Алексей Авдохин - The Scout or Welcome to South Bermondsey

The Scout or Welcome to South Bermondsey
Название: The Scout or Welcome to South Bermondsey
Жанры: Юмористическая проза | Юмор и сатира | Современная русская литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "The Scout or Welcome to South Bermondsey"

«Взгляд изнутри: жизнь футболистов через призму опытного агента» – так можно охарактеризовать эту книгу. Главный герой, Алекс, работает скаутом и занимается поиском талантливых футболистов.Одним из его открытий становится молодой камерунец Фабрис Зуа, который подписывает контракт с клубом «Миллуолл», легендарной командой из Юго-Восточного Лондона. Фабрис сталкивается с личными проблемами, но благодаря упорству и стараниям преодолевает их, совершенствуясь как игрок.Сюжетная линия развивается вокруг Харриса, опытного тренера «Миллуолл». По требованию «Биг Босса» он покидает клуб, но не теряет надежду и находит новое место для наставничества. В «Миллуолл» приходит новый тренер, который ведет команду к новым победам.Эта книга привлечет не только любителей спорта и профессионалов, но и всех, кто хочет заглянуть за кулисы футбольных будней. Она написана эмоциональным и живым языком, что делает чтение еще более увлекательным.

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To my son, who doesn't really like football and my wife, who hates it,and to my translator, who knew nothing about football.

All of the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional, any similarity with real people or events is simply coincidental.


The Cameroonian was unbelievably good, incredibly quick, and tough as nails, and on the pitch a truly malevolent force against the opposition. In the first half alone, he wreaked havoc from the right flank, as their left defence failed miserably to keep up with him over and over again. The young bloke was playing his very first match for our team but played so tightly with his teammates that it truly seemed he had spent more than even one season on the team, twice he dangerously hammered the ball into the penalty area and carried out a couple of brilliant passes putting the ball right in the strike zone of the goal, all of which he did while at the same time working from behind and helping Iron Mike with defence! Then at the twenty-sixth minute he carried out such an amazing demonstration of dribbling that our manager Harris was overheard muttering to himself something like "oh, what a prick", which Old Man Harris considered to be the highest praise possible for a player.

His name was Fabrice, Fabrice Zua, and according to his passport he was only nineteen years old. However, that is not a die-hard fact, as we all know how things really are with these blokes from Cameroon, Ghana, or the Ivory Coast. Although in this case, Francis Collins, who tipped me off about the brilliant find and got his five percent cut on the deal, swore by all the gods above and even on the health of his poor elderly mother, that the bloke was in fact really and truly only nineteen.

"Bloody hell, Robbie, are you blind?!" Old Man Harris screamed as he jumped up and ran far beyond the boundaries of the technical zone. "Can't you see him for Christ’s sake?! The bloke is standing there like a lemon!!! Pass him the sodding ball, you imbecile!!!"

Davey Roberts was our main CDM and his main task was tearing the legs off of their attacking midfielders, but sometimes he also managed to make a mint pass. And Davey went too far and the pass was so perfect that even Toni Kroos would probably have envied it. Then the Cameroonian burst into the zone.

It was a pleasure watching their left fieldsman, a red-haired Scotsman, with a ponytail and beard like Alexi Lalas, trying to catch up with our Cameroonian. What a sight! The bloke flew around like a meteor. He took control of the ball and went to the right. Their midfielder tried to catch him the player in the centre left shifted their focus too, you could see their line-up bursting at the seams, and Fabrice did everything right. He didn't overdo moving around the ball and didn't give it away ahead of time, but then passed it a little diagonally, as if on a silver platter. And Alan Parker, our main striker, arrived just in time. Then it was just a matter of technique. A kick – and goal!

I automatically checked the stopwatch. It was the forty-second minute and the score was one zero. Way to go! That’s our team!

"Alex, bloody hell! Where did you find this bloody cannibal?" Johnny Martin, the assistant coach almost strangled me with his huge paws.

"Come on blokes!!! Don't let up!!! Get it together!!!" Old Harris's mug didn't move a muscle, but he looked rather pleased.

"Come on! Let's go! Come on!!!"

There was almost no time left until the break.

