Юрий Белк - Who are we? Thriller, short stories

Who are we? Thriller, short stories
Название: Who are we? Thriller, short stories
Жанры: Социальная фантастика | Триллеры | Ужасы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Who are we? Thriller, short stories"

In the collection of short stories "Who are we? Thriller stories" Yuri Belk explores the depths of the human psyche and the nature of fear, firmly holding the reader's attention from the first to the last page.

Belka thrillers are distinguished by an unusual atmosphere devoid of banality and predictability. Each story carries a special flavor, balancing on the edge of reality and nightmares, which makes the reader think about the fine line between normal and abnormal.

The main theme of all the short stories in the collection is "Who are we? Thriller Stories" is an exploration of the dark corners of the human soul. Belk is not afraid to ask uncomfortable questions and invites the reader to take a journey through the labyrinths of consciousness, where each discovery becomes a step into the unknown.

Readers who are interested in complex psychological conditions and who are not afraid to face their own fears will find in Yuri Belk's book a deep and multi-layered literary experience.

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Who are we?

The evening was so cool that the air temperature of thirty-seven degrees Celsius did not feel Ruts. His father was sitting on the bank beside him, looking nonchalantly into the distance. Ships passed by, and it made me feel sad that someone was going home andsomeone had a home.

Kolya did not want to play on the seashore and collect shells at all, all this he rejected inside himself.

– What happened to us?"

– We had an accident and fell off a 584-meter cliff.

– How do you know the exact number?" The exact number of heights? – asked the ten-year-old son, who greatly surprised his father with his question.

– I know.

– How do you know that?"

– I know.

– I'm cold and I want to go home." And what will happen to us?

"And there they are.


– You need to twist the clamp even harder, when I bought it, it was the last one in the store, so I didn't have to choose, I bought the last one, I liked its shape, similar to ancient sculptures from Greece.

– Why did you throw out the closet?" I was waiting in line for him for a month and a half, in general, his nephew collected it for me.

– He stopped cleaning, I put the linoleum myself, I left a chek in the corner, which can be returned, because the product is guaranteed for 25 years from the manufacturer. But you can't carry it anymore, if it breaks, you'll buy a new one. Yes, and this store will close in a year and a half, and it will break from your refrigerator leg in 2 years, you will not have time.

– Maxim, you spent the whole weekend repairing this apartment for three years, and you didn't go to the house in the village.

– Well, you yourself wanted to make a beautiful repair, Nadia, and not hire workers, and how would we let them come here?

"The lamp is beautiful, indeed. How did you manage to buy such a beautiful masterpiece? I've always loved everything Italian.

– Yes, it's Greek style.

"There is no Greek style.

"How does it not exist?"

– So.

– Well, the shape is similar to a sculpture from the architecture of ancient Greece.

– It's a bit of a billboard.

"I agree.

Peter woke up today in the middle of the night and when he opened his eyes, he continued to listen to the conversation of a man and a woman, thinking that it was not turned off the TV, and there was a movie going on. He led a healthy lifestyle and did not suffer from any diseases.

In the morning, he got up and started getting ready to take a shower, put on the kettle.

– We need to turn on the clipak, for tone.

But when he tried to turn on the TV, he remembered that it hadn't been working for a week.

– But what did I listen to yesterday?" Probably a dream. Okay, it's time to get ready for work, yes, we still need to find a contract-a receipt for buying a TV, a guarantee, in my opinion, there should still be, another year has not passed.

He pulled all the papers out of the cabinet and started sorting through them, when he found it, snatching it out of the pile with a sharp motion. I put it in another small travel folder and started to get dressed.

At the bottom of the mailbox, he saw a letter addressed to Maxim and Nadezhda Kucherov, wishing them a New Year. The email was sent from New Zealand.


– Dima, when was the last time you paid for utilities?

– I don't remember.

– I don't get any invoices.

"Don't worry. So it is necessary, or not necessary.

– Can you get a job?

"We'll see. I suggest we take a walk in the woods. True, today it's too sunny, I have light sensitivity appeared. I need to go to the doctor, I can't find the policy, I was still looking for it yesterday.

"Where are your sunglasses?" So fashionable. We bought them together with my own, well, this… I can't remember, but never mind.

– Len, there it is, I got a call this morning that we were invited to the department store, promised a bonus.

– Where did you see that?" Who invited you?

