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No further than the first page for the author's wife.Do not continue this line for a friend of the wife of the author.Not earlier than 18 years to the younger generation.And the others… hold on! The whole truth-the uterus, as it is!Содержит нецензурную брань.
Do you know that you live in a world of the blind? Man being until the end of an unidentified to this day. We know very little of what we might know, and those who know a little more than others are reluctant to spread this knowledge. We see each other, hear, understand, but at the same time, we become less and less sighted…
Everyone in life has had situations that you want to remember at every convenient and even not always convenient occasion. There are stories that are pleasant to remember, but do not want to tell. The totality of such stories forms a positive side of our lives. Would you like to live one more? Contains obscene language.Содержит нецензурную брань.
It is no secret that the author of short books Nikolai Lakutin many fans. It is also no secret that he does not have a model appearance, but like many of you-once dreamed of popularity with the opposite sex. In this book you will read what its author lives, which allowed his once dream to come true and realized a hundredfold…
All events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence names, surnames and positions characters with real names survivors or deceased people, and also occurred with someone in life events absolutely accidental and utterly unintentional. The book is a series of several curious fantastic sketches.
Dreams… such a vast subject, such limitless possibilities. A sea of temptations and desires materialized. However, is it safe to interact with a world where dreams come true. After all, ignorance of the laws – not exempt from responsibility…
In a nutshell, the book is based on real events, although it is unlikely that any of you will believe in the probability of time travel. My dear people, You have no idea what services exist in our world…
I don't know what you look like, how long you've been around, or where you live, but I figured you out… All events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence of names, surnames and positions of the characters with the real names of living or deceased persons, and took place with anyone in life events is purely coincidental and completely unintentional.
Dear ladies, I understand your curiosity, attempts at self-assertion and feelings of importance. All this at a certain stage-fine, but in moderation! You're playing a dangerous game…Содержит нецензурную брань.
If someone had told me that after seven years of marriage, I would think about such radical changes in my life, I would never have believed it. But if someone told me that I would not just think, but also take a number of actions – I would give that in the face! Well, that someone saved the Lord from an unfair slap in the face…Содержит нецензурную брань.
She comes every time. It was as if he was deliberately tormenting an already wounded heart. He knows I can't think of anything but what's tearing me up. Stinker… female breed, that say… This cruel, insidious, powerful and invincible night…
Have you ever met in your life a person who unobtrusively, carefully enters into personal space and then never returns from there… even if he doesn't know it. His name becomes identical with the word "necessity," not even " attachment." It gives a sea of positive emotions and colorful dreamy dreams, but there is another side of the coin!
You never know where and with whom you are destined to meet. In fact, it is not so important, it is important to understand-why! And when this understanding comes-all that remains to do-to realize it in life…Содержит нецензурную брань.
Be patient, my dear… I know that my children you pretty battered, what can you do, by the time of maturity, they, like all humanoid underdeveloped creatures have time to make a lot of mistakes, destroy, break, spoil… You get angry at them, sometimes you punish them, and then you forgive them anyway… you be patient, my dear, not long left, hold out a little more… my dear Earth…
Hello, dear friend (gender does not matter as it is an illusion). So we met… You probably don't remember me, I looked different, I had a different name, I had different habits, and I did a lot of things. Today I have come to give you what you have been looking for. Be careful, fight the fate, but do not offend people. I have always loved you, though my actions have sometimes suggested otherwise… love and now. See you later… "hug" and "smile" wher
School… For everyone, school is something different. For some, childhood and adolescence, for some it is a place of work, and for some it is an arena for showdowns and full-fledged battles. School remains in the memory because it leaves behind a trail of emotions, they make us scroll through the head of past stories again and again. Today You will get acquainted with the plot, which… and let it be an intrigue. Pleasant easy reading, friends, plea
What is the life of an actor? Some of us can imagine or guess how the natives of the scene live. But the external life is very different from the internal life, and the actor, like no other, shows this polarization. Of course, the game of life is filled with certain positive components, which is not present in other professions, but it also has its own nuances. And these nuances, in a certain state of Affairs, can be very expensive for the player
Two married couples face the same problem. A problem that every family man faces in his time. But they solve this problem in different ways. What decision will be the most reasonable-you will find out in the Comedy " Cucumber on tomato!»
Hello, dear readers, dear hearts and trembling Souls. Many of you already know me, and some of you may even know me too well. But those who are not familiar with my work, I will say that I do not always write in my own direct name. Sometimes I write on behalf of women, sometimes on behalf of men, sometimes I act as a child, and sometimes as an animal or even a plant. Therefore, what you read, probably, still should not be correlated in any way wi
I was once as silly as most girls are when they're seventeen. A pretty figure and a pretty face – it seemed that nothing else was needed for life, everything else life would present on a platter. But, if only I had been given a little more brains in addition to external data…
This story is dedicated to all lovers and mistresses. There is no narrative or judgment here, and we do not undertake to judge what is good and what may not be very good. We just want to tell you an interesting story, and perhaps delicately warn someone so that such episodes do not happen again.
What just does not happen in the world. Imagine, two Georgians, two friends, without knowing it, are courting the same girl. And the girl likes both of them, and she can't decide what to do, who to choose. But sooner or later the secret becomes clear, and intellectual competitions for the hand and heart of the chosen one begin between friends.Содержит нецензурную брань.
Yes, it is difficult to understand us women, sometimes it is simply impossible. But this is our strength! Being a read book for someone is an unenviable fate. Try it – read my next step! Try and guess what I'm thinking right now! I'm a woman, I'm a girl! And this means that you can expect anything from me at any time!
Each of us wants a good, stable, honest relationship based on mutual love and respect, but not everyone can afford such a luxury. Our heroes also tried to create their own healthy social unit. Let's see how they did it in the comedy "The Teacher".