Nikolay Lakutin - A play for 3 people. Comedy. An appointment with a kayfologist

A play for 3 people. Comedy. An appointment with a kayfologist
Название: A play for 3 people. Comedy. An appointment with a kayfologist
Жанры: Кинематограф / театр | Пьесы и драматургия | Зарубежная драматургия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "A play for 3 people. Comedy. An appointment with a kayfologist"

Problems sooner or later arise in the life of each of us, but you don't always want some psychologist or a super newfangled coach to torment an already bleeding wound, while assigning a lot of expensive sessions. Our heroes went the other way, they went to an appointment with a kayfologist! An explanatory note for the director is attached at the end of the play.

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A play in two acts. (It can be delivered as a one-act version).


An explanatory note for the director is attached at the end of the play.





Action 1

Scene 1. A la cafe.

Cafe. Slightly dimmed light.

Two tables are set apart from each other. Emily is sitting at the first one, picking at her plate without much appetite, reading magazines, answering incoming messages from time to time. The second table is empty.

Leon enters, presses the phone to his ear with his shoulder, and carries a tray of food in his hands. Drops the phone, gets nervous. He puts the tray on an empty table, picks up the phone, sits down at the table, continues the phone conversation.

Leon (into the phone, loudly). Yes, yes, I'm listening. Nothing happened, I dropped the phone. I didn't fall asleep, no. I'm not neglecting your advice, my hands were just busy… yeah… well… Well, listen up… So what? And do you think it will give any results? (Strictly). Are you a psychologist or what? What kind of idiotic techniques are these? Where did you read this? You haven't grown a mustache yet, but you're already trying to build something out of yourself there. (Very rude). Go work at the factory, start earning honestly and stop fooling people's heads! And I will ask you to return the money that you took from me, otherwise I will write a statement about fraud! Too much for me, a psychologist!

He hangs up, freaks out. He begins to eat greedily.

Emily glances at the noisy visitor from time to time, but it's nothing more than mild curiosity.

Leon (eating, muttering to himself). Wherever you go, there are only impostors and scammers. Some one-day online courses are held, a certificate will be hung on the door and that's it, a specialist is ready. But the price tags are heavy for their services, as if they have twenty years of experience behind them. And so, most importantly, they are diligently trying to dig up something, to look for problems and complexities of a person that are supposedly worth paying attention to. And they find it! (To the viewer). Have any of you contacted a psychologist? At least once someone has had you come, and he says to you: "You are fine, there are no ailments, disorders, psychological traumas and depressive states, in a psychological sense you are completely healthy"! Has anyone ever said that to anyone? Yeah, they'll say how. They need to earn money. To beat off the rent, pay taxes, and live on something ourselves. And what will they get if they don't find or invent some problem that needs to be treated very urgently for at least eight to ten sessions. Crooks! Good-bye! The windbags!

She finishes her lunch, wipes her mouth with a napkin, and notices Emily. He forgets about the unpleasant conversation, sips a cocktail, glancing at the girl from time to time. Emily notices these glances on herself, at first she does not show it, but after that she begins to smile in response to the attention and even play along with her facial expressions in a playful and provocative way.

The exchange of glances and the game of glances does not last long. Leon gets up from his seat and walks towards the girl. Emily is smiling, waiting. But Leon passes by. Emily is lost in surprise, looks disappointed at Leon's back as he leaves, but he quickly returns.

Leon (coming up to Emily). Leon!

Emily (blooms again). Good afternoon, I'm Emily.

Leon. It's a pleasure, Emily, I hope I didn't ruin your meal with my shouting? For God's sake, I'm sorry, it's just impossible how many dishonest, unscrupulous people have divorced today. (He points to an empty chair at Emily's table) Shall I sit down?

Emily doesn't have time to give her answer yet, Leon sits down next to her.

Leon. I am terribly uncomfortable with my behavior, I would like to make amends. May I buy you something?

Emily (timidly, uncertainly). It's okay, thanks, there's no need for that, I've already had a snack.

Leon. What have you been biting here? Is this food? There will be food now. (Calling the waiter). The waiter!

Emily (timidly, uncertainly). Believe me, I'm not hungry at all, it's not worth ordering anything, I was about to leave.

Leon. Yes, I was going to, too, but how can you leave when there is such a goddess here. (Emily is embarrassed.) At least let me treat you to dessert. What kind of ice cream do you prefer? The tastiest vanilla balls are sold here, they are with chocolate, with…

Emily (interrupts). No, no, I'm…

Leon. Emily, I'm begging you! Or are you in a hurry somewhere?

Emily (timidly). Well… No, actually I'm not in a hurry.

Leon. That's great. Ice cream, as I understand it, is canceled. Well, what about a little delicious cake?

Emily (timidly). Only if it's very small.

Leon. In a tiny way! Everything is going to happen now! (Calling the waiter). The waiter! Well, where is he?.. Oh, you know… it's a mess everywhere. I'll go myself now. Wait, okay?

Emily. Okay, I'll wait.

Leon is leaving. Emily quickly takes a mirror and everything necessary for an emergency marathon out of her bag. She "powders her nose", cleans everything, straightens her hair, waits with an anticipated light smile.

Leon returns with two plates, each with a small cake and spoons. He puts it on the table.

Leon. Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Emily. Yes, I have more here, just enough. I don't need anything else, thank you.

Leon (sits down next to him). Well, then I'll just go dry. I don't want to leave you for a second anymore.

They smile and exchange glances. They help themselves.

Emily. I'm sorry, I don't want to pry into my business, but have you been talking to a psychologist right now?

Leon. It's all right, you can meddle in my business as if it were your own, you're allowed to. Yes, with a psychologist… torn. The work is nervous, I take it out on everyone. So, I decided to contact a specialist so that I could prescribe some drops of sedatives, suggest some tricks to reduce stress.

Emily. So what?

Leon (nervously). What is it? Nothing! (He slows down). Excuse me. You see what's going on, you can't control yourself at all. I've fed so much negativity that God forbid. My nerves went to hell.

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