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The fact is, dear friends, that this story is not interesting destination, which serves as a village in one of the real regions of Russia with an entertaining name, and not even randomly gathered companies of people heading to this area. It is curious how paradigms and destinies of each passenger of the Shuttle bus change in a short one and a half hour trip.
Sleep is such a large layer of life for each of us. How many interesting things are happening on the other side of memory. To the hero of our story in a dream come beautiful maidens who seek to tell him what will play a key role in the turning point of the life of an ordinary guy. Whether he hears, understands, or can learn the lessons from the dream and apply them in real life, see the great Comedy with a pleasant aftertaste "My four women from
As if I gave it to you! As if she did! How many meanings do You see in this phrase? One? Two? The characters of this play will tell You about the three meanings of this expression. They will tell you, show you and provide you with a choice of the scenario that is close to You! Enjoy your dive… Содержит нецензурную брань.
This collection contains modern classic, fantastic, new year's and extravagant plays of the 2019-2020s with the number of actors from five to ten people. Performances based on some of the plays listed in the collection are already being staged on the territory of the Russian Federation. Содержит нецензурную брань.
Corporate events in the organization and the cycle of incidents have a lot in common. We do not usually think through every detail and run the program of the event as a rehearsal. We are driven by improvisation on the basis of intoxicating beverages. Therefore, corporate events in Russia almost always leave a vivid indelible impression in the minds of people passing by accidentally… And the Comedy "Exclusive New year" is no exception!
There are rumors that once upon a time there was an unusual writer. Most of his biography is shrouded in darkness, but even what is known about him is shocking. He wrote very unusual books, which attracted the attention of the public. He didn't seem to know whether he was writing truth or fiction. This writer went through a difficult path, but achieved everything he aspired to. After his death, he left his last gift to humanity – a charmed chair.
Are you familiar with such a phenomenon as simple-minded arrogance? Sometimes you meet such amazing characters in your life, which you try to keep away from yourself, but as luck would have it, they are attracted so close that it already goes beyond all boundaries. Meet the "Family Friend"!
It is difficult to explain how fate builds its crossroads and organizes meetings with certain people on the path of life. Whatever it was-these meetings are not very random… All the events, organizations and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence of the names, surnames and positions of the characters with the real names of living or dead people, as well as events that happened to someone in their life, is absolutely accidental and c
Susanna and Yakov have been living together for almost fifteen years. Their relationship has not just cooled, they are completely frozen. And it has not been possible to unfreeze them for a long time. But life can be benevolent, it sends an unhappy married couple a clear example that shows how you can quickly fix and restore everything.
It is not always possible to predict the actions of a man. Especially if this man is a good person. And he makes a really unexpected choice. It is not always possible to understand this choice with the mind. But the heart – you can understand. And this is exactly the case!
The inner call… He, as an inescapable reality, leads us to what seems impossible… unworkable. We do not believe our own eyes, we understand the reasonableness and reasonableness of the arguments of others, but we still follow this call… And if we do not betray ourselves, then we understand that the truth was behind this call.
A corporal son is better than a joking husband! How to get along with the faithful, if he does not get tired of petrosyanit? And his jokes, you know, are very peculiar. Oh, these men are jokers!
She's 55. Today she is an unnecessary saleswoman in a stall. She accepted the goods, sold the goods – that's her whole life… But it wasn't always like that…
How many times has it been said to each of us – be careful in your desires, because they tend to come true! But we willingly desire what we are not ready for at all. The desire that visits the happiest married couples has turned the lives of our heroes upside down. What is the result? You will find out in the comedy "Desire"!
Do you know what men do when fishing? Do you think they go there for fish? Let's open the veil of family life a little and highlight the conversations of fishermen in the comedy "On the other side of the family". Live fish participates in the production!!!Содержит нецензурную брань.
Do you think shaking the old stuff is a simple matter? Yes, this is still a science! Fortunately, there is a person in the world who knows a lot about retirement life. And he is happy to share this with everyone in the outrageously beautiful comedy "Shake the old".
Problems sooner or later arise in the life of each of us, but you don't always want some psychologist or a super newfangled coach to torment an already bleeding wound, while assigning a lot of expensive sessions. Our heroes went the other way, they went to an appointment with a kayfologist! An explanatory note for the director is attached at the end of the play.
The story of one family shown in four generations. Love, friendship, choice, disappointment. Our heroes will go through everything and make their own reasonable conclusions, some of which are likely to surprise you greatly.
Birthday. Guests, congratulations, gifts! Everything is the same as everyone else, everything is the same as always… But not this time! Fate has given the birthday boy its surprise. Yes, even what! It's not from God, it's not from the devil. Let's try to figure it out together by getting acquainted with the comedy "Hero of the Day"!