We were escorted to the locker room like heroes. The «Den» roared like we were winning against the Spurs or Chelsea, not some bloody Reading. However it was still nice.

We went out for the second half in a good mood and even the first-half thrashing of young Fleming by old man Harris for his error didn't serve to dampen anyone's spirits.

"No one likes us!"

"No one likes us!"

"No one likes us! We don't care!" roared the stands.

"Come on, lads!!! Old Harris was clapping his hands like he was cracking nuts. "Be careful with the defence! Pass the ball faster! And put them under more pressure! Pressure!! Pressure!!!"

You couldn't say that the boys from Reading were playing that bad today. They honestly tried to turn the game around and from the very beginning of the second half they drove forward like madmen, but in the end that's what killed them.

In the first counterattack, young Fleming found Parker's pass and their defender had no choice but to foul and for him it was already his second yellow card. After that, they continued to attempt to pull something off but their efforts were no longer serious.

The Cameroonian was still running around like a bloody cheetah, and even the fact that the manager of the Reading team replaced the Scot, who was completely exhausted, for a fresh defender, it didn't help them much.

In the seventy-third minute, our «Novichok» moved to the centre and suddenly shot from the left. If the rascal Collins had seen the bloke kick with his left, even though all the documents said that he was right-footed, he would have asked not for five but probably for ten percent. Their goalkeeper jumped into the corner as if he was remembering his time playing for the Gunners but even that didn't save him.

Then there was also a pass from the corner to our centre-back Evans who headed it into the crossbar. After that in added time, our prize player again ran along the edge and shot one off right at Parker's head. The result was a goal and a total of three to zero which was now on the scoreboard.

"Man-eating cannibal! Cameroonian cannibal!" Yes, you can't deny that our fans have a sense of humour. That was probably the most innocuous and least racist thing that they had shouted all evening.

The bloke was all right, job well done. He simply smiled and walked up to the stand behind the goal and thanked everyone! Many newcomers have to be told that thanking the fans is also part of the game. He thanked them and they clapped. It was all very grown-up.

I didn't go into the locker room. It's not the job of a scout or an agent to shout out victory songs with the blokes and appear in collective photos. However listening to what journalists are going to say in the mixed-zone and then at the press-conference are things that are always important for an agent to know so that they know in advance what the newspapers will write about in the morning. This is especially important when your ward played his first match for a new club.

"Hey, Alex!" the Daily Mail sports columnist Sean O’Grady was the first to intercept me in the mixed-zone, "Tell me about this new bloke!"

С этой книгой читают
Конец XI века. Христианский мир на пороге крестовых походов, но в народе все ещё сильна вера в древних Богов. Время, когда судьбы Европы и великой некогда Империи Ромеев зависят от того, устоит ли Русь под напором кочевников. Время, когда деревья были большими, люди искренними, а Боги справедливыми. Время, когда Русь становилась великой.
«Взгляд изнутри: жизнь футболистов через призму опытного агента» – так можно охарактеризовать эту книгу. Главный герой, Алекс, работает скаутом и занимается поиском талантливых футболистов.Одним из его открытий становится молодой камерунец Фабрис Зуа, который подписывает контракт с клубом «Миллуолл», легендарной командой из Юго-Восточного Лондона. Фабрис сталкивается с личными проблемами, но благодаря упорству и стараниям преодолевает их, соверше
Что общего между верблюдами и звездами? Какого правила должен придерживаться каждый дракончик, даже если он еще не проснулся? Как правильно составить экибану, если ты – рыба? Как обмениваются посланиями морские ежи? Какие мысли движут актиниями? На эти и многие другие подобные вопросы ответы содержатся в этой книге – в форме маленьких рассказов, описывающие реальные (подчеркиваю – реальные) события в моем аквариуме. Рассказы не только познаватель
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Позарез нужно попасть на бал дебютанток? Легко! Но кто ж знал, что созданный мною для бала магический кавалер окажется реальным человеком? И ладно бы простым смертным, так нет же, вместо создания фантома я умудрилась случайно к себе телепортировать того, кого уж точно стоило бы обходить десятой дорогой! Но я даже не подозревала, что этот красавец мужчина с обаятельной улыбкой и завораживающим взглядом реален. Не знала, что он просто решил мне под