Nikolay Lakutin - Grey Eminence

Grey Eminence
Название: Grey Eminence
Жанры: Мистика | Детективное фэнтези | Историческая фантастика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2019
О чем книга "Grey Eminence"

I don't know what you look like, how long you've been around, or where you live, but I figured you out… All events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence of names, surnames and positions of the characters with the real names of living or deceased persons, and took place with anyone in life events is purely coincidental and completely unintentional.

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.

Victory day

You will be surprised, but to fully understand the celebration of victory day we have to start with football. Once I wrote about it briefly now decipher.

Since ancient times on this planet there were two clear leaders, ordinary, seemingly human. They were endowed with the same abilities, which then possessed all people, but went on. Very rapidly was the growth of their spiritual development, knowledge and entered one continuous stream in their heads. They clearly began to stand out from the rest, therefore, and noticed each other. To exchange experience and strengthen their knowledge and level of development, it was decided to merge. These two people have reached such a stage of development that they were allowed from above to take patronage over the processes of development of human society of the Earth. They were called to bring their knowledge and experience to people, to unite all in a single system based on love, on pure, true unconditional love, opening access to the knowledge of the universe, the path to the creators and founders of all visible and invisible.

These two men have been worthy of almost all human trials, and only one failed to pass the test of power, the most difficult of all. This test, like most of the ones you know, is the creation of an even more evolved being known to all under the pseudonym "Satan", who vigilantly watched the formation of the two greatest personalities. Satan has many names, many abilities, many talents, and many experiences. And yet he is not the most developed man on Earth.

I didn't misprint, friends, one of the most startling facts of the biography about Satan for me too was the fact that Satan is a man. A person who has reached a very high level of development of his true essence. He was not the first who was honored to come out of the circle of reincarnations, but he was the first who chose to continue to serve on Earth, although he had the choice to go to a completely different level, a completely different world, if you can call it that. Anyone who only touches this "world" will never want to return to Earth or any other planet, because there is really beautiful. Love there is not the Foundation of society, but the main and only element of which everything consists. It is a world of Light in which everything lives by unconditional love for everything. None of the drugs that exist today can still give a hundredth of those blissful sensations that pulsate in abundance and permeate the whole bright world of our one God. So Satan took upon himself the burden to serve on Earth for the sake of a beautiful future existence and to work on the formation and enlightenment of human SOULS, to promote their strongest and fastest development than it was before. For this was created by primary seven vices:

– pride;



– anger;

– debauchery;

– gluttony;

– laziness.

In such circumstances, the freedom of choice of each person became more apparent. Now she had to be determined every day, and even more than once. In such circumstances, the spiritual growth of the population went much faster, though the balancing side also began to develop actively in the negative direction. But Satan could not do anything about it, for it was only the choice of the people, their sacred right. The issue with a particularly naughty solved through re-incarnation. But now man on Earth was incarnated not 9 times alternately man and woman, as it was before, and out of the circle of reincarnations. Now the number of reincarnations was as much as need until the human Soul has not worked through all of their flaws of past lives. Now it may be 20 and 100 rebirths, time ceased to have meaning for this group of SOULS, important, was only the result.

But let us return to two actively developing personalities who were allowed to take power into their own hands and contribute to the spiritual development of mankind on Earth. Satan sincerely admired them, because, as he once passed this way. He was heartily ill and rejoiced for each successful passing of these two people placed them traps. And now, the last test was the test of power. By that time, the two leaders had organized a circle of the most capable and outstanding people in different fields. Their number was twenty people. And at the last moment, they did not pass the test of power, decided to stop being a part of the General system, the prospect of becoming the leaders of the planet seemed more interesting… So it happened. Now, instead of giving people knowledge, they began to do everything to ensure that people did not receive this knowledge, did not see the light and did not drop their leaders from Olympus. In greedy interests two lions in one cage couldn't get along therefore they were divided into two teams, on ten people of subordinates and the chief Executive – the eleventh.

These two leaders were well aware that they can not fight with each other, too much was the power of each other, so they just distributed among themselves spheres of influence and began to play one common game. As a symbol of this scheme in the foreseeable future after the division there was a world-famous game of football, which instantly spread around the world. The gist of it is that two teams of 11 people kicking a ball. The ball symbolizes the planet Earth, which is played for a long time two teams of the powerful.

I hope I answered the question of why famous players, pleasing their game to the ruling elite, earn unimaginable money. Who and in the name of what finances football and elevates to the rank of the main game in the world.

All wars, economic crises and other human upheavals began to occur with the clear leadership of these two organizations. They plan their activities for hundreds of years in the near future and for millennia in the long term. How do they do it, given the average life expectancy of 40-70 years?

Very simply. At a certain stage of development, a person can consciously reborn into a new body of the child, choose parents, the desired genetic set of chromosomes and all data from a subtle plan, keeping all the experience of previous incarnations. For the two leaders and their entourage – this process is not difficult. So they live for thousands of years, periodically updating the body. By the way, the average duration of their life from 150 to 300 years in one body, there are many techniques to extend the life of the body and keep it young.

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