Алексей Мухин - Your mother's diary. Erotic stories

Your mother's diary. Erotic stories
Название: Your mother's diary. Erotic stories
Жанры: Эротическая литература | Эротические рассказы и истории | Любовь и отношения
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Your mother's diary. Erotic stories"

This collection of short stories invites readers into a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, and the ordinary intertwines with the mystical and the mysterious. Here, erotica is not just a manifestation of passion but a tool for uncovering the deepest human desires, fears, and hidden longings. Characters encounter enigmatic events, diving into realms where magic governs fate, and the arrival of a new Messiah heralds the beginning of a new order.Each story is a unique journey into the uncharted corners of the mind, where temptation and danger walk hand in hand. The true structure of reality proves to be more complex than it seems, with secrets lurking behind the veil of everyday life that have the power to change everything. Sensuality and spirituality merge, making this collection a captivating read for those ready to explore new dimensions of existence.

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The Vagaries of Orgasm

– "I want you! I love you," Vadim turned his wife towards him, covering her with kisses. They were both naked. The morning tea had ended in a surprisingly passionate session of sex. He undressed her on the couch and pounced on her like an animal. Then they moved to another room. They had recently moved in and had not yet furnished it. The spacious room, bathed in light, allowed them to freely indulge in love. Veronica fleetingly thought how glad she was that Vadim had closed the blinds, as one could easily see through the window. There was much to admire: a cloud of blonde hair, large breasts (size 5), small nipples, a beautiful waist, and lush hips, and something small between them that always caught men's eyes and hands, strong or otherwise, sometimes even a woman’s hand. But Vera had quickly put an end to that, dismissing her drunken friend with her talk about how only a woman could understand a woman. Vera didn’t get it; she needed a cock, big and firm, to feel the flesh and have something to take in her mouth. Plus, it was her husband now, and they always enjoyed themselves together. He turned her back to him and entered her from behind. Before her eyes was a long corridor flooded with light, the front door, and the closet where they had thrown old things after moving in. She was about to climax, and then she saw a pair of eyes watching her from that very closet. She wanted to protest but it felt too good! She was about to come and the fact that someone was watching her fully naked turned her on even more. The closet door opened – it was a young man. She saw his facial features clearly before he darted to the front door, opened it, and ran out. Her husband was already climaxing and was too absorbed to listen to her talk about a pair of eyes, but nonetheless, she kept saying, "Valera… Valera." When it was all over, he got on his knees to help her climax and sweetly licked between her legs. She came too. As they rested, he asked:

– "We should drink tea more often in the morning!"

– "Yes, it was intense. I love you!"

– "Why were you shouting Valera…?"

– "Honey, there was someone in the closet."

– "Oh, come on!"

– "I'm telling you, he darted out the door."

– "Wait," he interrupted and approached the door… "Strange," he shouted from there, "I remember closing the door for sure. Hmm… I don't get it. Let's check the cameras."

They saw nothing on the cameras except the neighbor's kid.

– "Someone definitely saw me naked."

– "Honey, you were screaming so loudly that… Maybe you imagined it?"

– "Hmm. No… Strange… Maybe I’m hallucinating, but thank you, it was nice."

– "Today, let's just drink tea," suggested Valera. The day passed, and as always, he was getting ready for work. Valera wasn’t afraid of being late. As the boss, he couldn't be late by definition, so sex with his wife was always whenever they both wanted it, but today was a special case and he needed to be on time at work. His wife was sitting on the couch in a sweater and jeans, drinking tea and watching TV.

– "No, honey, not today, and I'm not in the mood. Yesterday was something… yeah… we'll probably be satisfied for a long time."

– "That's true," he poured himself some tea and was about to sit down next to her when the TV announced, "In criminal news, a certain Sergey Skvortsov has been detained for a computer attack on the country's largest bank. He had been sought for a long time…"

– "It’s him! He was here!" shouted Vera.

– "Who???" Her husband almost spilled his tea.

– "Skvortsov!"

– "Honey," he sat down next to her, now worried for his wife, "that guy was blowing up the bank's computer system at that very time yesterday."

– "Seryozha! Am I crazy?"

He hugged his wife, soon got dressed, and left for work. She took her mobile phone and dialed the number of an acquaintance investigator.

– "Mal’tsev, hi."

– "Hello, my dear."

– "Oh God, how nice! My husband doesn’t call me that!"

