Сергей Стрельцов - Yester-times

Название: Yester-times
Жанры: Боевое фэнтези | Героическое фэнтези | Сказки
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2018
О чем книга "Yester-times"

Sergey Streltsov.Yester-times.Talantus, the king of Saint Lakes, dies when offering sacrifice to God. His daughter Lavinia inherits his throne. Knights promised their loyalty to her. Mercenaries put up mutiny but soon are driven out by loyal knights of Lavinia. Elizora, the enchantress was told by Evil Genius Nemigo to spread power of Hieroglyph, the chief of marine robbers, who is controlled by her over Saint Lake and to kidnap Lavinia.

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Sergey Streltsov.


The mini-novel for children.


It was bright spring morning. Dawns in the land of Sainted Lakes were something special. And tenderness of those dawns led loyal folks of king Talantus to peaceful feeling that land of their fathers’ is best on the Earth, and to be such a wonder at least till the End of The World. Which was inevitable according to prophets and saints of this land, which was abound of good and righteous people in its private and really inimitable way. Generous in fruits and cattle Sainted Lakes’ land were teaching benevolent folks the lesson to be generous in the love to fellow beings. And this lovely day of April was doomed to be the day of great sacrifice– the king Talantus was going to offer on the castle altar in midday his biggest white ox to attain mercy of Savior, the only God of this land. Now God’s Divine Grace was to be dedicated to king’s only child the princess Lavinia. She was in her mid-teens, or if to put it down more accurate– fifteen. Pretty girl of slim figure, innocent looks and freckles. The last thing, as we must notice, was the sign of royal blood in her. And in these days freckles could be seen on only this awfully rare occasion, and acknowledgment of this fact sometimes made Lavinia’s virgin heart to beat faster with girlish pride, she felt in these moments that her utmost beauty is a sort of prophecy of her unusually happy future, as we must to admit– girls since then changed very little, and she was, like girls are now-a-days, dreaming of prince charming whose soul to be devout to her caprices. Not a plausible attitude, you know, but with girls that know of their almost unbelievable beauty, with girls that know that all others know about it, the situation is always on verge of funny conclusion that these young princesses are not all there, sorry for the ruthless wording.

This morning was breaking into existence in gentle way that was not to disturb those sleeping and, the same time, was to raise cheerful atmosphere in minds of those who already woke up and started to fulfill their daily duties. These working class and priesthood people were already occupied with their affairs after short but obligatory morning prayers at the saint altars in their houses and on the main squares of their villages.

Sun seemed smiling to the land of Sainted Lakes. And land of Sainted Lakes seemed smiling to the sun with its flowers, fields of corn, forests and famous lakes that gave their name to this land because of purity and medical aspects of their waters which had always been full with fish and lilies.

The castle of king Talantus was already busy with servants, bakers, cooks, and other people so plain of rank and unseen in day-by-day life that their names had not survived till our days. Only few of them now remained in historic rolls of fame. One of them was Nadine the maid general of princess Lavinia. She was named after her mother, who was in her time maid general of Lavinia’s mother. These Nadine girls were very industrious ones in their time, they had to rise early and after brief washing of their lively and intelligent faces went to prepare dresses and bijoux for their young princesses.

When princess Lavinia’s mother was dying after giving birth to her only child, she asked her best friend in the world, her maid general, you know name of this girl was Nadine, to give birth to maid general for her daughter, and at the end of that year, little Nadine was borne and destined to fate of faithful service to the court and especially to another little girl, who, then in gilded cradle, was waiting for days to come and fortune to fulfill.


Lavinia slept in her bedroom in her father’s castle. Her rich bed was adorned with flowers of spring, and above her head hung the tapestry with brave prince with freckles on lovely face and in expensive armors. He was riding white horse since occasion when father presented this thing to her at her third birthday. And since the day, the boy, prince was the beautiful boy, was night guest of Lavinia’s dreams. They walk along lakes, they rode chariot, they sometimes kissed, but the latter was secret from the universe. The dearest bijou of Lavinia’s heart, it was considered in her private opinion as only her bijou that was true.

