
О чем книга "The Mist and the Lightning. Part 11"

The next series of the acclaimed series of books. Small world of Nikto he created for himself didn’t had the sky, it looked like a vertical pipe going into the depths, lower and lower into completely alien worlds of unclean beings. Содержит нецензурную брань.

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Chapter one

The limit

Desolation reigned in the witch's cave, mice darted underfoot. Nikto, looking at the witch's paraphernalia, suddenly laughed, turned to Karina, who was tensely standing next to Lis and Arel:

“To whom did she address? Well, when you tried to drive me out and free your brother.”

“She was referring to some more powerful Demon, as she said. He should have ordered you to leave,” Karina shyly looked down.

“How did she address him? His name?”

“I don’t remember… something long and incomprehensible…”

“It says here: Ran-hma-nap-hchi. Was she referring to the Demon Ranhmanaphchi?”

“Yes,” Karina barely uttered. The memories of that evening were terrible.

“Is it your acquaintance?” Lis grimaced skeptically.

“There is no such Demon, he is not real,” Nikto answered.

“But she had results,” Karina said. “So he helped her, whatever he was?”

“I don’t know how to explain to you,” Nikto thought. “You won’t understand at all, there is nothing even similar in your world.”

“Well, of course, how can we have it,” Lis grunted knowingly.

“Lis, this is a Demon, he is not alive, he is well, like… like a toy. Demons created him, he's not real. Well… like a complex mechanism. Only not alive anyway. He is an artificially created Demon. Not real. He can answer some questions like a talking toy.”

“Artificial Demon?” Lis asked.

“Yes,” Nikto laughed, “it's funny that she talked to him like to a real person, in all seriousness.”

“Well, why was it necessary to create him?”

“Just to help, well, and why not, if it’s possible.”

“And you?” asked Lis. “Can you create such a Demon?”

“Me – not.”


“This task is not included in my mission.”

“Tasks, tasks, only tasks, but is there something for yourself, not for a task, can you do it?”

“I can,” Nikto snapped, “I'm remaking Arel for myself.”

“However, she was able to send you away, expel you from my brother's body,” said Karina.

“Yes. But not for long. And I came back.”

“And the Demon who created this Rah… could he expel you forever?” Lis asked. “Wait, let me answer myself. This was not part of his mission.”

“Why am I telling you this at all!”

“I'm interested,” said Karina. “And what is this?”

“Her altar, I think so. She addressed the four elements of nature. You see, there are charred pieces of wood here – this is a fire zone, and there was water in the bowl until it evaporated, feathers meant air, and stone – earth. By the way, she correctly positioned them to the cardinal points. She has a good altar, you can cast magic on it.”

Karina looked cautiously at the empty sandbox.

“And here she used to have two snakes, I wonder where they are? And what if they escaped and crawl around here?”

“Don't worry,” Nikto stood in the center of the room. “Come all over here.”

Arel, Lis, Karina and Verniy approached him. Nikto opened a portal to go to his own world, created by him in the unclean limit as an outlet.

Small world of Nikto he created for himself didn’t had the sky, it looked like a vertical pipe going into the depths, lower and lower into completely alien worlds of unclean beings. There were portals on each tier.

Through them, the unclean ones, taking advantage of the owner's invitation, entered his world and went back, descending to the level they needed. The human world was like the top floor on this tower. It consisted of many rooms and corridors; many unclean friends of Nikto lived and worked there. His slaves and female slaves lived there. Claire lived here, whom Karina perfectly remembered, but now didn’t want to communicate with her.

Karina liked the small artificial garden with trees, flowers, birds flying and several animals walking. There was even a small pond in the garden. Karina didn’t know what was on the other floors and didn’t want to go down there at all, and, fortunately, Nikto didn’t insist on it. He kept his word and didn’t touch her. The room he put Karina in was very comfortable and had a balcony. You could go out on it and admire the light gray valley lying far below and framed by mountains, the same pale gray sky hung above it. Everything was very similar to the scenery in a theater – not real, but still beautiful. A fresh breeze was blowing from the valley. That was the only relatively large space in his limited world. Nikto came to check how she settled down, whether she was doing well. At his limit, he was a little different, without a scar. His face was clean. He smiled at Karina, apparently understanding her gaze perfectly.

“It's just an illusion, sometimes I also want to look normal, not like a disfigured cripple. But this is the same mask. And it only works here, inside my world,” he approached Karina, she stood on the balcony, leaning on a stone balustrade. “Do you like it?”

“Yes. It’s very beautiful. Is this all real? Or is it an illusion too?”

“It’s real.”

“Why did you create this space?”

“Just for fun.”

“Is it possible to go down? Walk around this field?”

“Yes. And you can ride a horse there if you want.”

“Who lives there?”


“I saw last night far, far away near the mountains, the lights flickered, as if a fire was burning there.”

“Ah… this… yes, some small insect-like unclean ones started up.”


“Simply, they crept into my space and now, they took root. They are primitive and not dangerous.”

“But why don't you drive them away?!”

“Let them live until they bother me, if they multiply too much, then I'll have to go down and remove them.”

But Karina didn't want to ride a horse there anymore.

“Rest, my servants are at your disposal. Eat, drink, walk in the garden, stroke the animals, sleep, gain strength. If you get bored, come to my slaves, they are happy to wait for you. Claire speaks good black, she'll chat with you. Nobody will touch you.”

“And Lis?”

“I will return Lis to you after a while. Don't worry about him like that, I won't do anything bad to him. And you can live here together when I leave with Arel for below.”

Lis looked around nervously, confused by the half-human height cages against the wall, but they were empty. Nikto and an unclean master named Marg paid no attention to him, completely absorbed in conversation. Arel stood in front of them naked, and the master touched him, twisted, turned, looking at him as a thing, as an object that the customer had brought and which needed to be decorated better. Nikto said something to him in unclean language quickly, Lis was nervous and didn’t understand. He saw that they were driving their fingers along Arel’s back, from shoulder blade to shoulder blade, along the buttocks. They planned where and how to tattoo the prince, but he stood motionless, his eyes downcast, and only sometimes flinched a little when Marg or Nikto poked him too much with their clawed hands. When they finished discussing the back, they moved on to his chest, belly, and cock. Finally finished, Nikto turned to Lis:

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The next series of the acclaimed series of books.Тhis story actually happened in a different reality (a different dimension, a parallel world); you can call it whatever you like, whatever you used to, whatever is convenient for you. Its essence will not change with that. All characters in the story exist and interact just like we exist and interact in our world. Only their names, the names of the gods, peoples and territories are not authentic; t
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Continuation of the sensational erotic adventure… They are not offspring of Hell; they just lived nearby… Arel Chig is a fallen prince, the only one who dares to break the rules in a society separated by race, language and origin. When he meets Nikto, a strange man of many secrets, Arel's life is going to change Содержит нецензурную брань.
The next series of the acclaimed series of books. Тhis story actually happened in a different reality (a different dimension, a parallel world); you can call it whatever you like, whatever you used to, whatever is convenient for you. Its essence will not change with that. All characters in the story exist and interact just like we exist and interact in our world. Only their names, the names of the gods, peoples and territories are not authentic;
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