Nikolay Lakutin - Check!

Название: Check!
Жанры: Короткие любовные романы | Семейная психология
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2019
О чем книга "Check!"

Dear ladies, I understand your curiosity, attempts at self-assertion and feelings of importance. All this at a certain stage-fine, but in moderation! You're playing a dangerous game…Содержит нецензурную брань.

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.


Lunch break in the wholesale company for the sale of floor coverings came to an end. In the dining room constructed by collective forces, there was the last occupied table. Ladies did not hurry to disperse, the subject of rough discussion was too attractive. From one of the employees left her husband.

They're all assholes. Okay! – the top emotionally parried Yana-a broken woman who considered herself a girl and forced to consider everyone else so.

Oh, and don't tell me who other-that was supported by the Olga, looking at the tears left by her husband of Inga, a friend sitting opposite.

About in this way the conversation lasted nearly an hour. But at the table sat four women, and in conversation for the most part participated only three.

– What you are silent, Tanya-once again took the initiative brisk Yana – support friends. I propose to raise the last remnants of juice in our glasses to these bastards know their place under our heel!

Jan eagerly picked up the glass, Olya, Inga did the same thing, but Tanya is not supported. She did not touch her glass, though it was not empty.

– Hey, girl, what are you? Feel sorry for them? – asked Olya, translating Yana's disapproving look.

Guys, I'm not going to raise a glass to these words. Ian, don't take it personally, I'm very nice to you, as I am to all of you, but I still don't think that all men are such bastards. Yes, Inga, I understand the situation is unpleasant, but life does not end there. This fate took – said thank you and meet another, decent. And if to say that all goats and villains, then there are no options at all. Well, there's nothing to hope for.

– Of course, you speak well, my husband was lucky. However, I'm talking about their thought so too not so long ago, – said Inga adjusting her mascara tears. Sorry, I'm not hinting.

And by the way, why do you think your Daniel angel? I would say that he is very careful and in this regard, well done, if you think so many years it is true and decent, but how do you know if it really is? – Ian was.

Ooh … – shrugged it off Tanya.

– No, seriously – do not let Ian – are you sure your husband is faithful and honest?

– Yes! – unambiguously answered Tanya.

Olga and Inga quietly watching the developments, anticipating that it will not end well, but to get into the conversation hesitated, Jana was the clear leader and didn't like when she snapped.

– Well, it's easy to check. Let's bet on anything. I'll prove to you he's just like everyone else.

– Yana, come on, I don't want anything to argue and even more to argue on her husband. What you're offering me, really. Imagine if I offered to bet on your Ruslanchik?

I'm not proud. My Ruslanchik such same shit, as and all the rest. He's just the better shit. Besides, I'm pretty well supported. I understand that besides me, he has other Babes, but what can you do, man, what to expect from them fidelity. He has advantages, for which I'm with him. But I'm not saying that he is faithful, to check it is not necessary, especially sorry to you.

– Why do I look so bad? I'm not good for anything, in your mind?

That's not what I wanted to say, in General, not important. It is important that the goats are. That's all she wrote.

– Your right to think so. I'm not going to change anyone's mind. But for Daniel I can vouch for him and believe that he's not the only decent man on Earth.

– What are you talking about? Vouch? I'm here now with the girls say-give me a week, and I will bring to clean water your faithful.

– What do you mean by that?

– I mean, your Daniel is just as much a dog as anyone. If I want it, it'll be at my feet in a week!

– You think too highly of yourself, girlfriend. Yes, you look after yourself better than I and many others, but this does not mean that every man will fall on his knees in front of you at the slightest your desire.

– Check?

Don't be ridiculous.

"Scared?" That's it. So do not claim what you do not know. Believe me, I've seen enough of these faithful-with a victorious speech leaned back in his chair Jan.

– Well, lunch ended, I went to work – had to defuse the situation Inga.

– Yes, Olga supported, collecting plates in a stack.

– What if after a week you'll be up to the lantern to my Daniel? – suddenly has now issued Tanya.

Jan promiscuos a few seconds with a satisfied smile, then took a neck a gold necklace with rubies. Spread out on the table and the stones began to play in the light attracting the attention of friends and even the cook with an assistant.

Like it? In that year, he was given five years of marriage. Months later he drove by this beauty, hinted gently. Reached. If you agree to an argument and I lose it, the necklace is yours. But if I win, I'll see it through. I will seduce your husband, now I will sleep with him on principle, then I will wipe my feet on him and return him to the defeated party.

– Even so?

– Just so. Anyway, since you're so sure, you have nothing to fear. I only risk. What's up?

Don't you feel sorry for the necklace?

– Sorry about the bee in the ass. I'd say that had stolen, will buy even better.

Tanya shook his head sympathetically, then looked at the friends who have forgotten about what you were crying an hour ago, and sincerely rejoiced that I was not at the place of Taani. It is unknown what they would have chosen in her place, to give the opinion and to break, or to risk the loyalty to the spouse. And the risk is quite serious, knowing that Yana is a Pro, smart bitch, elegant beauty and depraved sex in one person. Friend understand that to resist a man in front of her, not even the impotent.

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