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Siegfried, Siegfried, the hero incredible,Across the field he strode, as legendary as fable.With his sword he conquered all in the world,Great fame was destined for him- to it he hurled.But one day he met a maiden fair,Her beauty utterly enchanted him there.He married her and was reborn anew,Happier and freer than he ever knew.But evil forces burned hate in their hearts,And before a loathsome duke they did him depart. The entire design of the pub
Огромная страна, земля людей свободных. Тут явью станут все мечты, а от любви к ней никуда не деться. И снова мы в бою за коммунизм. И всё на божьем свете засверкает. И вот над нами занесен кинжал. Вся правда вскроется не сразу. И родина моя, как знамя, несёт победоносный свет для всех.