Nikolay Lakutin - A play for 4 people. Comedy. Gadgets

A play for 4 people. Comedy. Gadgets
Название: A play for 4 people. Comedy. Gadgets
Жанры: Кинематограф / театр | Пьесы и драматургия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "A play for 4 people. Comedy. Gadgets"

The virtual world is a real plague of the 21st century. She hooked everyone who came into contact with civilization at least a little, especially children. Our children and grandchildren are no longer interested in anything except messengers, social networks, videos and virtual games, and meanwhile, life is passing by. It is quite obvious that something needs to be done about it! How our heroes solved this issue, you will learn in the comedy "Gadgets".

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Comedy for 4 people in three acts (12+)

Duration 2 hours.

An explanatory note for the director is attached at the end of the play.


Alla is a mom.

Sergey is a dad.

Vitalik is a minor son.

Inga is the same age as her son.

The roles of Vitalik and Inga are provided for playing, both by young performers and adult actors, taking into account the corresponding transformation. The played age is 16-17 years old.

Act One

Scene 1. The end of patience

Equipped family apartment. Vitalik is sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, wearing headphones, with a smart watch on his arm. The phone is buzzing, dripping on the nerves of his parents.

Vitalik (disgustingly, viciously, tearfully). Verniiiiiiiiiite telefoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…


Vitalik (disgustingly, viciously, tearfully). Well, give aaaaaaaaaaaaaayte the phone!

In response, silence.

Vitalik (disgustingly, viciously, tearfully). This is a moooooo phone, you have no right to take it away from me!

In response, silence.

Vitalik (busily, impudently, blackmailing). I will call the police, tell them that my family is being mistreated, they will punish you! You will be imprisoned!

The heavy tread of his father's footsteps is heard, Vitalik takes off from his place and runs away. He stands behind the glass, locked in the bathroom.

An enraged father enters the room with a belt in his hand.

A worried mother minces behind him.

Alla (worried, calming her husband). Seryozha, please, just calm down. I'm begging you, control yourself.

Sergey (nervously, on edge). I'll call him, I'll call his ass right now. (He shouts to his son through the glass of the door.) Have I ever touched you with a finger in my whole life? Come out, parasite, we will change the algorithms of education. Words and beliefs are no good. Only rudeness and impunity in response!

Alla (worried, calming her husband). Seryozha, please, let's not get nervous.

Sergey (nervously, on edge, to his wife). What, without nerves? Now there is no way without nerves! Still exhausted, our beloved son, our little blood. All the attention, care, affection and forgiveness to him, so the blackmailer grew up. He will call. (Shouts to her son behind the glass.) Come on, call! I'll even return your phone to you in this case and tell you the number. Call-call! Tell me that they're bullying you, that you're having a bad life. They'll take you away in no time, just not my mother and me, but you. You from us! And they will be assigned to an orphanage. And if you think that there you will have: smartphones, tablets, computers, care, attention, help, support, delicious food and fashionable clothes, then you are very much mistaken, my dear! You'll have punches, punches, punches and more punches there. And from the curators and from fellow soldiers. They'll put your head in place there at once and the honours will evaporate in no time. Only now, my dear, there will be no way back home later.

The father moves away from the door, throws the belt nervously aside, Alla immediately picks up the belt and cautiously looking around, takes it to a safe place, away from sin.

Sergey (nervously, pacing the room). He will call… The treatment to him, you see, is cruel. You at least. (He shouts to his son.) Do you even know what abuse is? Have you ever come close to him? You couldn't even see him in the movies, you're still sitting in your anime, brodilki, and shooting games. Completely distanced from the real world. Do you even know what year it is, son? What country do you live in, what time of year is it now?

Was the last time you looked at food with your eyes? Still, you drag it into your mouth without looking! After all, you live entirely and completely in your smartphone, yet the attention is there. (Takes a breath.) We eat with a smartphone, we dress with a smartphone, we go to school with a smartphone in hand, what you look at on the road is unclear. In the classroom, and the fact that you don't clean your smartphone, teachers complain. We write all the tasks with GDZ, we find all the answers on the Internet. And if they turn off the Internet, how will you live? You're not capable of anything without a smartphone anymore! Have we taught you a single skill all your life – poking at the monitor with your finger? (He takes a breather and continues again, all that is painful, with renewed vigor.) You don't need anything in life, just smartphones, other devices, and gadgets on your mind! Yes, he also decided to frighten his parents with the police! (Tired, doomed.) Gadgets – gadgets… (Turning to his son behind the glass.) What a bastard you are, son! The bastard is!

Alla is coming back. She's between two fires. And I feel sorry for my son and my husband seems to be right.

Sergey (wearily, philosophically, to his wife). Although …, you know, Alla, perhaps, that the bastard, in this situation, is no longer even our son, you and I are bastards …, since we allowed such dependence. Not saved.

Alla (hesitantly). Seryozha, well, really. We don't have him that much…

Sergey (interrupts nervously). So much, Alla! So much! (Making a face, parading the softness of his wife.) Vitalik, here's a smartphone of the latest model for you. Here's Vitalenka unlimited Internet for you. Here's some money for you, my son, to upgrade the players' weapons. Streams, donations… Soon the child will not be lost in the illusory world, he will soon forget how to speak a normal human language! And he'll teach you and me at the same time!

Alla (indecisively protesting). Well, really…

Sergey (nervously). So much for you! (Sighing.) There was a normal kid. He could saw and plan. He built huts, drove football. With the girls, with the boys, they came up with their own games, talked, hung out, interacted! As soon as this damned smartphone appeared – that's it! Everything in life was not necessary at once! What kind of an attack is this. Who invented this dibilizing agent!

Alla herself is watching something on her smartphone at this time. She smiles, distracted by the message that came to her, but when she hears her husband's words, she gets distracted, agrees, removes the phone.

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