– "Well, you know how I feel about you!"

– "Yes, you admire me!" He laughed in response.

– "Verunya, what's happened?"

– "Listen, something… Can I come to you?"

– "Come, I'm waiting," Mal’tsev said and hung up.

Interrogation Room. Mal’tsev, as usual, stood by the window, admiring the sunset. There was a knock on the door and Vera appeared.

– "Vera, darling, hi." He approached her, extending his hands warmly.

– "Sweetheart, only you call me that."

– "And your husband?"

– "Oh, Petya, don’t even ask. He loves me, but it's somehow dry. The sex is great, but there’s no tenderness, no romance."

– "Oh, woman, you are a treasure!"

– "Petya," she changed her tone, "Did you arrest that guy shown in the news?"

– "Well, not me, but my district did. I'm handling the case. So what?" She detailed everything that happened the day before.

– "Hmm, interesting. But there's a nuance – the guy works at your husband's company."

– "What???" she nearly jumped up. "So… I need to talk to him," she said after a pause.

– "Verunya?"

– "Petya, I need to," she pleaded. "But face-to-face. There are no cameras?"

– "I'll take you somewhere without cameras. You can talk there. Sit tight, I'll arrange it."

Mal’tsev left. Vera reflexively went to the window. Winter, a train running on the tracks releasing smoke – Petya must enjoy this. He loves it all. Beautiful, romantic, and with his job, how is he here? Good guy. Why did he choose this path? He's not really a cop, too kind to be a cop… Her thoughts were interrupted by Pyotr himself.

– "Verunya, let's go."

They walked down a long corridor and entered an inconspicuous room. He was sitting at the table.

– "Verunya, five minutes."

At first, she froze, looking at him. He raised his eyes, then lowered them again. A tall guy with a beard and a ponytail. He shamefully lowered his eyes. Before him was a spectacle, an explicit spectacle. He was blinded by the cloud of hair, the lush chest, and the short, tight skirt. Beautiful hips, high heels.

– "I’m listening to you," Vera said and sat at the table.

– "I work for your husband," the guy's voice was extremely pleasant, and he spoke without raising his eyes. "I came to his office and said, 'I want to see your wife completely naked.'"

Vera nearly jumped up.

– "And???"

– "I thought he’d fire me and beat me. No, he fell silent and thought. Then I just left."

– "What???" Vera couldn’t believe her ears.

– "The next day, he came and said, 'Okay, you'll see, but I'll be nearby.'"

Vera’s eyes widened and stayed that way.

– "But I need something from you," the young man continued. "You will hack the Alpha Bank and delete all info about my company. The last two deals must not go through… The tax office is onto them, and he needed to cover his tracks. A large sum, and the bank would first request info, then the tax office would ask for a report on the amounts. I agreed…"

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«Рисунки на асфальте», пожалуй, самая светлая, лиричная и удивительно добрая повесть замечательного писателя Виктора Голявкина. Она о мальчике, чье детство выпало на послевоенные годы, о школьных товарищах и любимых учителях, о первых горьких потерях и самой заветной детской мечте.
Петербургский писатель Виктор Голявкин известен в первую очередь своими рассказами для детей – забавными, добрыми, ироничными. Однако Голявкин писал прозу и для взрослых, сохраняя при этом свой своеобразный лаконичный слог и неповторимый тонкий юмор. В большое собрание сочинений включены рассказы и повести для детей, рассказы для взрослых, а также автобиографический роман «Арфа и бокс».
В моем мире нет волшебства, магии и чудес. В моем мире – чудо, если у тебя имеется крыша над головой и еда.В моем мире таких, как я – утилизируют. Мы опасны, неуправляемы, бесконтрольны.Кого волнует, что мне всего лишь 14 лет?Но я выживу. Выживу, стану тем, кем должен быть по праву рождения. А все, кто пытается мне помешать… Простите, ничего личного. Лучше сдохнете вы, чем я.Содержит нецензурную брань
Роман «Тихий Дон» (1925–1940) – вершинное творение М. А. Шолохова, одно из наиболее значительных эпических произведений мировой литературы ХХ века, воплотившее традиции русской литературы в изображении народа в трагических обстоятельствах переломной эпохи. За этот роман Михаил Александрович получил в 1965 году Нобелевскую премию по литературе.В книге ярко и беспристрастно показаны события отечественной истории начала ХХ века, включая Первую миров