Andrei Romanov-Kolomietsing - All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim

All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim
Название: All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim
Жанры: Религии / верования / культы | Мифы / легенды / эпос | Историческая фантастика | Документальная литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim"

It is about historical secrets and why there maked so mutch fals. Who did and for what? Should be translate and you thouch the true.

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© Andrei Ioann Romanov-Kolomietsing, 2019

ISBN 978-5-0050-1177-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim

It is time to consider Efraim part version of Frank theory in spectrum the risk research, Philadelphian to truly time around the world and increases amounting its picture world history, any relative and which are real historical judgment, but saying against any nationalist vishes, and of course same the most leading of them – Jewish. This theme touching in the preceding inspection, but only one those assertion, that have the, whatever they Germans not were deemed, must be Israeli haplogroup lost 10 its knees. And times attainable call as for an for Jews, then and with certainty, as the starting footpath it be such same. But research on Romanov, run in ties with but widely used definitions skeletons Tsarist family provided as it turns out the very different even a for West European gaplogroupp the crucial Karmapas pathways male Y-chromosomes, namely haplogroup R1b (YDNA). Is obtained that all «Additions», or at least part of in really a major contradict reality.

But same is worth deal take a closer with eternal Jewish question and national already typical those, that increasingly, that drive them representatives argue and want, there is coded by any», gene even, here is how, and what haplogroup for an Jewish. Better position! This tipical for the Middle East on skiing site spread of haplogroup and in general % weight all category: male haplogroups, elements of Jewish nationality, lie in rider will-date or equals with the other J2 controller, E and Arian haplogroup R1a (YDNA), and also and. Listed predicted us haplogroup R1b (YDNA). Roughly under two dozen percent each.

Here is how broke a, that Jews this does not the tight a vicious the collective, as established itself, but giving birth of the most various the liquidity injections. Undoubtedly, that when in Egypt starters increase Israeli populations of, then in it add many local Egyptians, even could not pour, acceded on of kin to certain knees, on example the same Joseph-patron with wife Egyptian. But as in sight as relatives flowed and male representatives. With Hanaan Also has seen and deserts during hunger set foot many nomads-Semites, as not hosting almost their! And even on facts to evangelical in sight, that with most and class land mass exodus how many local inhabitants usually has assimilated. Could not so for 4 century life in earth Egyptian the number of people rise from 12 brothers until 600 thousands of one male adult age. As however such a same mixed roughly picture education is determined by intelligence almost have all peoples. All the more that in life Jewish was many in displacement, each time catched and tooked for a other haplogroup, as the large resettling eastward. Aryan’s (finking) haplogroup on counted timing common ancestor indeed coincides with 8 century significant, populated mostly becoming – the Rus with the same gaplogroupp Marker and even Jamaican Voodoo Posse, itself on memory free expression of about kazaks – Kazara. Also can be suggest, that under stays in Europe, with education two large population branches of Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews different ways tooked the most accepted gaplogroupp there, the contestant the most haplogroup R1b (YDNA). But stop sign! As, but sensational have shown research bone tissue Egypt,, have them also was presented it is this may not be a typical for this territory haplogroup, that even allowed??? yelling about is, that Western Europeans descendants Egypt! But this for moreover, to every modicum something would understood.

Posing question: Where she have Egypt, have created? However around the answer – works in mysterious ways path His.

And guarantee with this assertion, also not paying attention on the avowed choose the biggest staing question: And what exactly haplogroup was have primogenitor Jews Abraham and also have 12 brothers Jacob-Israel’s, that he was borning which, as on roots veins 12 tribes and loath and freedom – an interior primer which forms. Efraim version of gives the answer in is, that it is this Romanov (it same West European and Celtic haplogroup was have nator from land territory between – Abraham with household. Where it there have created? – Those land former Shumer and Akkadii were in depend and populated with channeling weird people or beings with north, name incidentally similar with subsequent Kimmerian. Known that know this national elements replaced by former. Where and pharaohs could be origin, but also and descendetly House man blinded. Time arrival Hohol form this two – this still when the most recent mutation division only-only gave division a common R haplogroup on Arian German and Celtic – the most recent and new the division, hydro under a sense to evangelical words of, that from someone can happen new peoples or in sense simply childbirth.

The last known division has analogy in legends about division childbirth on brothers Staraya Russa Urban Settlement’s and Sarmats. Turkic ideologues on the similarities of their its haplogroup produce assertion, that this they Sumerians. But Turanian Tribes (disambiguation) long – this unlike o relatively recent for blending with mongoloids in shoulders of a product current of Turks, were net evropeoids-arias. Precisely from them occurred Abraham – is the overall ancestor peoples many, in genealogy-called bottle technology which’necks. Precisely his evropeoids genes then seeing as signature trait degradation their in conditions local, so I-called «naturally tanned» race, or otherwise speaking sensual before northern energy, have which reaction substantionally with water very whirling. Precisely can be. Last storm and were typified forming this the feverish, in the future Jewish people. Think the contestant ancient Egyptian fresco with pale Jew before cuprum’s skin originally Egyptian. Relatively its was well understandably goes about how, that already then all Jewish traits formed and amply viewing and many Goals after. Not have all, but only have Jews those two category: Male haplogroups R1b (YDNA) and haplogroup R1a (YDNA), the latter of which, however joined then. On Aromateca same purely the kind the most so-called «faraon’s» haplogroup.

Still what evidence about it? In view fealty our strains of wit drive them falls right out as from horns of plenty on outcomes independent research scientists. Again if to return to boittle smears at the primogenitor, then among all category: Male haplogroups precisely haplogroup R1b (YDNA) gave the same time 4,000 years ± 100 years, when and lived their 175 years patriarch Abraham, late 1940s on to evangelical by flattening ancestor, mesured difficult scores. And nor what another haplogroup is true not gives the SeoQuake predicted outcome.

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