Nikolay Lakutin - MESSAGE

Название: MESSAGE
Жанры: Городское фэнтези | Русское фэнтези | Зарубежная фантастика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2019
О чем книга "MESSAGE"

All events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence names, surnames and positions characters with real names survivors or deceased people, and also occurred with someone in life events absolutely accidental and utterly unintentional.

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.

Just a movie

Every once in a while, watching sci – Fi movies that are mostly of American origin, I wonder how they know that. Of course, in the films show only a small piece of truth, and then led to the side, distorting the meaning and rearranging everything upside down, but I do not need to chew every frame in order to understand the encrypted messages, which in most cases I am notified in advance…

Watch the 2006 lake House movie with Keanu Reeves and Sandra bullock those who haven't done it yet. It's just a movie, but it's one of those movies that's based on real events. And if you're interested, I'll tell you about a friend of mine with a similar story. I'll tell you how it happens in life, not in the movies.


"Lake house" is the name of the film I watched in 2017. More precisely, I started to watch it, but less than half of the film, as I watched a completely different movie. I was looking at the screen, but I saw a completely different story … a story that started 33 years ago.…

Ukraine, 1984. The feast, the song, the wedding of my friend. She was sitting right in front of me, a friend of the bride, her name was Lesya.

Under toasts, jokes and songs we from time to time exchanged glances with her, noticing in a smile of each other something so easy, pure, primordial and unique. We both knew love was born that way.…

This year there was a canadian animated film "Paradise", I invited her to a movie on this picture. The film is so-so, but the melody, which later became known as "the Lonely shepherd" -it somehow immediately sunk into the soul, because it very accurately reflected the purity of thoughts, the state of lightness and our attitude to each other, which fleetingly formed a couple of days ago at the festive table.

Was sitting in the theater silently, not whispering, but whispering our souls. We had no idea what it was or how it could be, but we felt very well that it was happening. Since then, there were many more trips to the movies, there were beautiful moments, there was everything a young couple can dream of in twenty years. This went on for three years. And exactly three years later, at the wedding of a friend the guy was killed by the accidental stroke of a knife in the scuffle, which at weddings are not uncommon. This guy just went to another city, said to a friend's wedding … and never came back. Where, to whom – no one knew.

since I don't like weddings…

In the same 1987 was born I – Lakutin Nikolai Vladimirovich. Russia.

Life did not spoil me too much, but I will not go into the pitiful stories that filled my path. In 2016, a completely "random" way I met on the Internet with a woman who was a little over fifty. She introduced herself as Alesya. In the comments of the community we both belonged to, some of us clung to the comment left, and there was mutual interest.

As we communicated, we penetrated deeper into each other, feeling and understanding indecently. It looked a little strange. First-the age difference, I was 29 years old. Secondly-She lives in Ukraine, I am in Russia. Thirdly, she has a strong family, a husband and four children, I have a wonderful family, a wife and two children. Almost nothing in common. Interests are different, tasks, goals are different, children are also not relevant to discuss, because they have a significant difference in years. And, nevertheless, for some reason this thin but strong connection was formed.

She wrote to me every day, slept by night, sharing their experiences and tender feelings which were afraid to admit to herself. Because it's both funny and sad. A woman falls in love with a guy who is younger than her by 30 years, is in another country and what is most interesting-almost nothing about himself. It's nonsense. After all, I really do not spread about myself. In addition to the name of me almost no one knows anything, except that I write unusual books. By the way, I felt it too. We communicated a little less than a year, but as if we had lived together for several years.

So, I started watching the movie "lake House". And quickly in front of me was completely restored picture. This woman, after a couple months of communication I wrote – "Call me Les".

I finally understand why I can't stand weddings. No, I like it when people get married, and I happily honk on the road passing towards wedding carts, but at the wedding of my friends and relatives, I always appeared only for a few minutes to congratulate and disappear. I managed to endure my wedding, but I cut the program to a minimum, and introduced a rigid framework of the event, which set against myself my wife's relatives for the next 15 years of marriage.

In the film, the main characters all work, they somehow meet, reducing the spatial difference of two years to zero. I now quite understand that life can play such a joke, and moreover, does it constantly, because we all meet in every new life with the same actors who played in the past pictures. But I somehow did not think that it is possible to meet one fellow traveler in different bodies. It was possible.

She saw my photo, knew my name and read some of my books. I didn't see her face, didn't hear her voice. We only communicated through messages, but these messages showed the connection formed 30 years earlier. All issues were resolved.

She wrote to me every day, but when I remembered everything and realized, my sent letter remained unanswered. Days passed, and the answer never came, and the letter remained unread. The system we're in doesn't like to be exposed. So I decided not to go into these questions in the case of ever received an answer and the next day came the answer, quote:

I'm sorry for interrupting the conversation so suddenly .all as it sometimes does not depend on me.

You're right, it's been about that long.....and I don't have to remember–I just haven't been able to forget the love of the name(...............)

I really don't know anything about that man and I'll never know.

Then I suggested not to return to this topic and did not go into details, so as not to derail the mind of my unforgettable love, who survived death. Everything went as it should.

Nature always follows the simplest path. There is no need to rewrite the stories of all those participants who go along with us, to compress and expand the time of each of us, to adjust to something, to reduce to a common denominator. All this happens, of course, but at a different level, at a different price and for a different purpose. As regards individual people from different times – Yes, it's possible, but to meet again, you must die.

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