– Yes, a car passed by with a campaign video today. You know, they're like the ones you invite to the circus.

– Ah … yes, it was bred by some people, or that we should go there. We don't even have a car.

– Apparently Seryoga left the car the day before yesterday, his birthday was celebrated. I'll pick you up later.

– What time is there to go to the department store?"

"Late afternoon, I guess. Usually people gather at this time.

"We won't have dinner, I don't feel like eating," Lena said to Sergey.

– Well, it's probably time to get ready.

– Okay, I'll clean my shoes, they're dirty somewhere, I can't understand, – said Lena.

They went outside and slowly walked towards the city's department store.

– Look, I think this is your car and Seryoga is driving.

"Yes, it looks like it, but he's already drivingaway from the intersection, and he probably can't see us." Probably decided to go for a ride while I can't see, but nothing, then it's due, it won't turn out, " Dima laughed widely and loudly, but no one paid attention to them. Although there were a lot of people nearby, pedestrians.

"They're afraid of your tall stature and athletic build, and they're afraid to look you in the eye, so they don't look at you," the wife said, which pleased her husband.

We've been walking for a long time, we should have reached it already.

– Yes, we'll get there, – said Dima, looking into the distance.

There was a department store building in sight, and people were pulling up from all directions.

– There's your car standing next to another one, Sergey, your friend seems to have crashed your car.

"Oh, shit. Let's go faster.

As they got closer to the accident, they heard a traffic police officer report into the walkie-talkie:

– At the scene of the accident, documents were found in the name of Dmitry and Elena Kropotkin, whose carbelongs to Dmitry Kropotkin. According to preliminary data, they were traveling from the birthday of his friend Sergey, who was driving, and he confirmed their identity. According to preliminary data, all were under the influence of alcohol. I finished my report. Lieutenant Zavyalov.


– Vasya, are we going swimming today? I made a rubber boat yesterday with my father. The two chambers of the combine turned out to be very large. It will be difficult to reach the shore, but we can roll it in a circle and tie it together there on the shore, " said Lyosha to a friend who was walking in front, raking the grass on the sides, but at the same time very loudly and sonorously that he was asked by the grandmothers from the next shaft to speak down.

"That's great," Vasily said, turning his head back and wiping the sweat from his brow, which was running in a stream.

There was no water carrier today, although yesterday, when it was quite cool in the field, O.N. had already brought two cans of cold water to the field on horseback in the morning, which was not even half drunk before lunch, although there were more than fifty people in the field, counting the adults who were making a stack from the already dried-up hay plot. The tractor fed with the help of arrows, which lifted high several pounds of grass that had already dried to the color of white clay. Only the women worked upstairs, waving their hands from time to time and turning to each other, occasionally saying something. From a distance, it looked like a silent movie.

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Вашему вниманию предоставлен сборник стихов, написанные мной 15 лет назад. К стихам написаны трактаты, которые в сборник не включил, чтобы не делать прочтение стихов в просто прочтение. Я буду сильно рад, если вы, прочитав их, несколько раз подумаете и дойдёте до самой сути самостоятельно, что будет намного увлекательнее. Не поняв сложного, нельзя понять нашу жизнь. Некоторые слова в русском языке не существуют, но для выражения резкости восприят
"Parsec to Earth" is a fascinating collection of fantasy stories that will take the reader to the most incredible worlds and dimensions. Each story is a separate storyline. They not only create images of heroes and worlds, but also deeply touch upon current topics, giving the reader thoughts about the potential future and how unknown and amazing our Universe can be. "Parsec to Earth" is a journey that changes consciousness and expands the limits
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А нужно ли вскрывать людей после смерти? Или дать им шанс проснуться?Бывают такие не объяснимые состояния, как летаргический сон. Природа его не известна и почему люди впадают в это состояние тоже, и даже если тебе оставили шанс проснуться, не факт что ты выберешься из заколоченного гроба.
Как должен выглядеть мир, теряющий связь причин и следствий? Как случай, наделенный чрезвычайными полномочиями. Случай может почти всё: он может сделать другим и отобрать последнее, он может закрыть выход и может спасти от смерти. Неважно, как много ты готов отдать за еще один шанс, но тот, кто всегда у тебя за спиной, строит руины, как сюжет твоей жизни. Так говорят гарпии, что летят над утром: нельзя бесконечно долго бегать от смерти – и остава
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