Nikolay Lakutin - бесплатно читать книги онлайн

You've probably heard the expression that every person is a whole world. But few people know what it means. Indeed, there are so many people, so many opinions, so many views on life, so many ideas about what it is. Expand these ideas, do not stop there, your world will only expand and unfold in a new, unprecedented light and scale.
All events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence names, surnames and positions characters with real names survivors or deceased people, and also occurred with someone in life events absolutely accidental and utterly unintentional.
Time for change… How few people understand what this means, and what is happening under the colorful masks of people, communities, countries… worlds'… It's time to reveal the cards, remove the masks and expose the essence! All the events, organizations and characters are the author's invention. Any coincidence of names, surnames and positions of the characters with the real names of living or deceased persons, and took place with anyone in life e
No, it can't go on like this. Almost eight years of my life, I gave to this man and what in the end? God knows-I have long suffered, hoped, waited for something… But now all. Something must be decided. But how to make everything so that most to remain aside, and not to fall under the blow of anger with the subsequent annual censures? About… announcement: "I will Withdraw bedbugs, cockroaches, husband!!!". Interesting… call…Содержит нецензурную бр
I asked the wisest: "What have you learned From your manuscripts?"– The wisest said: "Happy is the one who is in the arms of a tender beauty At night, you are far from the wisdom of books!» All the events, organizations and characters are the author's invention. Any coincidence of names, surnames and positions of characters with the real names of living or dead people, as well as events that occurred with someone in life, is absolutely accidental
What is your priority? Hear or see? Each of You has made a certain choice in your time. Based on this, the worldview, attitude, and goals were formed… The hero of this story did not differ from most people in his choice. He lived quite a "beautiful" life in happy ignorance. And he might have lived a good life if it hadn't happened to him one day… Содержит нецензурную брань.
Three epochs converged at one point. Grandmother, mother and daughter each live their own canons, but at the same time try to get along in the same apartment, which inevitably generates squabbles. They sometimes quarrel by pulling each other's hair, but at the same time they love each other very much, appreciate, respect and support in every possible way! Against the background of their "measured life", they reveal the background of many fried to
For my head, the Guild of pharmaceutical concerns, in tandem with the Committee of 300, has secretly set a sum that can buy almost any state in Latin America, along with the people, economy, and everything that lives in this area. They are, by the way, sold, if someone does not know. I've never been so expensive. And all because of crazy geniuses like me… the world didn't know yet… All the events, organizations and characters are the author's inv
How would You describe yourself if you were planning to place your ad on a Dating site? Would you write everything honestly, without embellishment, as it is, with all the flaws and nuances? Our hero decided on such a crazy act. Do you want to know what happened? Then we offer you the Comedy "Honest ad"
I present the third collection of my plays for the period of 2019 and 2020. There are five plays with the number of actors of one and two people. Some of the plays included in the collection already have contracts for production in Russia and abroad.
Perhaps, after reading this play, you will change your attitude to the term "scoundrel"! You will love the main character, or hate it, it does not matter. It is important that it will be revealed to you in a very unusual understanding until today. In a divided and revised understanding for many from now on.
I was once as silly as most girls are when they're seventeen. A pretty figure and a pretty face – it seemed that nothing else was needed for life, everything else life would present on a platter. But, if only I had been given a little more brains in addition to external data…
The couple we want to introduce you to is quite atypical. Their family life proceeds in a completely unusual, and for most people, even in an unacceptable way. Yes, they are just as able to swear and make up as everyone else, but the very way of family life is very unusual for them. It is difficult for us to judge whether this married couple lives correctly or incorrectly, but it is at least interesting to observe their relationship!
Three years together. It's unbearable. The candy-bouquet period is long in the past, and was it? There were only squabbles and hassle. So why put up with all this? Our heroes have found an extravagant way out of this difficult, but, alas, frequent family situation…Содержит нецензурную брань.
If a girl was born a beauty – she has already drawn her lucky ticket. But what should those who have not been rewarded with beauty by nature do? Fate knows how to solve any issue, let's see how it solves our situation…
A series of impossible, unusual, funny, sometimes frightening stories that really happened in my life. I believe that you will not believe everything, dear reader, but… I don't really hope for it. Experience has been gained, experience has been transferred… Then the move is up to you. With warmth, Nikolay Lakutin. Good to you and Light…Содержит нецензурную брань.
And what these men won't tell you to justify themselves to their women. And then you involuntarily face a choice: to believe him or yourself? Or maybe it's not about faith at all? Let's figure it out together!
When four turns of fate reveal two thorny love stories to the world, when life and death are on the map, when emotions go beyond… Real feelings, true values and a warm aftertaste – all this you will find in the comedy with gentle dramatic notes "Four turns".This play is a combination of two short plays by Nikolay Lakutin "Suicidal or a Day for Marriage" and "The Courier" with some modifications focused on a large two-act production in a new perfo
The virtual world is a real plague of the 21st century. She hooked everyone who came into contact with civilization at least a little, especially children. Our children and grandchildren are no longer interested in anything except messengers, social networks, videos and virtual games, and meanwhile, life is passing by. It is quite obvious that something needs to be done about it! How our heroes solved this issue, you will learn in the comedy "Gad
The figure… how many conversations are around it. Someone wants to eat all his life, and does not get fat, and someone sniffed a bun, and in the morning + 3 kg. Our heroine lost the battle for her decent appearance. But to lose a battle does not mean to lose the war! You will not wish such an incentive for victory to anyone!!!
Have you ever met truly holy traffic cops on the roads? That's so that almost a halo can be viewed over your head. Happened? Our story is not about such a character at all… though....
Don't put a finger in these girls' mouths, because you never know what they will do in response to this or that action. But if there were no such girls, the world would not be so bright, emotional and saturated! Thank you, bright girls of this world!!!An explanatory note for the director is attached at the end of the play.
More than ten years of marriage. To strangle or strangle, that's the question! Where do those attractive guys and girls go for whom we do wonderful stupid things? Those lovely, charming creatures that we marry, that we marry? What do they turn into? Or maybe we are turning? Caution! The household comedy "It almost was" will reveal the truth of every family!
If life is not invented perfectly, then you can always think it up! We will present to your court a male and female view of many everyday problems. Let's play different situations, try to guess how it might be worth arranging everything!