RemVoVo - A dirty magician – golden mask

A dirty magician – golden mask
Название: A dirty magician – golden mask
Жанры: Героическая фантастика | Юмористическая фантастика | Боевая фантастика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "A dirty magician – golden mask"

In a world where magic is commonplace, it's hard to just be yourself. Especially if you're from a world without her. But nothing, the hero does not despair and goes forward. Along the way, he will meet loyal friends and find the meaning of life. The main thing is not to show your face, otherwise everything can be lost.

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Chapter 1 Ex

The park is always sunny, especially on such a summer morning. I Danil sat down on the bench. Purely. Freshly. Nearby there is a pond in which ducks swim. Beauty. I can’t even believe that just yesterday I broke up with my beautiful girlfriend Regina. Although she was always jealous of me, I loved her. Maybe I still do. She always suspected me of cheating. I was rummaging through my phone. And yesterday she came to inspect my apartment that I was renting. I checked every corner. And as luck would have it, I found lipstick. I don't understand where she comes from. Maybe it's left over from previous tenants. But for her this was the last straw, and she broke up with me. I was very sad. But it looks like today I will be given a second chance. She wants to talk. Maybe we can make peace. Although she is quick-tempered, she is quick-witted. Believes in all sorts of omens. Black cats, scattered salt. Reads all sorts of conspiracies. In short, he suffers from garbage. But I'm not judging. It was when she started whispering over my tea that I didn’t like it. But I drank, I love her. I'm sitting waiting. He put on the cleanest white shirt and black trousers. Shaved and combed my hair. I was ready for reconciliation. I bought two packs of protective equipment. After a quarrel, our passion can be violent. I looked at the reflection from a display window advertising anti-baldness products. Really beautiful. Tightened up, pumped up, even for the cover. Twenty-two already.

– Save the tone. – A thin female voice shouted.

I looked around. The park is empty. Where is everyone? I looked into the pond. The girl screams, it is clear that she is drowning. The reflex worked as it should. No wonder he served in the army for a year. He quickly took off his clothes and dived into the water. The lady had already begun to drown. He dived after her. He pulled me ashore. Yes, she's naked. I took it under a tree, and suddenly they saw it and didn’t understand it. I felt the pulse, it was alive. But she's not breathing. He began to perform artificial respiration. It helped.

– So you’re a bastard messing with the girls here. I thought we’d put up with it. That it was by chance that lipstick was found in the apartment. And all this time you cheated on me with her. – Regina stood with a cake in her hands and a bottle of kvass. I was going to make peace. All angry, just burning. This is the first time I see her like this. – I am tired of you. I thought you were not like others. Everyone betrayed me. For this I am sending you to another world. There you will suffer for a long time and so will your girlfriend. But to another country. You will never find her. I am the witch Regina Bony, I order all dark forces to throw these creatures out of our world.

Black clouds filled the sky. It began to rain. Everything turned black. I fainted. That's how it goes. My ex-girlfriend turned out to be a witch. Although I could have guessed it based on her rituals and inclinations. Now I won't be nice to the ladies. I'm tired of all.

He opened his eyes. Everything is strange. Air rushes into my ears. I'm flying. Down at high speed. To the ground to death. Birds flew sternly nearby. Strange birds. Big ones. I have never seen such birds in my life. They look like eagles. But the feathers are red. He grabbed the leg of one bird. She pecked, but flew down with me. This saved me from death when I fell. Feathers flew off her in bunches. But I landed. I let go of the bird and lay down on the grass. Covered in sweat. I was terribly scared. Fields all over the horizon. The bird lay down nearby.

–Where did you come from, you stupid freak? – The bird said in a female voice. – He ruined all my feathers. You see, I won’t be able to fly because of you. Well, people went. I'll have to take on the appearance of a human for a while until my wings grow back. “She began to turn into a sweet girl with red hair and a white short dress. – I would turn away at least for the sake of decency. What a shameless guy. “The lady hit me on the cheek with an open palm. But not much. She has a very warm hand. Soft.

– Daughter, he didn’t hurt you. “A black eagle, clearly the leader, landed on the ground. The whole flock follows him.

– No, everything is fine. But the feathers will not grow soon. – The girl said, shaking off her dress.

– He'll pay me for it. Do the same with my sister. “An eagle with a white spot on its beak turned into a guy of about seventeen and grabbed me by the breasts.

– I came from another world. My ex turned out to be a witch and sent me here. Although I don't know where I am. Isn't this Russia?

– Leave him, son Anton. – Said the old eagle turning into an old man in his late sixties. – Look at him. He's clearly an alien. A hero from another world. The kings must have called again. Maybe an evil magician or witch called. Although the world is calm. Wars are always going on.

The girl's brother let me go to the ground. I fell into the mud. He looked at me menacingly and clearly wanted to kill me. He has so much power.

– If he is a hero he must be strong. – The girl said. I took a closer look. Beautiful red hair. Brown eyes. The figure is like a berry. Eyes and hair like everyone else in her pack. There are twenty of them. They stood around me. Fists clenched. They shout curses. – But the little eyes are painfully disgusting. Assessing me. No wonder my grandmother told me that people are lustful.

– I will kill you. – My brother said and clenched his fists near my face.

“Don’t blame him, he’s just an alien.” They are all like this at first. In my three hundred and eight years I have seen two of them. Everyone started out like that. They started a harem. And he will begin. Only he will feel his strength.

– I won't start a harem. My witch was enough for me. I won’t contact the ladies for now. Exactly.

– That's good. – Grandfather said, narrowing his eyes. “That means you won’t pester your daughter.” She can't fly anyway. Will be your companion on adventures. And when the feathers grow back, it will fly back to us.

– I don't want to be with him. – The girl said angrily.

– Don’t argue, daughter. He's a hero. Champion. You can't leave him alone. Otherwise he will gain the wrong strength. There is all sorts of vile knowledge there. And he will kill us all in retaliation. I know people like that. Heroes are a vengeful people. I heard the legend about the ancient hero “Victor the Conqueror of Heights.” He was still a libertine. And his friend Peter is lightning fast. But many thousands of years ago passed. Maybe they are no longer alive.

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