Михаил Николаевич Дудин, Маргарита Сергеевна Шахова - Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Economy (Evidence From Digital Entrepreneurship)

Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Economy (Evidence From Digital Entrepreneurship)
Название: Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Economy (Evidence From Digital Entrepreneurship)
Жанр: Микроэкономика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Economy (Evidence From Digital Entrepreneurship)"

The article defines the essence of competencies and in particular, entrepreneurial competencies, reveals the development features of the entrepreneurial competencies in the context of the digital economy, as well as considers the formation mechanisms of digital competencies, and offers the ways of their further development. The purpose of the article is to consider ways, methods, and tools for the development of entrepreneurial competencies in regard to digital entrepreneurship. The methodology includes a set of empirical (observation, generalization, inference) and quantitative (statistical analysis, dynamic analysis) research methods. Main research results.

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ISSN 0719–4706 – Volumen 7 / Número Especial / Enero – Marzo 2020 pp. 54-69

Ph. D. Mihail Nikolaevich Dudin

Market Economy Institute of RAS (MEI RAS), Russia

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Russia

[email protected]

Ph. D. (C) Oleg Fedorovich Shakhov

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) Russia

[email protected]

Ph. D. Natalia Pavlovna Ivashchenko

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Russia

[email protected]

Ph. D. (c) Margarita Sergeevna Shakhova

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Russia

[email protected]

Fecha de Recepción: 03 de agosto de 2019 – Fecha Revisión: 23 de agosto de 2019

Fecha de Aceptación: 24 de noviembre de 2019 – Fecha de Publicación: 01 de enero de 2020


The article defines the essence of competencies and in particular, entrepreneurial competencies, reveals the development features of the entrepreneurial competencies in the context of the digital economy, as well as considers the formation mechanisms of digital competencies, and offers the ways of their further development. The purpose of the article is to consider ways, methods, and tools for the development of entrepreneurial competencies in regard to digital entrepreneurship. The methodology includes a set of empirical (observation, generalization, inference) and quantitative (statistical analysis, dynamic analysis) research methods. Main research results. In terms of professional digital skills, the main objectives in the education segment include implementing approach taking into account the competence, end-to-end (cross-platform) digital competence; increasing the proportion and improving the training quality of ICT specialists; implementing a career guidance program in schools, vocational schools, and universities to identify the ablest students to work in the digital sphere; developing social elevator in the ICT sector, encouraging the development of youth digital entrepreneurship; updating the Standard Classification of Occupations, i.e., developing and approving the digital professions list (based on the requirements of the labor market and digital trends), and implementing them in specialized educational institutions. Applicable scope. The need to reform the education system in accordance with modern requirements, revision of curricula in accordance with the needs of the labor market and the requirements of employers. Conclusion. Today, digitalization and cross-platform competence are the main trends in the general labor market. The ability to use digital technologies in work is gradually becoming necessary for most specializations and occupations, i.e. is becoming end-to-end or cross-platform. Through the use of online technologies, citizens can more effectively acquire knowledge, abilities, and skills in many other areas (for example, learn languages, subjects, learn professions, etc.). Accordingly, digital literacy should be one of the key entrepreneurial competencies.


Competencies – Digitalization – Digital economy Formation and development of digital competencies

Para Citar este Artículo:

Dudin, Mihail Nikolaevich; Shakhov, Oleg Federovich; Ivashchenko, Natalia Pavlovna y Shakhova, Margarita Sergeevna. Development of entrepreneurial competencies in the economy (evidence from digital entrepreneurship). Revista Inclusiones Vol: 7 num Especial Enero-Marzo (2020): 54–68.

Licencia Creative Commons Atributtion Nom-Comercial 3.0 Uunported
(CC BY-NC 3.0)
Licencia Internacional

Active application of digital technologies in all areas of economic activity, i.e. economy digitalization has been taking place over the past few decades. The current stage can be identified as the one during which the processes of digitalization have become particularly intense. There are many aspects of digitalization, one of which is the need for all members of society to acquire digital competencies. For each individual, the acquisition of proper digital competencies is of crucial practical importance: currently, most areas of economic and business activities refuse to work directly with commercial customers and use information and communication technologies for remote communication and service. Therefore, the concept of digital competencies is constantly expanding, and it can no longer be limited exclusively to the educational field.

Materials and methods

The very concept of digitalization and its derivatives have been established in the scientific community relatively recently. It can be assumed that this concept is one of the newest in science in general. The first mention of digitalization comes in the early 1990s: then, against the background of large-scale penetration of computer technology in everyday life, it became clear that this phenomenon cannot be simply reduced to just one of the manifestations of scientific and technological progress. Tapscott D. and P. Samuelson were the authors, who laid the foundations of scientific research in digitalization as a particular phenomenon. In turn, the term of digital economy first appeared in 1995 in connection with the development of economic relations, which were based on the use of digital information and communication technologies. Since then, this term has entrenched in modern scientific circulation. In 2001, Thomas Mesenburg identified three main components of the Digital Economy concept, namely, supporting infrastructure (hardware, software, telecommunications, networks, etc.); e-business (how business processes are conducted through computer networks); and e-commerce (transfer of goods over the Internet). Currently, there is no single approach to the definition of digital economy among scientists. Thus, S. Kolyadenko considers the digital economy as such, based on the production of electronic goods and services by high-tech business structures, and the distribution of these products through e-commerce[1]. Karcheva G. defines the digital economy as an innovative dynamic economy based on the active implementation of innovation, information and communication technologies in all economic activities and living environments that allows increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of individual companies, the economy, as well as the standard of living of the population[2].

The digital economy is seen as "a set of relationships that are formed in the areas of production, distribution, exchange, and consumption, based on online technologies and aimed at meeting the needs for the benefits of life"

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