Sergey Vedenyo - Chance thoughts

Chance thoughts
Название: Chance thoughts
Жанр: Афоризмы и цитаты
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Chance thoughts"

The e-book «Chance thoughts» represents aphorisms, quotations, maxims and chance thoughts by the author regarding absolutely different topics. Here there are phantasies and illusions, impressions and delusions, love and dreams, instincts and mistakes, will and despair. The long and the short of it, all questions to which the author gives answers every day, every hour and every minute. Sometimes they look like a Zen Buddhist koan, sometimes like a Japanese haiku, sometimes like a Russian proverb.

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A chance thought does not aspire to be true, just as the truth does not claim to be permanent.

Do not stand in the way of a dreamer. His dream may end up being much more powerful than its owner.

It really isn’t frightening to start something new. No one will notice your mistakes.

Behind every excuse follows regret.

If your dream comes true, it becomes your friend. If not, it becomes your enemy.

A truly lovely girlfriend doesn’t always say lovely words.

Forgiveness is asked for more often than it’s given.

In all societies, there are people who need food but not sympathy, and those who need sympathy but not food.

My purpose in writing is most definitely not to make you think. For your purpose in thinking is not to make me write.

People take the most offence at what they believe in least.

No one falls out of love unchanged. But everyone goes back to their old mistakes.

Fear and joy sleep in the same bed.

When you roam around someone else’s dreams, you never know where you will awake.

Desire attracts. Enthusiasm repulses.

Sometimes, things don’t happen as we would like them to. But we could also see that as luck.

A loving thought’s aim is the heart.

Our mistakes are always a disappointment. But our disappointments are not always a mistake.

Style is a personal reality.

The more you understand, the less others understand you.

If a woman doesn’t joke back, it means she doesn't want it.

Goodness, how long I have been mistaken! It turns out that I’m good.

A person who deceives himself is most afraid of being deceived by someone else.

It is harder than anything to deceive a sincere person – he knows what openheartedness is.

However healthy your lifestyle is, the worst possibility remains – that people might not like you.

Nothing good will happen until you believe in it.

Alcohol allows you to love what you fear, and makes you fear what you most love.

Sometimes we know whom to phone, but don't know where there are; sometimes we love someone, but don't know whom.

To go beyond limits, you must first come to them.

There's only one way to change your life. Make it better.

No science of survival will replace the love of life.

Whatever sort of falsity we could make out of the meaning of life, life itself will be always wonderful.

When people fear loss much more than they wish to find something, there begins great mundanity.

The power of every government depends on its attitude towards its own culture.

My words cost a lot, but for those who understand me, they are free.

If you are sad because you know a lot, then nothing that you know is good.

The purpose of kind words is to alleviate pain. The target of cruel words is to aggravate joy.

When you laugh at unhappy people, happy people laugh at you.

Ultimately, whatever you have achieved, it will only be the beginning.

If someone immediately agrees to something, it might mean that he will give up just as quickly.

Forgive before saying farewell.

It's not worth going mad. If you do, you will never know about it.

When you’re not in love, you're in balance; but when you are, you’re weightless.

The thread of love intertwines the desire to possess and fear of losing at the same time.

Beauty without pain doesn’t exist.

A girl who smiles from a photograph isn’t smiling at you, but at the photographer.

To become great, you must first be brave enough to believe that you can be.

The rules of seduction are thought up by those who are seduced.

Choice is not either this or that. Choice is whether you want to or not.

The one who cries and the one who laughs will never part company.

A great master always seeks what everyone has, and finds it in every single person.

If life starts changing your plans, then it’s time to change your life.

You will only fully realize your strength after you have defeated something stronger than you.

Confidence in your talent is worth as much as the talent itself.

If you strive for joy, meaning will follow. If you strive for meaning, joy will go in a different direction.

Success comes when your own confidence becomes your credibility.

In any love story, there is more fiction than reality.

Patience is the longest word in the dictionary.

For some people, feeling unhappy is much more important that being happy.

The best evidence for the existence of independent thoughts is ability to express them.

A woman who gives evasive answers is much more attractive that one who asks direct questions.

Love produces fruit. Passion produces ashes.

You will only find out where your dream will take you after you have done all you can for it.

Discoveries are only made by open-minded people.

Let your fantasies melt into reality, but do not let reality melt into your fantasies.

Looking at a worm, every fish thinks: here is my last chance.

If you are not understood, it means that there’s something you don't understand.

In love, no one owes anyone anything.

The one who considers kindness as weakness will also consider weakness as kindness.

Innocence is not lack of experience. It is lack of ignorance.

A good teacher teaches how to gain advantage. A great teacher teaches how to give joy.

Regret about the past will not make you happy in the future.

Style is instinct; imagination; taste.

Sometimes, to get what you most want, you must give away what you most need.

When love is gone, pain remains. When pain is gone, emptiness remains. But how can emptiness be filled with any things worse?

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Обещание:«Рекламные объявления будут показываться пользователям социальных сетей на рекламных площадках до тех пор, пока на сайт книги не перейдет количество посетителей, соответствующее заказанному пакету 1150».А было:Из статистики «Продвижение»:«Посетили сайт вашей книги – 0».«Перешли в один из электронных магазинов, кликнув на кнопку „Купить книгу“ – 0».
Оборотни. Мистика. Время инквизиции и тайн.Этот рассказ был написан на конкурс "Любовь и магия". Стал призером.
На нашей планете происходит масса разрушительных процессов, большая часть из которых запущена и поддерживается человеком. Ни для кого не секрет, что многие из этих проблем сегодня находятся в острой фазе.Становится очевидным, что через 3-5 поколений наш вид ждет либо хаос, либо расцвет. И мы уже не можем пассивно наблюдать и надеяться на то, что все будет хорошо. Каждый из нас должен внести посильный вклад в реализацию благоприятного сценария. Ра