Liza Durst - Three Rules of a Slender Body

Three Rules of a Slender Body
Название: Three Rules of a Slender Body
Жанры: Похудение и диеты | Спорт
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2017
О чем книга "Three Rules of a Slender Body"

Книга о том, как не потолстеть или, уже потолстев, похудеть.

На английском языке.

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© Хок E. A. 2017

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I welcome you to this personal guide to a better body. I probably should start with saying praises of myself, trying to assure you of how great I am, and that I’m an amazing specialist in nutrition with a medical degree or that I have a sports Ph.D. People like big names and titles. Well I’m not. I am just a regular mom of three boys. I became fat and pregnant three times and three times I lost my weight quickly and easily.

How did I come up with these rules? I read a lot! I’ve been studying nutrition, bodybuilding, and physiology for a long time. I researched hundreds of different sources: books, articles, videos and most importantly I tried all that myself. Cumulating all this knowledge and experience, I created a new formula for success. I believe you will find these rules unusual but that’s exactly what makes them so special.

Now let’s talk about you. If you are reading this book you are probably not very happy with your body. Maybe beach season is coming and you’ve been thinking about getting a little slimmer, maybe your favorite jeans don’t fit you anymore, maybe you just got tired of being uncomfortable in your own body. Well, whatever reason moves you, you should be proud of yourself. Being ready to change something is better than just sitting and complaining about your figure flaws. The first thing you need to do to change is to admit that you have extra body fat. Once you have, we can start.

I want to help you to get better and be a little bit more proud of yourself. I know how hard it is sometimes to find time for yourself, when you have kids, jobs and laundry to do. Stewing in a cauldron of everyday problems, not knowing how to slow down. I worked on this program trying to take into consideration all of the obstacles that modern people might have. I checked my conclusions, collected all the results and wrote them down, so other people could learn more about their bodies. The real pleasure for me was to watch the changes that these rules made in clients’ lives. To follow these rules you don’t need to go to a gym, you don’t need any special equipment, you don’t need slimming pills that will give you more side effects than any good result and you don’t even need to get on a diet.

Of course our food affects our bodies and health. Food always becomes part of us, that is our closest connection with the world. I believe that changing your daily food habits will accelerate weight loss process, BUT this program isn’t based on nutrition. We are not going to discuss any diets! If you want to keep eating your cheesecakes you may do so. Following the rules, you still will get a result. If you decide to eat healthier, that would be great and your result will be more significant. Now a little example.

1-Day Meal Menu Sample

two cup of protein

two sandwiches with sausage


soup with meatballs

ice cream

chips with guacamole

chicken burger

cabbage salad with cucumber

three glasses of wine


I gave you this menu sample to show that this girl didn’t follow any special meal plan, but still you can see the progress and her tightened buttocks. And that is only after first three weeks of following the basic rules.

Before I tell you those “secret” rules, let’s apply to the theory. I ask you to read this part attentively, maybe it’s not too much fun, but it is important and knowing this will help you in your journey, I promise.

Body Fat Mythology

We are living in information age. It would seem we should know everything we need, since we have the access to any information. But somehow, we know nothing. Because there is way too much information and often it is contradictory. So what do we know about fat? Let’s try to look into this matter with concrete facts.

Myth 1. We need body fat for thermoregulation.

Have you heard it said that we break down fat for body heat? If so, have you seen a lot of fat people walking around naked in winter? No, they put warm clothes on just like everybody else. I’ll tell you more, slim people usually put fewer clothes on. So why don’t fat men use their body fat to heat up? I mean, shouldn’t they be “on fire” all the time?

And why people are freezing to death? Let’s face it, we all have body fat, some of us have it less than others, but still we have fat. We hear these stories all the time that someone died from frostbite. Why? Don’t we have enough “coal to heat the furnace”? Maybe that’s because body fat has nothing to do with thermoregulation.

Myth 2. People use body fat for energy.

Same story, if we need some energy, we break down fat and VOILA, we turn to real walking energizer. Does it happen to you a lot? As I can see, overweight people don’t jump on buildings, don’t save the world and don’t turn to supermen. Why not? Why don’t they use all this extra energy to make this world better? Usually we see that they are pretty tired, they need more time for sleep, they don’t like activities and prefer to move less than others. Fat = energy? I really don’t think so.

Myth 3. When I weigh more I feel more comfortable, my words have more weight.

I have heard that a lot.

– I don’t need to lose weight, I feel comfortable. People give away their seats in public transportation to me. I like it.

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