Nadine entered into Lavinia bed-room with little silver bell announcing the time to rise for the princess. Lavinia showed her face from under the blanket with grimace of intolerance to any disturbance of her privacy.

‘It’s time to pray, princess.’ Nadine said as if she had not seen Lavinia’s face.

‘Pray, pray. Night and day.’ Princess teased her sitting up.

‘Good people are always praying in the morning.’ Nadine, long ago accustomed to ways of life in royal family, was steadfast at her duties.

‘Good people have no need in praying. God is already on their side and inclined to bless every need of those He loves,’ Lavinia retorted in her usual morning stubborn mood.

‘But why, if you’re right, saints dedicate to prayer most of the time?’ Nadine simply asked.

‘I think it is old-fashioned tricks,’ Lavinia proceeded in arrogant mood.

‘And if so, their wonder-working is old-fashioned tricks, too,’ Nadine was unable to hide her wise and sensitive smile.

‘Would be. Who need wonders now-a-days? Ill beggars? Stupid crones? Gullible illiterate men? Who?’ Lavinia was inexorable.

‘I think wonders are needed by every one. Everybody has his grief and sorrow to relieve, sickness to heal, and vital problem to solve,’ Pious heart of Nadine found due words with steady effort.

‘But we have friends for sorrows, doctors for sickness and king to cope with any problem,’ Lavinia now spoke looking baldly in the eyes of her maid general.

‘You speak as haughty princess, if you can see the world as sage one, you’ll know that not everything can be helped by friends, doctors and kings.’ Nadine sighed.

‘This must be appraised as sign of disloyalty?’ Lavinia raised her eyebrow.

‘Just as you wish. But I beg Your Highness to rise, then though shortly but to pray, then to dress something appropriate, and then…’ Nadine began.

‘It’s enough, my dear Nadine. Let’s get praying.’ Lavinia interrupted her.

They kneeled at the window with view to altar of castle, lifted their hands and sang three hymns– first to glorify the God, second to ask Him for mercy, and third to declare their love for Him forever and ever. Getting on her feet Lavinia suddenly asked Nadine.

‘Do you remember the knight. Fluctuantius is his name. He was at our last tournament, and won it.’

С этой книгой читают
Таланцио, Царь Святых Озер, умирает принося жертву Богу. Его дочь Лавниния наследует его трон. Рыцари ее отца клянутся в верности ей. Наемники поднимают мятеж, но вскоре изгнаны верными рыцарями Лавинии. Элизора, волшебница, по просьбе злого гения Немиго просит Иероглифа, предводителя морских разбойников, захватить царство Лавинии и взять ее в плен. И так далее.
Князь Филипп Навродский в свои двадцать с небольшим повидал многое, это и марьяжная политика его богатой тети, и тихий ужас одиночества. Но что выбрать? Как поступить? И что делать? И тут все равно, кто виноват. Девушки стремительно сменяют друг друга. Но жизнь идет своим чередом и надо делать выбор. Но что, если судьба сделает выбор за него? И так далее.
Зло нависло над миром, и что бы с ним можно было бороться нужна крепость на дальних рубежах, но не простая, а такая, где люди и нелюди вместе уживаются, магия и технология рука об руку, а заправляет этим древний бог.
Месть и смерть, как неразлучные сестры, следуют за Оларсом Забытым, посредником между миром живых и мертвых. Его давний враг покинул свое логово и творит зло на северных землях. Движимый ледяным пламенем ненависти, Оларс ищет Цитадель Хозяина Штормов, чтобы стереть её с лица земли. Его соратница – Рангрид, Всегда предающая, его проводник – глухой фоссегрим, наигрывающий мелодию человеческих сердец, его надежда – Фьялбъёрн Драуг и флот, что идёт в
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