Константин Прусов - бесплатно читать книги онлайн

Вы любите Париж? Совершите удивительное путешествие с героями книги, созданной художником Константином Прусовым. Это настоящий подарок не только ценителям искусства, но и тем, кто собирается в дорогу!
Do you love Paris? Take an amazing trip with the characters of the book created by the artist Konstantin Prusov. It is a real gift not only for art connoisseurs but also for those who is preparing for the journey.
The second book of the series «Journey with the artist Konstantin Prusov» is devoted to Russian fairy tales. Those stories are extraordinary, they are based on amazing and original author's paintings. The artist invites you to take an unforgettable trip to a fantasy world which will give you warmth, cosiness and joy.