This book is quite expensive for both understanding and life in General, in particular for the financial situation of those who undertake to read it. If this moment is not afraid, after reading the subconscious will show You the amount that will need to be credited to the account of the author, contacts for communication you will find at the bottom of this work. Full version of the book " Teleportation. Technic. Opportunities. Consequences " with illustrations and explanations You will find on the official website of Nikolai Lakutin, it is given at the end of the book. Think ten times before you read on. This is dangerous fiction.
To all those who are skeptical about this information, I suggest to perceive this work as another fantasy of Nikolai Lakutin. However, if you ever read this work and get acquainted with the facts, historical reports and the proposed technique, it is unlikely that you will then return to normal life, the one you live now. If you are satisfied, that's fine. Then don't pay any attention to what you've seen here.
All those who consciously plans to link their lives with teleportation-welcome. But this information is paid. I'll explain why. The fact is that most people are not ready to acquire this knowledge. If they find out about how to perform the teleportation, you will begin to Rob, to expose, to kidnap… the world will turn into chaos. This information is only available for those who do not need money. For those who have already known all the worldly goods and achieved all that he wanted. Such people are unlikely to use powers of teleportation to the detriment of society. Among other things, the development of technology still needs time. Ah and on case destructive behavior negligent teleports, I described several situations, which already had place be. I doubt you want to expose yourself after reading. In General, all those who are ready for a new level of presence on Earth are welcome. The world is much more interesting and complete than it seems.
One of the smallest particles of time, among the Slavic-Aryan peoples, our ancestors, was called-SIG, it was depicted as a Rune in the form of lightning.
The most rapid displacement with one seats on another was defined, as 1 whitefish, hence and old Russians expression: sigat, siganut.
What is 1 SIG, in modern units of time?
The answer makes anyone think, in 1 second contains 300244992 whitefish, and 1 whitefish, approximately, is equal to 30 oscillations of the electromagnetic wave of the cesium atom, taken as the basis for modern atomic clocks. Why did our ancestors need such small quantities?
The answer is simple, to measure the necessary processes. For example: the ancient expressions whitefish, siganut in the modern Russian language means – teleport.
Until the Wright brothers showed up and proved otherwise, it was thought impossible to take to the skies on machines that were heavier than air, just as it was with teleportation. Most people believe that matter cannot be transported through space, but they do not know that they have long been able to do so…
Before you pass on information about how to learn teleportation and apply it in everyday life, I must warn You about what awaits You in the event that You seriously decided at all costs to master the technique of teleportation.
The first thing to start this conversation is the so-called "side effects", what can happen in the process of mastering this information and then-practice.
The possibility of teleportation
There are two ways to achieve teleportation:
1. Technological method, based on the teleporters
2. The development of teleportation in a natural way
Both ways are dangerous, but effective. Now I will explain what it is about and what "pitfalls" are present in both cases.
Technological way to achieve teleportation
Obtaining technologically teleported objects is used on our planet not too long ago. In the middle of the 20th century, around the 1960s began the first practical experiments on the manufacture of telepods, devices that move objects in space. To move living beings did not yet know how.
To date, there are several very advanced technological telepods, differing principles of operation. They are able to move both objects and living creatures, animals, people.
But the technological method has a lot of disadvantages. Here it is not even that there is no possibility to move uncontrollably, most, in any place and time, the problem is much more serious.
Computers, programs and all human developments are able to work with matter. And the person has at least seven bodies, depending on how you count and at what angle to consider. So, the physical body, matter, to throw with the help of a telepod is not difficult. But the rest of the bodies technique can not work, and hardly learn someday to do it.
It turns out that the astral, mental, causal, and other information bodies of man lose it. Why are people after you move the technological way some time is in prostration? Because information-energy bodies of the person find a body of the dwelling with time shift. The moment of throwing the body from point " A "to point" B " does not coincide in time with the movement of human light bodies. In addition, at the time of transfer of material of the physical body, all other bodies lose their physical, and find it in the destination only after a few seconds, and then nastigayut your biological (body). It would seem a fraction of a second is not much, but it is enough to cause irreversible reactions in the human body. Periodic "juggling" of the body by means of technological installations leads to the fact that the spirit leaves the disobedient body, simply put, a person will die with a bouquet of incurable painful diseases.
The development of teleportation in a natural way
The method of mastering teleportation in a natural way is much more convenient. This process is coordinated, unlike technological. All bodies move at the same time, no misalignment and stratification occurs. It is possible to teleport whenever and wherever you want without any devices, supervisors and controllers in the dense plan.
There is no movement speed at all, the mechanism works in a completely different way.
The speed of movement from point " A "to point" B " does not exist, there is a transition through the void, which is much more efficient and mobile even compared to the speed of light. It is difficult to understand an unprepared person, but for understanding, I will say that flying saucers move in this way. They seem to push the space and at the time of movement are out of space, which is why they do not see even the most modern radars. Just do not track and You, unless of course will not be with a mobile phone, various chips and devices. Many extraterrestrials would take decades to get from their galaxies to ours, even at the constant speed of light. I personally know a person, a girl, who met with gray aliens, so you can not doubt their existence. In the books of Drunvalo Melchizidek (You will find it in the list of recommended literature) partially describes the process of creation and operation. But understanding comes long to ordinary consciousness. Here it is better just to trust yourself, your consciousness and go from one place to another through emptiness, through space, through a single connection with all things.